Eurotic TV - General Discussion

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25.12.2009, 14:40

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

jonas wrote:Thank you sheky-shumi for that compliments! But I am not interested to be best viewer in that voting!
The best viewer and the best model for ETV is the viewer/model who brings most of money, and so that choice was o.k. I often wrote in that forum that the best model is not the sexiest, hottest, most beautiful model for the members of that forum, but the model who brings most money for ETV - and that was Nikita! And the best viewer for ETV is also the viewer who sends most messages. These messages must not be witty, original or intelligent, it`s enough to write always "kissi Ni©kita" wrong written in the last weeks of 2009.
I wish all members of that forum a merry christmas and a happy new year!

First off all merry christmas and happy new year. Tell me something. How do you know that Nikita have the most messages for all models.? Why do you think that members here dont know who model is the best? Finally tell me some reasons for somebody to vote for Nikita. 1 She make best show? Mabe she has respeact for the viewers? is she the most beautiful model in etv.? Or mabe has good relationship with director? Sorry for my english again.

25.12.2009, 14:39

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I always thought that a girl of ETV could have several aspects according to which she can be appreciated:

3)Hotness (performance)
6)Knowledge of many languages
7)Freshness (ability to not induce to sleep)
8)Capacity of good relationships with all the other girls
9)Activity and enterteinment, to induce the viewer to become a customer.
10)Ability in being a 'teacher' for the new girls, or to be a good support for the performance of the other girls.

I don't find a single one of these quality in Nikita, and the mix of these points are a disaster for her, so I will never believe that she is the girl who brings money.
My opinion is that she has a very strong power, due to some reasons that I don't know.

25.12.2009, 14:20

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

@to all

First of all my best wishes for Xmas for everyone. I have read your posts about the last night show and I have watched till 03.30. Just terrible, disastrous and so on. I fully agree with the content of your posts. Sure, it would be nice for them if Scarlet and Gia tonight had a free evening, but what then? Again the Rocky Horror Picture show with in front Lilian? Now miss Scam on screen, perhaps thinking she is the most beautifull girl of EYV-land.

25.12.2009, 14:07

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Thank you sheky-shumi for that compliments! But I am not interested to be best viewer in that voting!
The best viewer and the best model for ETV is the viewer/model who brings most of money, and so that choice was o.k. I often wrote in that forum that the best model is not the sexiest, hottest, most beautiful model for the members of that forum, but the model who brings most money for ETV - and that was Nikita! And the best viewer for ETV is also the viewer who sends most messages. These messages must not be witty, original or intelligent, it`s enough to write always "kissi Ni©kita" wrong written in the last weeks of 2009.
I wish all members of that forum a merry christmas and a happy new year!

25.12.2009, 13:45

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Oké i continue my post from last night ( this morning ) this result of the "Miss" on etv was not the way it should be done ,we all agree about that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And about the voting of the best viewer/sms'r of 2009 was also something to talk about ( sorry for Klaus , Horst and flimboy ) because how the f**k can you vote for people who just send a sms for the "Miss" voting as best viewer of 2009 ??? In my eyes the best viewer sms'r for 2009 would be jonas because we can always see a sms from jonas when Carmen ( and also Sabrina and also ... sorry to say jonas Confused but your former favorit N... ) was in a show ( and sorry if i forgot some people on this forum who send a sms but i know you guys/girls only with a nick on this forum Confused) and i mena you can vote for a name if somebody is watching etv for over a whole year and also about the sms's you should look it for over a whole year etv staff !!!!!!!!!!!! It's like to vote for a sportsman/sportswoman of 2009 and this is for the what they did in the whole 2009 and not just some days ! And i forgive the beautiful Gia about her performance it's not her fauld at all, and the other girls Scarlet ,Lia ,Viviana ,Lilian idem dito but as always it's the regie Envy . This christmas eve show was not the one we wanted to see Thumb down . But i must say there was a little oops of Gia at 03.49 but if the camera was not focused on her feet we would not have seen it ,and Gia on the coutch ? i give her my support for that also because with this switching of camera it's a total waste to perform for somebody ! And i'm also sure when Sabrina was with Viviana together and whitout Nikita we would have se na mutch better show ,unless "Der Hans " keep on focusing on Sabrina than it would be also a bad show ! The best solution for this is ..Hans go on vacation pleeeeeaaaaaaaasssse end let us enjoy these wonderful girls in there whole beautiness they have Tongue !!!!! Hope that tonight will be a mutch better show than last night ( can it get worser than this Sad ) and i wonder if Gia ,Scarlet are there today or that they have a day off ( i would give it to them so that they can spend some private time ) ,or will we have a" Rocky Horror show" tonight on christmas day ? Sorry that i'm so Angry but there are some reasons for that ,and yes it has to do with etv ,read my previous post (s) and you will know it !!!!! ( and also it did not work again AngryAngryAngry ,some of you will know what i mean ,specialy ghostwriter2008 would have known what i meant ),so sorry Gia but i would have done it last night Cry .off topic : Thank god that there is Jeff Dunham christmas show this afternoon on belgium tv for making me laugh again otherwise this christmas sucks big time !

Kind Regards

25.12.2009, 12:44

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Don't get upset of the mockery last night it just symbolize the oblivious state ETV is now days . It reminds me the time of the " Iron Curtain" and the elections they used to have there - the ruling party always got nearly an unanimous vote (97%) - Now don't forget where ETV and the staff is coming from !!!!

25.12.2009, 12:28

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Last Night, Big Big letdown How can Nikita be Miss Eorotic 2009 She's awful, That outfit she had on last night showed off those horrible fat thighs of hers Yuk. With the ruling clique there no new girl has got a chance. No wonder Regina left

25.12.2009, 12:17

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Good morning members, and Merry Christmas to all of you !

I was not at home last night, so I didn't watch the show, therefore no comment about the show itself (from what I've read...).
I just want to express my point of view about "Nikita Miss ETV 2009".
If you have notice the climate (relationships and friendships among the girls) that reigns in ETV nowadays (which is totally opposite to the climate of 2006), you can understand that it was not possible to have a serious voting result.
Can you imagine the consequences of a real number 1 on the other 'Queens' ? It would have been the end for the already compromised equilibrium .
Hence the choice of Nikita: all the other girls know that it's an 'impossible result', so they are not angry.
Another positive aspect for them: ETV made some money for nothing (not so many...) with people voting.

Just one criticism from me: was it not better to choose another girl ? Nikita is the symbol of:

1) Couch potatoes
2) Girls doing everything possible to make life difficult for new girls.

From this point of view 'Nikita Miss ETV 2009' is a 'disastrous message'.
Everybody knows my opinion about Lilianus, but 'Lilianus' would have been a better choice !

25.12.2009, 11:52

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Panda wrote:As for the rest of the "show":Scarlet went several steps back,Gia did nothing but stay lying on a bed and Lia...did nothing as usual.

They tried but with Hans and his addiction to Sabrina there was no chance for any model but the couch trio. Scarlet and Gia even tried to fullfil a vipsms-wish at the same time (Scarlet creaming her breast and Gia stripping her slip under the skirt with a special music wish). Scarlet started he creaming, the music started, Gia started and the camera changed to the couch trio which was doing their ordinary job namely nothing. Later Scarlet tried her golden curtain strip but the camera was away. Gia accepted the bad director job and took her own decision and Lia was just there to be the seventh girl. When the best friends were leaving one hour earlier the other models had a chance but Hans was obviously to tired.
As already known Hans and Sabrina in a show can be good but needn't be good, Hans and the best friends in the night show is a disaster. They usually need just one camera because Hans eyes (and so the camera) are just on Sabrina and Sabrina + Nikita = 0 or probably less then zero because the other models aren't on the screen.
My respect to Gia who avoid to do anything in the shows of a bad director. Thumb up
Maybe this is the only way to teach the etv directors. The other models (here Scarlet and Lia) should do the same when they see that the director excludes them.

25.12.2009, 11:51

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hi Everyone, Merry Christmas.

Last nights show.... Well what can I say????? I feel so sorry for Klaus, He made a special request for a sexy strip for Scarlet, As the music started the camera came to Scarlet. Just as it staretd to get interesting the camera moved away from Scarlet to some old tart of a model with a satellite dish for a face! and didn't return for at least 10 minutes!

To everyone who sends in sms.... I know you love the girls but until you stop lining the pockets of ETV for such a substandard service nothing will change. Come on Klaus save your money.

Happy holidays all.

25.12.2009, 11:39

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hello to all and wishes. Last night I watched a show that, as usual when Hans directs, is devoid of emotions. The cameras were mostly used to frame the show Sabrina and Nikita, leaving the other girls and their admirers limitato.Non a lot of space to express opinions on the election of Miss, which I find to be a joke. I was very disappointed, I expected a more cheerful spectacle. Again best wishes to all from the guardian.

25.12.2009, 11:26

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Yesterday's show.(show,my ass!!)
The most boring and stupid show everAngry
Message to the director. GET LOST MAN !! MAKE US A FAVOR AND GOOOO HOMEAngryAngry NOONE WATNTS TO SEE YOUR "WORK" ANYMORE!!!!AngryAngryThumb downThumb down
Message to the models.You must understand that an erotic show is not a dancing show!
Especialy to Nikita.Is the "frozen doll" your new style?If yes,don't ever be in a night show again.Stay in day shows.
As for the rest of the "show":Scarlet went several steps back,Gia did nothing but stay lying on a bed and Lia...did nothing as usual.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Message to etv.If you deside to do someting more profesional let us know.until then only recorded shows.No money for you. Bye.

25.12.2009, 11:25

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

to disguise, to fool, to spoof, to take the money.

Ugh! Disgusting!

25.12.2009, 11:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

when i can see scarlet in the night show?

25.12.2009, 10:55

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Yet again Tia is in the morning show so we can forget her in the night shift Angry