Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 Bewertung(en))

(2.8 / 5, 49 Bewertungen)

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20.08.2012, 20:51

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Good for you that you were all focused on the talking. Tongue

20.08.2012, 15:29

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream


the bla bla by karry ....... forget it

20.08.2012, 15:13

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

space6969 wrote:We got the Nixon-Brezhnev Talks, the Camp David Talks, the Israel-Palestine Peace Talks and now............Karry's Monday Talks.
could be interestingBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

20.08.2012, 15:07

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

We got the Nixon-Brezhnev Talks, the Camp David Talks, the Israel-Palestine Peace Talks and now............Karry's Monday Talks.

19.08.2012, 20:27

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Stream's back to the ordinary resolution, and not choppy anymore.
I think it was a nice experiment (sure, they could've done it in another time and not during a show, but hey...), definitely they need to work on that, as right now it is too choppy even for a static cam and the photoshow, premium hours and normal ELS definitely will not work with this.

On a sidenote, according to the Wall, Scarlet "is taking a long rest", which in English basically means that she's either sleeping since her last show or that she's dead.

Because using "break" instead of "rest" would compromise their higher bar. Big Grin

19.08.2012, 18:39

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

It's nice to be able to say something positive for once - they restarted the ELS stream, now it is truly HD (1280 x 720).

It's a bit choppier than before, but it's a start.

EDIT: wow, already back to the previous esolution.

Could be cool if they did those tests BEFORE or AFTER a show and not DURING.

EDIT 2: still tinkering, crashing, testing.

It's like the road workers: they seem to be working or tarring ALWAYS when you're heading to (or back from) work, gosh!

19.08.2012, 17:02

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Chris26 wrote:Bringing the discussion on a technical note, the ELS Stream for the photoshow seems to have been updated.

It now sports a new title: "Photoshow HD Test", with a brand-new resolution of 864x486.

Too bad that "HD" is 1280x720, at minimum (like the Multicam, which however is comprised of multiple cameras).

The girls have a range of looks that can only be summarized as "interesting" today. Big Grin

To watch at >704 switch to full screen mode as player in normal mode reduces anything >

> = Greater

19.08.2012, 16:34

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Chris26 wrote:
space6969 wrote:Now the TV streams are not loading (for me).....bandwidth problem ?

They look ok but I'm watching the non-HQ (Ha!) astra one.

Strange...if I log out of the website the LQ TV streams are loading, logged in all are not loading.

19.08.2012, 16:30

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

space6969 wrote:Now the TV streams are not loading (for me).....bandwidth problem ?

They look ok but I'm watching the non-HQ (Ha!) astra one.

19.08.2012, 16:27

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Chris26 wrote:Bringing the discussion on a technical note, the ELS Stream for the photoshow seems to have been updated.

It now sports a new title: "Photoshow HD Test", with a brand-new resolution of 864x486.

Too bad that "HD" is 1280x720, at minimum (like the Multicam, which however is comprised of multiple cameras).

The girls have a range of looks that can only be summarized as "interesting" today. Big Grin

Maybe the girls are wearing their "everyday clothes" today, lol.

The fact they are trying out different things regarding resolution etc. at least tells me they know they have to do someting about the stream quality.
Now the TV streams are not loading (for me).....bandwidth problem ?

19.08.2012, 16:17

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Watcher wrote:

This thread serves no purpose. It is repeating the same drivel on a daily basis. Euthanasia is the only answer.

Let it rest in peace.

Completely agree! Meanwhile this thread has 194 pages but only maybe 5 pages with good critical comments. If even we mods are sick of this thread and the neverending pointless discussion, does anyone really think ETV would go through all these pages to get some feedback?

Quality is better than quantity, think about that before posting here.

19.08.2012, 16:13

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Bringing the discussion on a technical note, the ELS Stream for the photoshow seems to have been updated.

It now sports a new title: "Photoshow HD Test", with a brand-new resolution of 864x486.

Too bad that "HD" is 1280x720, at minimum (like the Multicam, which however is comprised of multiple cameras).

The girls have a range of looks that can only be summarized as "interesting" today. Big Grin

19.08.2012, 16:03

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

fcn2011 wrote:Watcher has more rights as others here. Him is allowed to attack viewers and no one give him a warning. This is the truth. If he don´t like this Thread, he should not post here.

A bit OT but why not Big Grin Watcher as been warned through PM and also been given a actual warning by me in the past, so unless you know the truth of what happens on this forum please keep your guesses to yourself Smile

19.08.2012, 15:59

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

dazaman wrote:
space6969 wrote:
Watcher wrote:
This thread serves no purpose. It is repeating the same drivel on a daily basis. Euthanasia is the only answer.

Another answer would be staying out/not reading/ignororing this thread.

Not a option for a moderator that agree's with Watchers post Smile

Watcher has more rights as others here. Him is allowed to attack viewers and no one give him a warning. This is the truth. If he don´t like this Thread, he should not post here.

19.08.2012, 15:55

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

space6969 wrote:
Watcher wrote:
This thread serves no purpose. It is repeating the same drivel on a daily basis. Euthanasia is the only answer.

Another answer would be staying out/not reading/ignororing this thread.

Not a option for a moderator that agree's with Watchers post Smile
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