Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 Bewertung(en))

(4.09 / 5, 32 Bewertungen)

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03.02.2015, 10:01

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

As 'Slowfox' said below ...

03.02.2015, 09:51

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Those left paying are now very few indeed. This is why Eurotic are in the state they are in just now. They tried Astra ages ago and it didn't work then, so what makes them think it will work now. It will be only the most loyal fans of certain models who will spend money on these shows. They must surely be content just talking to the girls because they are not going to get anything but the softest of requests carried out now.

03.02.2015, 06:47

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

It would be interesting for a change to have an opinion, at least once in a while, from those who are actually paying.

03.02.2015, 00:54

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

yes...Sad compare the ultracensored mirror show of today and any of the past fact, cams don´t show pussys if it´s not far enough and if the legs are not closed enough; bodies showed from the side, from the back, almost no full frontals, or distant.. It´s very sad. I see not more income than usual (so apparently no -many- new customers), but the same loyal customers than always (the same who ETV disrespect everytime they say the show is for free),who have to pay now the same money for much more censored shows.

Have a good night.

03.02.2015, 00:42

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

To tired to write excuse me for my (already so bad) EnglishTongue

Not many messages/wishes tonight so far....I think it´s already has been shown what we can expect from the new censored concept/rules Tongue
And im not surprised...

We will for sure see when Roshana enters the nightshow tomorrow if the messages/wishes will reach a new low level Confused

Already many models has left...have a feeling it will be more of that in near future...

I feel sorry for the models who has to recieve all the complains/messages and have to answer them...

02.02.2015, 23:58

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Well, Lauren just performed a hot exclusive show on the platform.
The same show she had on free tv days&weeks before and for free.
But I don't know which show was more pixellated, web tv or exclusive.

So etv videos are still very annoying in regard to the picture quality.
Conclusion: If the channel would die I wouldn't miss a lot.AngryAngryAngry

02.02.2015, 23:54

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Oh yes Wilson!
Good Night CryCry

02.02.2015, 23:37

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

how sad to see the night show absolutely destroyed..SadCry

02.02.2015, 23:15

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Welcome to the new Eurotic-- same show as you would get any night of the week--- but now you have to pay. So long Eurotic ha ha.

02.02.2015, 22:55

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

interesting thing. There was the first exclusive in night show time today. For the first time, the girls on the studio had to move to the right, to leave free space on the studio for the 2 models who were making the exclusive. Exclusives upon it all.

By the way, the diva "self-edited version" sold the show as something very hot and she didn´t remove her shirt.

02.02.2015, 22:50

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

why the hell is there an exclusive show of Lara and Sellena running now (that is 22:40 CET) ? Both were in the evening show. Is this the late fulfillment of a request for a show ?

Either way everybody now can figure the principle of the future nightshows (at least until midnight or ?). The exclusive is taking place in the very same studio. Thus the girl(s) being asked just move(s) from left to right to be invisible on TV and visible in the internet only at one credit per exclusive. Back to square one, as this is how the internet era of ETV once started.

Wonder what happens when speaking with a girl being asked for an exclusive, do I also have to share a credit only to see her, besides the credits for the call ? Interesting concept, but time will tell and certainly something to discuss with them when it gets to that point.

My interest being very limited anyway a credit in addition here and there will not really kill me or make me starve, but then it is still a matter of principle....

02.02.2015, 12:43

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

What I saw from the last nightshow was ok nothing really special but alright for ETV. No girl there who says I can't take off this or cannot show that which is always a turn off for the whole show.
ok I have to admit i have no special favorite girl in this show. Therefor exclusive is a good alternative if you just want to see one girl or two girls for awhile and not the other ones.

02.02.2015, 12:38

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

jonas wrote:One of the worst nightshows ever Thumb down
The cameramen preferred Selena and destroyed Lauren`s shows Angry
the German moderator (?) was unable Thumb down
and Katharina (normally I appreciate her regie work as director!) was helpless Cry

After all, only you wait a bit and turned his eyes in a pillar when you see this praise by the Wall published. Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

02.02.2015, 12:27

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

And last night was just the beginning, not the show no longer be able to deteriorate and not a lot of healing in the future, regardless of the models !!Sad

02.02.2015, 11:36

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

One of the worst nightshows ever Thumb down
The cameramen preferred Selena and destroyed Lauren`s shows Angry
the German moderator (?) was unable Thumb down
and Katharina (normally I appreciate her regie work as director!) was helpless Cry
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