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09.03.2008, 05:46


First of all let me say that the night show had 7 beautiful girls( Hans had select them!) and if i may ,i would say my favorit girl Kaleya did a nice show,even when she stil was ill (sorry guys but that's my vision ofcourse) ,and the others girls like Malena ,Alexa,Alayah did also a perfekt show ofcourse (like they always do)but if you saw what a sms's kaleya got again  i must than that she was again the star of the show together with Alexa and Malena,first they where a lot of "get well Kaleya " sm's ofcourse ,but that's normal don't you think.And  her hair,i must say ,it was a surprice ,but i like it a lot ,i find it even more better than the curley hair she had ,so darling Kaleya i say woooow you look amazing with your new hairstyle ! 

(And ofcourse there was another thing that made the show perfekt for me and that was ofcourse a song from "Shakin'Stevens" ,so Alf thanks again mate !)

A lot of Kisses for Kaleya !!! and get well soon ! (hope the illness get's over soon ! (hope i said this last thing right) 

10.03.2008, 00:01

Re: Nightshow:08/03

To all of the posters from this site ,and friends ,please let's get not of topic plllleeeeaaassse ,or els it's goïng to close and i think ,this is not what we want!!!!!!!!About the nightshow: has anyone seen yesterday and today that there was several times sms's with the text "if anyone has problems with calling to etv that they can call that number??

and if i may come back to this topic (thats what this post is for ) i Found that Malena did a nice job ,and that she was the only one who said that she wont be givin' her slip for the oxcion(?) (sorry i forgot ,Joanna ofcourse also) well i must say ,i think she's right because it's that all that we can win? Well if i wanted to win somethin' for example from my favorit model(you all know who i mean) it would be somethin' different than her slip,(oké i would lie if i said no ,but ahah no thanks,i don't want that the m****shi of my sweetheart could catch a cold hahahah ,ahum)like for instance and i know this is goïng to look stupid but hey forgive me ,i would ask for a smile or a kiss just for you  or 3 wishes like let'ssay  :you have won 3 free sms's for sending your message to etv,or you can talk too your favorit girl for let's say 10 minutes (i know this will be over before you know it but you had 10 min.with your favorit girl ,that you don't had to pay !) or my final ,you can have your favorit girl for 5min .in close-up for you on camera and they stay with her for the 5 min.(they may not change to another girl in those 5 min.! )I know that this would be not fair for the other viewers at that time but hey the show is 6 hours long in the weekend so.And i think this could make etv not poor but i think just the oppesit(?) they get more sm's (oke that's something that stays ofcourse ,you must send some nice words to your model and they must choose who was the nice sms).Thats my oppinion ofcourse !

Best Regards to all of you and please let us all be friends on this forum !!


09.03.2008, 23:02

Re: Nightshow:08/03

It is a shame that we argue about some group of people trying to lead an erotic channel. Well for many many months they arent succesfull in doing it. If shows were good, people wouldnt be sitting here and typing stuff like me. Iveco I was only a little angry because you said that we dont have the right to say bad things about girls or moderators. Because we do. I am watching this program sometimes rather then some other channels simply because I dont like hard pornography with porno stars, but some average girls. We have a lot of those in eurotic tv. But the fact is that nowadays there are other people in charge of making shows, and shows were in last months, well every month worse. They are taking a lot of money, and give many times nothing in return. Mostly that is very costly for people that call and write messages. And just one more thing. Eurotic tv is supposed to be erotic channel, but after 3 years they dont know the difference what is erotic, and what is porn. Models are saying for themselves that they are ladies...just a poor excuse to do nothing for their whole shifts sometimes. I think also this is only a forum, we are from different countries, different religions ,so also different opinions. Personally I think we should respect each other opinions. And ETV must really decide what are they. EROTIC channel, or just like one used the word...CALL CENTER. Bye bye to you all.

09.03.2008, 22:33

Re: Nightshow:08/03

To all:

I never attacked Donna. If someone don´t understand me, I am sorry about it. I only meant if Donna change her status it is not her fault . I think the managment at ETV tells them to do it.

To Iveco: You don´t have to leave about me. It is only a discuss and that´s all. But why you call me stupid that was i didn´t understand.


09.03.2008, 22:05

Re: Nightshow:08/03

@ all: i know the rules from this page!!! Now i`m the guilty one? Ok i can life with this!! Remember: i didn`t criticize the Models or any other one her - now everyone`s against me. No problem for me! I only said that ONE guy here has simple thoughts if he said the things he did and he should watch other programs if he doesn`t like etv. He can criticize me,that`s ok for me. Where`s the problem for all the others??? If he or some others don`t understand me right,that`s not my problem! The things which were said about Desita for example some time ago could be also insult her,but nobody was interested. I`m disappointed in nearly everyone here(not you shaky)but i know that one ex-Model (NOT Donna) stays on my side;as i asked for a Donna autograph i was good enought,so a lot follows me for Donna or other autographs(including you Mauro)! Udo`s forum was better. I´m gonna leave this forum now for a long time-maybe for ever. I`ve nothing more to say!


@ Markus: i never called you stupid,i said that you`re a simple made guy - that`s a difference in my country.

@ Shaky: sorry for using your topic for this stuff!

09.03.2008, 18:43

Re: Nightshow:08/03


That topic was closed since you, and several others, are determined to talk about ANYTHING in a topic other than the purpose of the topic.

If you do not understand what I mean, I suggest that you, and several others, read the forum rules. And after you have read them, I suggest that you, and several others, read them again.

After that come back and convince me that you, and several others, are NOT hijacking topics.

This is not about denying free speech. The whole point is to have meaningful topics. If you just want to talk about anything then I suggest you, and several others, use the chatroom within this site.

Thank you.

09.03.2008, 18:38

Re: Nightshow:08/03

Hi iveco,

please read your post in that topic again. It would be very nice if you could explain to me what it had to do with the topic. I will tell you: nothing. Instead you just argued Markus76. As everybody (including me) jumped in, this went totally off topic and therefore BoardMod closed it. If you hadn’t generalized your post and focused on arguing your opponent in the case of Donna (and of course everybody else including me should have joined your lead), than this topic would still be open. Or to concretise this on this example: Markus76’ argument that he would drop this channel if Donna turns soft is a valid argumentin the sense of the board rules . Your argument, that his view of the world is much to simple is, although it might be true, not a valid argument in the sense of the board rules. If your argument would have been, that Markus76 might be seeing the things a little bit too simple because he is ignoring the possibility of some personal development Donna may have gone through during her absence, which made her change her mind, it would have been a valid argument in the sense of the board rules.
As you might see, this post your reading is totally off topic and therefore I apologize to Shaky-Schumi for what will happen to this topic.

09.03.2008, 18:11

Re: Nightshow:08/03

@ shaky: thanks for your support in that "Donna discussion"! I guess i`m gonna leave this forum,because it seems that it isn`t allowed to say his free mind in here. The mod has closed this conversation,got no chance to defend me. :-( And yes, i saw this nightshow(only 20 min) with Kaleya and her new hair looks good i must say. I`m gonna tell you the rest another time.

Best Regards


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