Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

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30.12.2008, 20:01

Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

The links are back for the live streaming

07.04.2009, 11:14

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

Confirm, myfreepaysite has removed ETV webstream (down on its own since some days).

04.04.2009, 20:40

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

Makes sense. As etv is going to offer it's own, there is no need to have it on mfps too.

04.04.2009, 20:38

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

They have canceld the ETV stream.

04.04.2009, 12:43

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

the stream is still not working for me.

am i the only one or why is nobody answering?

03.04.2009, 22:47

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

the stream is not working for me also

03.04.2009, 17:26

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

i have again problem with stream... internet works good... yesterday stream was fine... now ETV stream is always loadin and loadin... few of other stream are workin... on etv site ( picture is "high quality live stream coming soon"... section with live sms is changing (works)... transfer has peak with 3 second duration it means that picture is refreshing as its in site source. GRrrrrrrrrrrr <angry>

03.04.2009, 04:34

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

@ hubsonek

No problems here ! Maybe this : Let Channel 1 make connection , stop it and load Channel 3 ! :-?

02.04.2009, 21:02

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

do You have problems with stream on myfreep... ?

23.02.2009, 22:37

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

web stream works again

p.s. is soooo loaded that i cant load it.. LOL

23.02.2009, 15:46

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

Yes. It was few time before, so we must wait for fixing... We can only take a peep at girls in studio on :( Damn i can't wait longer!!!!

23.02.2009, 14:49

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

Alright, thanks a lot for your help!

23.02.2009, 14:44

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

Don't worry, it doesn't depend on your connection, at the moment it doesn't work for me too. let they will fix it and then you can watch ETV by webstream.

23.02.2009, 14:37

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

So I did register and found the link, but it is not working (all other channels are not)! do you have the same problem or maye it has to do with the country or the connection type? am in germany and my connection is qutie fast...

23.02.2009, 14:08

Re: Eurotic TV back on myfreepaysite

You have just to register, log in, scroll down the links, click "Adult Tv Channels" and select ETV in the new window that will be opened.