Never underestimate this tv...

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03.05.2009, 16:47

Never underestimate this tv...

[Part I]

I'm back from the cold jailhouse.
Do you know which was the worst condemnation in the jailhouse ? To be forced to watch 24 hours a day this "CrapTV"!
But in this thread I want to speak about something different.
A bit of data (which could be updated week after week ) at the moment I write :

week from 27/04 to 03/05 from 04/05 to 10/05
-)New models not showing tits (no courtains) : 17/21 => 80,95% 17/20 => 85,00%
-)New models (less than 12 months on "CrapTV") : 21/45 => 46,67% 20/42 => 47,62%
-)New models'employ this week [total shifts(*)] : 54/164 => 32.93% 57/167 => 34,13%
-)New models'employ in nightshifts(*) : 20/93 => 21,51% 21/96 => 21,88%

(*) The shifts,for semplicity, are calculated in the same manner as they are showed in ETV site.
(that is, for example: the nightshift from Monday 22,23 to Tuesday 0,1,2 is considered as 2 shifts and not one)
A little analysys of these data:

1) Despite of the large number of new models, their employ is very few consistent and they are very "shy".
2) Their employ becomes very low in the nightshifts, even if some girls have good potential.

Moreover all these new models are not employed in what "ETV" calls "Phone Entertainment".
So my questions are:

Is it not a bit strange that these new models are so "shy" and so little employed ?
Do you really think girls Scarlet,Maria,Mashiara,Barbie,Lia,Loretta,Julia,Giselle,... are so "shy" as "ETV" let's see ?
What's the reason for their employ in a very few shows, especially nightshows ?
What's the reason for which if one of them. Lia for example,tries to show something more, immediately she is censored by directors and camera ?

For example: It's about 3 years I see Madlen and I never saw something interesting from her.
However she is present in 2 nightshifts next week.
The same for Malena "the Virgin ": 4 nightshifts next week.
On the contrary: Scarlet, Mashiara,Julia,Loretta, Barbie: zero nightshifts !

While I was searching for an answer to these questions I remembered a phrase from DB:

< But never underestimate this tv - they do have more than one studio and more models than you actually see on your screen.>

This is a phrase from DB and it's taken here:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
post 08.04.2009, 18:41

Maybe we paid too little attention to this phrase, but
now I think it would be very interesting to know something more about these other studios
and how the girls we see very little on our screens are employed by Mr. Ressel.
From DB's words we can understand there is something else behind what we can see.
What ?

Comments are welcome.
Kind regards to all my forum friends.

05.05.2009, 13:10

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

The only fascinating thing about a Vappiano68 post is that they are long, usually very long. They do however always create a long winded although at times interesting, more often than not pointless discussion, which inevitably will be closed by Old Grizzly for one reason or another. Therafter Vappiano68 will again feel personally attacked and or persecuted and feel the need for yet another long winded post which will only succeed in polarizing further*. *with 2 e's (for those spoon fed on Chaucer ;-)

Congratulations on creating the perfect written perpetuum mobile.

My personal opinion, some people just don't know when to stop.

nothing personal Vappiano, feel free to carry on arguing here with everybody. It is a free forum and all points of view are to be regarded. Endless discussions about a Molvanian TV channel that is somewhat worse for wear, owing to circumstances beyond any posters control. That they, Transglobal are subsidizing this channel with something else is in my opinion highly likely. It is also possible that this channel is just a tax write off. These kind of things happen in big business.

05.05.2009, 12:33

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

ok I really don't know why I read all this stuff here... I mean I could have spent my time with much more entertaining things like going to the dentist or getting a colonoscopy (mmh probably I kinda like that)...

Vappiano are you not able to understand what DB or HvB trying to tell you??? And instead of responding to their arguments you only come up with even more obscure theories...

And what you wanna achieve with your weird calculating? 1 million times people here tried to tell you that the models decide themselves when they work... so if there are always the same models or only soft or cold ones in the nightshift it's sad for you and your tiny friend but writing long posts of nonsense doesn't change it.

05.05.2009, 11:13

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

Dear DB,HvB,ghostwriter2008

I understand what you mean about the "whole picture",the "logic behind" and the "reading between the lines".
I don't want to say your way of thinking it's wrong, I'll never have the presumption to say to another member: " you are wrong ". However I will make you an example to clarify my point of view:
have you some knowledge about the world of financial markets ? This world is very intricate.
Let's consider a single private investor who invest his money by himself.
Most of the times he is a victim and he will lose many of his moneys because he thinks that reading a financial newspaper or magazine he can obtain some important financial news.
Then he thinks that he owns some good news, he tries to interpret these news and he operates in the financial markets in this way, without any kind of "discipline" and rule (take profits, stop losses,......)
The rusult: he loses most of his money because he thinks to understand the future of the market.
Unfortunately nobody knows the future, so a good investor can only follow the market with "discipline".

What's the meaning if we apply this to the TV ?

1) We should be sure that the news are genuine.
2) We should be sure to be able to "decrypt" these news in the correct way.
3) Also respecting points 1) and 2) we always should compare what we "decrypt" with the reality we see.
4) Also respecting all these previous points we could continue to see something different from what we expect.

These are the reasons I make analysys and "statistics" that you deprecate.
It's only a "discipline" which can help in understanding because I doubt that news I could obtain would be genuine
and even if I was a great "decrypter" I would obtain a poor result.
(it doesn't mean that I doubt about your words or informations).
@ DB:

As regards the videos I mentioned, they are more interesting than what you think.
They are not the useless analysis you described. However if you have already condemned them ...

< Better to post some real videos >
Ok, as soon as possible.
I know HvB tastes and I'll search something for him.
If you tell me something about your tastes (about ex models) I will search something also for you.

Finally, as promised (sorry for the delay),
the re-calculation for this week without the discussed semplification:

Total broadcasting hours (all models): 804
Total broadcasting hours (new models): 273 => 33.96% ( it was 34,13% )

Nighshifts broadcastings hours (all models): 250
Nighshifts broadcastings hours (new models): 53 => 21,2% ( it was 21,88% )

So you can see the semplification works very well.

04.05.2009, 20:56

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

I've written a long post about the validity of statistical methods on a limited number of events. I scrapped it as it is unneccessary. You should know yourself about that.
But your assumption about that "one story for all viewers and all models" can't work.
I'll give you a few examples: When you enter the studio complex there is something catching your eye. Ask what it is ...
There is some art on the refrigirator and it has a reason to be there. Ask.
I could go on for hours like that. There are hundredthousends of questions like that. Do you really think someone has written them down and the models have to learn that list? No. There is only one simple way that all give the same answers: the truth ...
It's really that simple ...
So why don't you just ask?
You look to me like a pupil trying to understand Dante Alighieris "Divina Commedia" by standing in front of the teachers room and building statistics on who is entering and leaving at certain times instead of just going in and ask your questions. Sorry for that picture, haven't found a better one, but this is just intended as a picture, not as an attack.
DB was so friendly to decode some of the hints for you and revealing that he has some similar sources of information (afaik they are largely unrelated). You may have found that yourself if you had taken a closer look on whom I'm explicitely excluded from being a source of information. You just need tro take a look at it again to see who else is NOT excluded. Than you may see the whole picture.

04.05.2009, 20:10

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

But why should I waste my time in repeating something that has already been posted in the forums more than once ?

If you cannot accept that the girls decide their own work schedule then you will never accept the logic behind it.

As for that article, written over two years ago, the writer was invited to make a contribution. There are new people in charge now as you will have noticed and they do seem to run things somewhat differently. But if I were so invited I could not add anything that has not already been written in the weekly 'lessons' so again why should I waste my time.

But since your time is so precious right now I would save your energy with the 'statistics' as they are meaningless as will be the videos because you will always believe what you see. A long time ago a poster came on and claimed by analizing an hour of a program he he guage the relative amount of time a model was busy on the phone. The analysis was tosh,rubbish,crap as he assumed that a model was on the same call when the camera came back to her. So what you see in your videos will only be what you want to to see. Better to post some real videos. Atleast some of your friends will consider it worthwhile then to download.

04.05.2009, 18:59

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

@ HvB:

< There is a whole forrest of lamppost hinting on the sources of information, but as expected you didn't see even one >

As you expected I didn't find. Can you help me to find ?

< And some general logic....>

The day I became an engineer the commission told me:
"Remember, the engineer is the person who must obtain with a cent what people can obtain with 1 Euro."

I remember you told me that you taught some basics to engineers:
now,if all the models had to remember only 1 story ( and not 100s ), following your "simple logic" I would spend money
for nothing 3 times without results: maybe it's against my logic.

< works perfectly without having to divide single shifts into two to calculate some percentages on a non existant basis >

I have already explained 2 times the reason I calculated in this way:it's only to spare time, but you are not satisfied .
So,as soon as I have some minutes,later this evening,I will re-calculate without making this semplification.
I'm sure the result will be so close to that previously posted that it will be only wasted time.
However I will do it for you, but I didn't expect such remarks from a teacher for engineers ...

04.05.2009, 18:43

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

@ DB

Dear "teacher",

<Again, you want to refer to other posts or site articles. That one is quite old and I am sure that was the opinion of the writer at that time. Maybe his opinion changed when he, himself, knew more of how the tv actually worked.>

Then he could update that section with his "new opinion".

< I could also go at length of how the 'casting' system works but you would not believe it as it does not fit into your scheme of things.>

Now I am curious! I assure you I will adequate my schemes of things ...

< Censorship outside the constraints of the rules. People ............... happen with such a setup.>

Just about this subject I have noticed something interesting, which is partly different from what you described in these your lines.This will be followed by some videos, as evidence of what I noticed, but it will take some time because these days I'm busy.

As you can see it's not difficult to share your thoughts with me;
if I see a polite way towards me, I am happy to share my ideas with all forum members, both who agrees and who has other opinions.

04.05.2009, 13:57

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

@vappiano68: I expected that reply. There is a whole forrest of lamppost hinting on the sources of information, but as expected you didn't see even one.

Now for something else: Did I say that I called to get this Info? No. I just offered that as a option for you to proove what I wrote.

And some general logic: You don't believe what the models say? Here is a simple trick: Call one in the Morning, one in the afternoon and one in the night. Most probably they will all tell you the same. It is much simpler to tell the truth instead of remembering 100s of storys for hundreds of viewers .... Just simple logic.... works perfectly without having to divide single shifts into two to calculate some percentages on a non existant basis ....

04.05.2009, 13:02

Re: Never underestimate this tv...


I does not matter what anyone who does not agree with your version writes as you will find fault with their opinion.

I only wish I could name names but I do respect privacy. But this was told to me in person, not on the phone. I cannot recall her exact words but she spoke with authority having worked there for a very long time :

"In all the time I have worked there I have never seen anyone stopped from doing what they do. The channel's only wish is that they took a little more time over it rather than present it all straight away"

Another quote from another ex-model. "I go topless on the beach but I chose to remain more modest on the tv. That is my choice"

And you have a stupid notion that these girls are employed exclusively by the tv. The truth is much harder for some to accept.

1. It is a 2nd job. Even girls who you could see on many days had another job.
2. It is a part-time job either during studies or as a means to save money for travel etc

I could also go at length of how the 'casting' system works but you would not believe it as it does not fit into your scheme of things.

Censorship outside the constraints of the rules. People complain that they do not see the model they speak to. The people behind the scenes know exactly when a model is 'live' to a caller. Have you, and all the people who agree 100% with you, ever thought that the call had ended for whatever reason. Did you ever think that most calls where actually quite short - just a few minutes at most. So a camera is not going to linger on a non-earning model when others are on-line and are expected to be seen. And even when guys are prepared to stay on the line longer, the other callers do have a right to see who they talk to. Of course, calls will be terminated by the 'moving away' but that will always happen with such a setup.

Again, you want to refer to other posts or site articles. That one is quite old and I am sure that was the opinion of the writer at that time. Maybe his opinion changed when he, himself, knew more of how the tv actually worked.

04.05.2009, 12:54

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

Hi everybody !
I am not sure that last night Lia was censored : When the cameraman could do a focus on her tonga (toward midnight), he did it and we have seen a nice tonga a little transparent. Bur Lia is a barbie like others and she doesn't want to show more. Sugar tried to put off the bra but without success.

@Vappiano68: stop to polemize. At the beginning, it was funny but now it's boring...

Btw: I confess: I have look ETV a little hour tonight to see Lia and Maria and when I have understood nothing more to see, I changed channel TV.

04.05.2009, 12:16

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

Sorry for my late replies:

@ HvB

< You are not telling the truth. In fact you are pretty far away from that.
< If you don't belive me, just call and ask.>
< And to make one point clear again: I don't work for etv. I have no business relation with them. I have no personal contact with anyone currently employed by etv.>

My post is an analysys of the data everyone can see.
For the rest I made questions, nothing else.
Then you could answer to me, or make some other considerations about the data,
but I wonder how you can tell me I don't say the truth.
If you said I'm pretty far away from the truth, it means you know the truth.
But if you don't work for etv,if you have no business relations with them and no personal contact with anyone currently employed by etv, then the only "truth" you know is what a "model" or a "etv moderator" can tell you when you call them.
Knowing how ETV works ( [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig])
it's very difficult to say it can be the "truth",surely it's much more similar to the fairy tales you mentioned.
Personally I believe much more in what I see than in fairy tales (moreover I should even pay for these fairy tales...)
So I think it's more correct to make only questions to read the opinions of other forum members,like I did,
than to say "You are not telling the truth", like you did.
However I would very happy if you indicate my affirmation in this topic where I didn't say the truth,
else your accusation it's completely unfounded .
Thanks in advance


@ Bill 80

Nice to see you! So you noticed Lia's censorship too !
Have a good day!

03.05.2009, 20:50

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

"You are not telling the truth. In fact you are pretty far away from that. You just tell what you imagin to be the truth. That's just as good as believing in fairy tales ..."

HvB, I full agree with your comment for Vappiano. And I do cannot understand what he will proof with his last video!

03.05.2009, 20:09

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

I confirm there is a censorship imposed on the new models (exp: lia).
Certainly for the following reason: you have to come to use the old models before letting the new working properly.
another possible reason: etv will stop nudity.

03.05.2009, 18:16

Re: Never underestimate this tv...

Dear vappiano68,

I don't care what's clear to you and what is not. I just tell what is. If you don't belive me, just call and ask. If you say a call is wasting your money, well, than you will have to believe me or DB or someone else.

"When a person says the truth he should not fear anything." You are not telling the truth. In fact you are pretty far away from that. You just tell what you imagin to be the truth. That's just as good as believing in fairy tales ...

And to make one point clear again: I don't work for etv. I have no business relation with them. I have no personal contact with anyone currently employed by etv.

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