Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 Bewertung(en))

(3.98 / 5, 143 Bewertungen)

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08.03.2010, 02:00

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Again same bloody crap as always for a sunday night, it's not bad enough to call it dreadful but it's not far off, why can't shows be hot every night of the week, on the plus side at least I'll get some sleep.

08.03.2010, 01:50

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

When can we see Gia's pussy on ppv. Or Clio?BlushIn loveHeart

07.03.2010, 23:05

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I don't know, but now it's 11:00 and he has to get the f*** out.

Lia is quite nice but Amy is simply wonderful (even with their leggings on).
In loveHeart

07.03.2010, 22:46

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

You are right, consistency is what they need. And the nightshow should not be hot only one hour but the whole night every night...yes 2009 was misery 100%...because of that there is no more Elza, Patricia, Loretta, Emily, Maria, Regiina, Kate, Leslie, etc, etc; what a pitty for those "muschis" to leave in oblivion. Nowadays they maybe have 10 solid good looking girls, everything else is for going home in the kitchen where they belong.

07.03.2010, 22:44

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Since she has been missing since 3 weeks, Eliza has been removed from the models page and she isn't scheduled for next week.

Now the eurogirls clip to promote the german number for requests about pics, videos, posters calendars and more. Then the same clip with italian number.

07.03.2010, 22:34

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

klemi wrote:I wonder what we can expect tonite with Lia...

at least nobody expected what happened in the last minutes in the studio.
every one who thought that Aria is crazy will have problems to subscribe Lia this night. seeing her presentation of the models in english and and her interpretation of Whitney Houston I would describe her carefully as 'in a good mood'. Smile

07.03.2010, 22:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Last night etv delivered a fantastic show however the mark of a truly great show is consistancy and this level of quality needs to be maintained, usually speaking the Sunday night show is pretty dire which needs to change, every night should be a hot show and last nights effort proved for once and all that there is no censership new rules, but hopefully 2010 will continue to improve, does anybody remember the truly horrible shows we were subjected to back in 2009, a year that'll be remembered for a very long time for all the wrong reasons, a year when the ship almost sunk into oblivion, lets hope we never ever see a return to those dark days again.

07.03.2010, 22:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I wonder what we can expect tonite with Lia...Actually selection of girls is more than ok, for Lia to get warmer maybe...lets wait and see.

07.03.2010, 20:12

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Yasmin, you say the webcam does not smell so good, what kind
of feed are you getting? Cool

07.03.2010, 19:06

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I haven't watched last night show just read the comments I can say one thing and Tarl_Cabot mentioned it in saying that this looks like a promotion for future services. I will add and say unfortunately in the last 2 years ETV has proven to be unexpected you get a few nice show and then you can wait for month until a another show is nice and hot . As i written on another post this issue of the Web cam doesn't smell good !! Looking on next Friday show it doesn't look so promising : Scarlet is not on (Bad) she is doing the Saturday nigh show and one during the week (usually a wast) Gia is only doing one night show (very bad).Okay I understand the girls need a rest I just don't trust these guys !! I will conclude by saying "timeo danaos et donas frentis"

07.03.2010, 16:29

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

where are the videos, the last known thanks in advance.Tongue

07.03.2010, 14:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:Either it is a WOW-show

or they are producing just some commercial clips with the mobile cam.

Last friday they produced the commercials with Scarlet and Tia and tonight with most of the other fullnude models.
No one believes that it is just a chance that all these models are in a good mood and show nearly everything while the mobile camera is activ and kissing and licking is allowed.

Also for me this is a strange coincidence, however in the two last saturday show we have seen that there aren't problem about censorship if the direction want to do hot show. This is the confirm that this channel, in other show, earns with the desire of the viewer: you want to see something, send a message and... you don't see nothing.

07.03.2010, 11:20

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:What a nice blonde diamond right now on screen.
In loveHeart
It seems she has switched her shift with Ashley.
I prefer when she switches with Lilian Big Grin

07.03.2010, 11:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

What a nice blonde diamond right now on screen.
In loveHeart
It seems she has switched her shift with Ashley.

07.03.2010, 10:28

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Panda wrote:It was a great show yesterday night.Thumb up

Gosh, what an ugly scarecrow with a green bra this night. Sad
ETV, when will you introduce "cash for clunker?" Big Grin
Where have all those beautiful girls gone?