Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 Bewertung(en))

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06.09.2012, 19:36

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

brokingbull wrote:
Johnnymo wrote:My comment to Tuesday ELS: I quote Roshana: "I got the information that the ELS are to talking, shows are only in the Premium". Big Grin I think that says it all....................
Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
What else should a girl talk about? About Einstein E=m*c2? Or Euro crisis?Big Grin
Those who believe every word out of the mouth of a model can't be helped. I just ignore it.
And those who ask stupid things will get stupid answers. Quite simple.

And at this opportunity I say many thx to those callers, like Boboo or Rune, who managed to let Gia perform her best pussy-oopses before she left.

Well done! CoolCoolCoolSmileSmileSmile

So, who is the next skilled gentleman?CoolBig Grin

Thx buddy!! Big Grin I always do what i can!! Smile But meanwhile for me only Nancy-Hase In love , Mashiara-Hase, hot Brona and hot Roshana are present at ETV!! Tongue The others (Gia, Sabrina, Sarlet, Carmen and Lin) left ETV!! Cry
with best regards, Rune! Cool

06.09.2012, 19:35

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

I'm loving the 'Before Cleaner's Show' Show! Thumb up If the 'After Cleaner's Show' Show is half as good as this,we should be in for a real treat! (There's no sarcasm smiley,so this will have to do) Tongue

Dreamlander-Wondering what the new definition of 'Exclusive' is...

06.09.2012, 17:53

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

dafr911 wrote:hello you.
ROSE ..... Extraordinaire! a question?? for even that! you have to pay??

No, the stream is open, there is no private. For what dafr?

But why does she get ELS Shows? She never had any good shows.....

Even Claudia is open...

Poor April, she will do a show and the others prepare the Studio, why they are so bad against the models?

06.09.2012, 17:48

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

hello you.
ROSE ..... Extraordinaire! a question?? for even that! you have to pay??

06.09.2012, 17:48

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

If they lay there one Reallly Rose (the plant) for an Hour would change nothing, boring show is still a boring show Tongue

And what i don´t get is why they Cut 30min off on April´s show for Preparing , is in the whole Studio such a mess ?Angry

06.09.2012, 17:43

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

I feel sorry for you Johnny Guitar but why Rose a ELS get is the big question...SadConfused

06.09.2012, 17:41

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

What a scrap and scam combination.
I sent a message in ELS show costing me one credit to Rose for a slowly
and lazy strip, but she instead just and dance
nothing else, shit.
The real sin with ETV is that it's a long-term rip-off and a short-term scam.AngryThumb down

06.09.2012, 17:22

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

They should change April with Rose because Rose is doing nothing and for her is an half an hour enough.

06.09.2012, 17:14

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Hi guys! What kind of guy that revolves between the girls? After all, he is ugly and spoils the whole show.Angry

06.09.2012, 16:43

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

And again....

There will be a half an hour warm-up show before the main Premium hour. It will be broadcast simultaniously

on TV and on the exclusive website stream starting at 19:30 CET.

Should we watch TV or the Premium hours.... Why they don´t let April do her ELS hour alone?

05.09.2012, 23:16

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Johnnymo wrote:Todays ELS: Jessycas Show was great. Very erotic with Handbra and "Smokebra". Thumb up And she is a Softmodel! Some of the Hotmodels can contact Jessyca take on an example.

A "smokebra"?? Confused
Anyway, you just gave me the feeling that I really missed something Cry Angry

05.09.2012, 22:23

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Johnnymo wrote:Todays ELS: Jessycas Show was great. Very erotic with Handbra and "Smokebra". Thumb up And she is a Softmodel! Some of the Hotmodels can contact Jessyca take on an example.

It is true but Sugar made the Best ELs today but i am a Fan of her.

05.09.2012, 22:16

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Todays ELS: Jessycas Show was great. Very erotic with Handbra and "Smokebra". Thumb up And she is a Softmodel! Some of the Hotmodels can contact Jessyca take on an example.

05.09.2012, 21:55

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

If the TV Viewers see this promotion for the internet i have my doubts if the wankers will buy a new membership,

Sorry, for the harsh word, but not all are into ARTS...

Maybe if i write to ETV, i can get a ELS Show in the Future....CoolBig GrinConfused

05.09.2012, 21:45

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

I'm thinking of those who would like a healthy handjob, coming home after work and instead of a girl with her legs open, find a biennial art
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