Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 Bewertung(en))

(2.8 / 5, 49 Bewertungen)

Amateur models online
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05.10.2016, 01:07

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Once again I'm reading all these posts from clearly disgruntled customers so I have a serious question for those who still purchase the shows despite so many flaws.

Now I am a smoker, I am addicted but I've never once went I'm so glad I purchased that packet or have I ever felt better about myself for doing so. Is ETV simply an addiction which is why so many of you keep on going back for more in the faint hope that your next hit will be any different.

I'm not having a go at any individuals here on this forum for doing so, I'm merely trying to establish if ETV addiction is the real reason for the continued purchases.

05.10.2016, 00:56

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

brokingbull wrote:[quote='space6969']

It shows clearly that little, poor Calista came to the studio without knowing what is waiting for her inside the studio.

She could know if she has watched some other shows on the television. No she can not do that now!
Then she could make her research on the show on the internet. Easy? She did not want to spend her credits Big Grin

04.10.2016, 22:02

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

brokingbull wrote:
space6969 wrote:........
Calista | 22:00 - 24:00 | 4 crs
Calista came yesterday to discuss with us ideas for the show today. But during the conversation, she got worried and she said that she doesn't want to undress.
So we decided that there is no point of doing this show tonight so we cancelled it.
It shows clearly that little, poor Calista came to the studio without knowing what is waiting for her inside the studio.
A clear sign to me, that ETV are big liars and crooks, who are deceiving and exploiting the models. No wonder, that there is a big lack of motivation in these days.

ps: How many models are left now? Less than 20?

To be fair, we don't know what she was told before she arrived. She may have been fully aware of what was expected and just changed her mind. Or maybe the fact that etv wanted her to do a show, on her own, straight away, was too much for her. This has been suggested to etv before, by others on here, that just throwing a girl in at the deep end is not wise.
They should start girls off by letting them watch a show being filmed first, and then they so a show with 1 or 2 other girls, Yoko, Nancy, Mikeila, are all good girls that would seem a good choice. At the moment it looks like Kiara and Angie are the two that break in new models, and I think most of us may not have chosen those two for the role.

Maybe she'll have another go? I hope so, she'll looked quite hot.

and if she came in yesterday, and decided against it, then surely they have enough time to get another girl in? But then again, who? there's only a few worth watching now,

04.10.2016, 21:04

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

brokingbull wrote:
It shows clearly that little, poor Calista came to the studio without knowing what is waiting for her inside the studio.

You mean, not what you knew is located at ETV?
Hard to believe.

04.10.2016, 17:19

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

space6969 wrote:........
Calista | 22:00 - 24:00 | 4 crs
Calista came yesterday to discuss with us ideas for the show today. But during the conversation, she got worried and she said that she doesn't want to undress.
So we decided that there is no point of doing this show tonight so we cancelled it.
It shows clearly that little, poor Calista came to the studio without knowing what is waiting for her inside the studio.
A clear sign to me, that ETV are big liars and crooks, who are deceiving and exploiting the models. No wonder, that there is a big lack of motivation in these days.

ps: How many models are left now? Less than 20?

04.10.2016, 15:59

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

space6969 wrote:
shagshaggy wrote:I watched Angelina show with Roshi having granny pants, sick show

Roshana stayed in her granny panties for exactly 1 hour.
Angelina was the only one willing to deliver something you could call "show".
It was boring, like watching paint dry.
Also much too little light, almost darkness, like many shows lately.

Calista | 22:00 - 24:00 | 4 crs
Calista came yesterday to discuss with us ideas for the show today. But during the conversation, she got worried and she said that she doesn't want to undress.
So we decided that there is no point of doing this show tonight so we cancelled it.

Oh boy.
I have 2 credits left, which I will spend on Yoko.
Not buying any new credits for now.

About the show "SHOW MUST GO ON" the posted message is in total contradiction with your opinion!!!???ConfusedConfusedConfused
Anyone: I saw one of the best ever show of Etv, don't care about quantity of naked skin, but it was absolutely erotic and teasing, i think is a masterpiece, great the girls too, with this show you for sure met the goal. Really well done, congratulations!
Certainly a false messageThumb downThumb downThumb down

04.10.2016, 15:18

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

shagshaggy wrote:I watched Angelina show with Roshi having granny pants, sick show

Roshana stayed in her granny panties for exactly 1 hour.
Angelina was the only one willing to deliver something you could call "show".
It was boring, like watching paint dry.
Also much too little light, almost darkness, like many shows lately.

Calista | 22:00 - 24:00 | 4 crs
Calista came yesterday to discuss with us ideas for the show today. But during the conversation, she got worried and she said that she doesn't want to undress.
So we decided that there is no point of doing this show tonight so we cancelled it.

Oh boy.
I have 2 credits left, which I will spend on Yoko.
Not buying any new credits for now.

04.10.2016, 14:55

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

shagshaggy wrote:No one says anything about Isaboring r even Mikeila .
I watched Angelina show with Roshi having granny pants, sick show

Hi Shagshaggy,
From your question about Isaboring I conclude that she is not your favorite model. She did the full show just by herself without Danna, I don't know why.
For Isadora fans she did an erotic show fully naked under a transparant gown. At the end some oops. Ooh this girl is so sexy, I cannot wait to see her next show.
But for you, do not spent crdits as you expect more than she delivers. Have fun.

04.10.2016, 12:33

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

No one says anything about Isaboring r even Mikeila .
I watched Angelina show with Roshi having granny pants, sick show

03.10.2016, 18:42

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

eigentor wrote:And again I have to edit your post. Angry

Whats next? Will you post the models real names, adresses, phonenumbers because you found them somewhere?
Please be so kind and do that somewhere else. We will try and protect the models´ privacy here. If a model is so dumb and publishes private stuff herself,
so be it, but she wont do it here either.
You can discuss anything you like, but stick to these few basic rules, one of which is that private info about models has to be kept out.

Thank you

maybe i'm wrong but you're only protecting etv businness...
But it's ok, i will not post other info about girls!

03.10.2016, 18:40

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kiplu wrote:Yes, Dear stalkers when you go to this city never make a girl angry!! This is a very important rule. It can happen very unpleasant things then.

Does this go for everybody or only for people from Cyprus ?

03.10.2016, 18:35

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

brokingbull wrote:
eigentor wrote:This Roshana/nightclub discussion is a good example of what we dont want here, because it makes it easily possible to find her at this place.
There are weird people out there and its happened in the past, that etv-models have been stalked and molested.
I fear it's too late. In the past even the country/city (Bulgaria/Sofia) was a strongly hidden secret here. But one stalker found out in a phone call with a model where ETV could be found.
In the meantime everybody knows it. Just go to Facebook, look for any disco and you will find tens of thousands of pictures and in the foreground there are very often the models. Why?
Because they want to be seen by their customers.
Some of them write comments like this: "I'm in the club on saturday. If you send 50 € I tell you which disco.........":s

ps.: Dear stalkers! Watch out if you go to this city and make a girl angry, it could be your last trip...Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Yes, Dear stalkers when you go to this city never make a girl angry!! This is a very important rule. It can happen very unpleasant things then.

03.10.2016, 18:31

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Is it really that important for you to share such kind of info ? Do you expect a tap on your shoulder ?

Such comments / posts have also been reason for girls running away from ETV being in the spot light of some stalkers who have nothing better to do but to trace down every detail of their private life on the internet. Life is difficult enough for many of the girls trying to make a living. People like you make it even more difficult by exploiting them additionally and unneccessarily to the public, making it necessary for one otr the other girl to quit their jobs as being haunted / hunted.

This is not for discussion, but just my opinion. This used to be a place of gentlemen and the silence about the open secrets. Unfortunately this has changed, because there is always one who wants to be smarter not realizing what he destroys.

03.10.2016, 18:23

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

And again I have to edit your post. Angry

Whats next? Will you post the models real names, adresses, phonenumbers because you found them somewhere?
Please be so kind and do that somewhere else. We will try and protect the models´ privacy here. If a model is so dumb and publishes private stuff herself,
so be it, but she wont do it here either.
You can discuss anything you like, but stick to these few basic rules, one of which is that private info about models has to be kept out.

Thank you

03.10.2016, 18:03

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

brokingbull wrote:
eigentor wrote:This Roshana/nightclub discussion is a good example of what we dont want here, because it makes it easily possible to find her at this place.
There are weird people out there and its happened in the past, that etv-models have been stalked and molested.
I fear it's too late. In the past even the country/city (Bulgaria/Sofia) was a strongly hidden secret here. But one stalker found out in a phone call with a model where ETV could be found.
In the meantime everybody knows it. Just go to Facebook, look for any disco and you will find tens of thousands of pictures and in the foreground there are very often the models. Why?
Because they want to be seen by their customers.
Some of them write comments like this: "I'm in the club on saturday. If you send 50 € I tell you which disco.........":s

ps.: Dear stalkers! Watch out if you go to this city and make a girl angry, it could be your last trip...Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

do you remeber the earthquake happened maybe 3 years ago in Sofia? They was performing the show and quickly girls have started to run away.. lol.. it was a fantastic show! But... after that immediatly i searched this earthquake on [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] and i found the place.. SOFIA!
This happened some years ago and since that event all know the place where they work.

I want to answer to the admin: i found these pics on the public facebook profile of the night club...
[link removed]
Roshana and Zoe know well that, so dont worry and let forum users to actively partecipate to discussion.

edit: this is the event

Magnitude Mw 5.6
Date time 2012-05-22 00:00:33.0 UTC
Location 42.66 N ; 23.01 E
Depth 10 km
Distances 25 km W Sofia (pop 1,152,556 ; local time 03:00:33.5 2012-05-22)
6 km NW Pernik (pop 82,467 ; local time 03:00:33.5 2012-05-22)