Last night's show

3.32 (22 Bewertung(en))

(3.32 / 5, 22 Bewertungen)

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16.10.2012, 15:32

Re: Last night's show

Wakatobi2 wrote:By the way, Moldavia is NOT, repeat NOT in the EU. So why all the restrictions about nudity?

and btw: etv is NOT, repeat NOT in Moldavia. ;)

but feel free to start another channel in Moldavia. as you can see in the forum you'll have many potential customers. Smile

16.10.2012, 14:53

Re: Last night's show

I wonder if ETV reads all this complaints about the very very very boring nightshows. If they do, they cannot read English. Of course they cannot because they live in Moldavia. By the way, Moldavia is NOT, repeat NOT in the EU. So why all the restrictions about nudity?

16.10.2012, 12:23

Re: Last night's show

Good morning to everyone, from a long time i did not see a night show so boring and depressing, start from the director, the camera operators and set design. It seemed to be a good start, but after a while it stopped altogether. Pulled ahead the show three girls, Kia Kristina and Angelina, while the other four are dormant. Some rare flash of Aida, but nothing more. Some messages have been read and ignored, sometimes with trivial excuses. Would not it be time to change something ??

13.10.2012, 15:33

Re: Last night's show

lucifer70 wrote:
Slowfox wrote:
pollopollo wrote:Hello,


I pay no more for .

can you tell how much you paid for the fta show ?

Pay for what?

that is exactly the correct question

13.10.2012, 12:23

Re: Last night's show

Slowfox wrote:
pollopollo wrote:Hello,
Yesterday the director does not understand a lot of people .
This we have seen yesterday very nice on the case of Karry .
If you look next to a model like Nikita , showing absolutely nothing , then you will show nothing .
You should first make a proper casting , then the case of karry would do alone .
Even a blind man sees the Se yourself comfortable in the daytime or evening Shw .
The night show is not.
Then comes this gelanweilte face or her really silly fuss .
I pay no more for .

can you tell how much you paid for the fta show ?

Pay for what?

12.10.2012, 22:18

Re: Last night's show

pollopollo wrote:Hello,
Yesterday the director does not understand a lot of people .
This we have seen yesterday very nice on the case of Karry .
If you look next to a model like Nikita , showing absolutely nothing , then you will show nothing .
You should first make a proper casting , then the case of karry would do alone .
Even a blind man sees the Se yourself comfortable in the daytime or evening Shw .
The night show is not.
Then comes this gelanweilte face or her really silly fuss .
I pay no more for .

can you tell how much you paid for the fta show ?

12.10.2012, 21:56

Re: Last night's show

Hello Pollopollo

last nightshow the director was Karry.
Any words?
pollopollo wrote:Hello,
Yesterday the director does not understand a lot of people .
This we have seen yesterday very nice on the case of Karry .
If you look next to a model like Nikita , showing absolutely nothing , then you will show nothing .
You should first make a proper casting , then the case of karry would do alone .
Even a blind man sees the Se yourself comfortable in the daytime or evening Shw .
The night show is not.
Then comes this gelanweilte face or her really silly fuss .
I pay no more for .

12.10.2012, 17:57

Re: Last night's show

Yesterday the director does not understand a lot of people .
This we have seen yesterday very nice on the case of Karry .
If you look next to a model like Nikita , showing absolutely nothing , then you will show nothing .
You should first make a proper casting , then the case of karry would do alone .
Even a blind man sees the Se yourself comfortable in the daytime or evening Shw .
The night show is not.
Then comes this gelanweilte face or her really silly fuss .
I pay no more for .

12.10.2012, 17:32

Re: Last night's show

We saw early on that something was not working yesterday.
The "Team" yesterday was the one behind the cams who has not been able to run the stream which nevertheless worked well in the Prem just before.
There has never been finally ELS ..Why?
Want to do it from the NS studio is a mistake for many reasons and do it outside, it is ruining a little more, the content of NS.
There is not that Karry seemed embarrassed but also Ava, Tia .... why?
I see that once again Karry is the victim of new experience that has not been tested and has resulted in a fiasco
And it is already written, it will be so, every Thursday ....

12.10.2012, 15:29

Re: Last night's show

I see anybody talks today about Karry, her team and the"exciting night". The experiment was a complete disaster, whoever was the bright brain who had the idea. With some exceptions for some moments, the girls were more static than ever, more bring than ever, and what is too easy to notice...more bored than ever. I don´t know how much Karry is responsible about this (the show was called Karry and her team) , but Karry was terrible, doing nothing, with an obvious face of being bored and anxious for getting out of there. Absolutely terrible as model and absolutely terrible as director, creative or whatever function she had. Horrible show, horrible experiment and one more dreadful line to add to Karry´s leadership shows record. Karry´s team don´t deserve such protagonim after watching this disaster, better they deserve go down to second league, but never Champions league.

I insist: her place is daytime, with that horrible useless model called Nikita. UNfortunately, that model so promising months ago, is a caricature of herself, ruining shows.

But her fans love her, and now , after my post, they will say i am wrong, she is lovely, beautiful and she is the best. Amen.

06.10.2012, 14:08

Re: Last night's show

Slowfox wrote:..... however, this is not quite correct and as said already on various occasions there is only the obligation to show the VIP message on the plasma, regardless of contents, and that is what you pay for. ...
Yes, you're right. I chose the wrong words. Confused
ETV is not obliged to meet the requirements, requirements must only showing.
However, this also implies that ETV has no obligation to comment on the SMS and constantly interrupting the most interesting shots. Angry

06.10.2012, 03:52

Re: Last night's show

ji_mar wrote:SMS wishes must to be fulfilled and not long and unnecessarily commenting.

that would be the ideal approach for almost everybody. however, this is not quite correct and as said already on various occasions there is only the obligation to show the VIP message on the plasma, regardless of contents, and that is what you pay for.

you do not pay for the fullfillment of the request in the sms.

but you are right in saying, when requests are not followed, there will be no further sms.

anyhow, I believe the comments will remain as this is what the senders want, and the remaining viewers, not sending any messages and thus of course not interested in a reply, have to accept that.


05.10.2012, 23:33

Re: Last night's show

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
lucifer70 wrote:But there's still someone who has the strength, the patience and stomach to watch these useless "show"?Cool

of course.
or do you think that a forum member would complain about shows he has not seen? ;)

Simply heroic!Big Grin

05.10.2012, 23:05

Re: Last night's show

lucifer70 wrote:But there's still someone who has the strength, the patience and stomach to watch these useless "show"?Cool

of course.
or do you think that a forum member would complain about shows he has not seen? ;)

05.10.2012, 22:51

Re: Last night's show

But there's still someone who has the strength, the patience and stomach to watch these useless "show"?Cool