Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 Bewertung(en))

(3.98 / 5, 143 Bewertungen)

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30.01.2016, 11:34

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

tux.friend wrote:
lucifer70 wrote:Tia says ETV today is better than Eurotic TV.
Maybe Tia forgets when Kia and her, bare, stimulated their nipples to each other in front of the camera with their tongues.Heart

I dont know what the models realy think I cant see into the head and all the models had an employer to satisfy.

Come on it is their job and their salary than what we would expect that they have criticized their bosses if so then they can leave immediately

29.01.2016, 20:11

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I just realised something which is starting to annoy me - ETV should really change and improve their musical selection, it seems they are playig the same 50 tracks over and over with slight customisation for their different shows. Last night's Roshana's show was like a breath of fresh air - their retro style was accompanied by music from the 30s and 40s.

28.01.2016, 18:41

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:Tia says ETV today is better than Eurotic TV.
Maybe Tia forgets when Kia and her, bare, stimulated their nipples to each other in front of the camera with their tongues.Heart

I dont know what the models realy think I cant see into the head and all the models had an employer to satisfy.

28.01.2016, 15:13

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Teasing yet etv-leaders with very fine writing,which may be yes an idea of how clever they are,
and complaining about stupid customers and always wrong!!Cool

Recently we read too many amateur and shallow opinions and instructive tone from wannabe strategists on the subject of what should we do, what will be the end of us and what is our last chance. They tell us what will make us loose money and what will give us profits. This is not something new. These days, everybody is an expert and is pretty generous with giving advice on what we should do and don't do. We don't know what does everyone of our viewers work, but we are assured on a daily basis that all of our clients has a clear idea what we have to do to survive and to prosper, what will “kill” us and what will be good or bad for our business.

Everyone likes to interfere in the work of others and to give wise advises. We like aviation, because it is an interesting and tough business. We would like to give a couple of advises to Tim Clark and Carsten Spohr on how to run their business. We would insist on the idea that they have to keep free seats in the economy class and to compensate the loses by the in-flight sale of gifts, perfumes and other merchandise...

Leaving the joke aside, our business is one of the fastest developing and turbulent spheres, that make us face many challenges and daily difficulties. The realities of the market are completely different from the ones that were 10 years ago when we started. Everything is so different now that we are in a completely different world. A whole new universe if you'd like. Our survival and development depend on new ways, decisions and a clear understanding of the situation.

You are right that our program is probably one of a kind in the European television horizon and not only in Europe. The content and things that we do are unique enough that it is hard to find similar production on the internet.

We would be very glad if we find others like us, who do things in a similar way, looking to find a balance between erotics and aesthetics with normal “next door” girls involved in artistic searches beyond the tawdry cliches of the skidding erotic industry. We constantly seek new ways and forms to make what we like the way we like it, while trying to keep our vision and concept.

What is the environment that we live in. More and more restrictions from authorities and distributors. Nowadays no one wants to take the risk and dive in to the delicate matter of erotica. Both the distributors and the authorities prefer to take the safe position and forbid everything, so they don't have to worry about us. You say that there are very strict restrictions in UK, but what about the other countries. What can be seen on the TV in Italy?

The viewers want more and more hot shows, but does anyone have any idea about the restrictions and attitude of their country towards the things they want to see? People say: “I pay 4 credits and I must get what I need”. At the same time the society not only doesn't accept and respect the people that have to provide the goods, but they are forbidden and almost forced to go to the gray economy. Do you think that the the models and the teams like this kind of attitude? No one cares and no one wants to think about this. Not only that no one cares, but we often hear the phrase “she works for an erotic TV station, she must do what she is told for the money she is given”

On the other hand, when we insist on being paid for our work, we get critiques and resentment. “How come I have to pay for something that was for free yesterday.” Times are changing, the economical situation is changing, everything is changing, but no one wants to see the truth. Everyone wants the miracle to continue. Everyone want cheap iPhone, but in order for that to happen somewhere some poor Chinese people have to sit 15 hours a day on the conveyor line. And when or if this changes, we all lament how these phones have become more expensive. We will blame corporate greed and will wave finger threatening that we will not by iPhones and that Apple will go bankrupt. There will even be a person that will calculate how much the plastic and the glass on the phone cost and will say that he has been robbed because the real value of the product is 65 cents.

A lot of people started hoping for miracle and for free or cheap things despite every economical or market logic.

The television is the first that felt the consequences of this virus. TV is doomed. And we say it not with gloating, but with the clear understanding that this is our business, the thing we work. We are supposed to be the last to accept this, but we have to see it and be prepared for it. We don't want to be in Kodak's place and refuse to accept that the film is a thing from the past.

Sky's rules today are the rules of all the European countries tomorrow. If we had our license in Italy, would we be able to show even what is allowed in England?

The internet is not so different territory. New rules, new laws, new commissions, filters and fines. England filters erotica, China filters everything, Russia frowns on the web, Germany does sth. ?lse, Hungary something different...

You ask us why we decided to expand our market to England having in mind the many restrictions they have. The answer is obvious. Restrictions are everywhere and the only thing we can do is to reach more potential viewers. Luckily our website and the materials on it do not go under the R-18 category. Many of our viewers would argue that we are not even 18 and we are probably even soft for 16.

Having said that, and avoiding being categorized as R-18, we have the right to advertise our website on our TV shows on SKY during the night. For now! This gives us hope that our shows will still find their way to the public. This is why we try to keep aesthetic and non-pornographic approach to our work. This is why we work with normal, intelligent girls that are far from the typical sex movie starlets. You speak about a new era on ETV. We wouldn't be so bold. Every day is a new era. How many eras changed in the last ten years...

Everything around us changes so fast! Let's not moan for the past and look forward. We don't think that our program will change so drastically. It will probably barely change apart from our ambition to make it more interesting and with better quality. This is our chance and place for development. As much as our viewers accuse us of not being provocative and “hot” enough, you have to give us a credit that we are amongst the few that are left to fight. For better of worse we keep on walking our path and we hope that together it will bring us to new findings and horizons.

28.01.2016, 00:42

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

GeorgeSK wrote:I just realised that a great part of ETV models wear a tattoo. While it is their personal choice I would prefer models without tattoos. It sometimes looks like the night shows are adverts for a tattoo parlor. What do you think?

I also accept it is up to them, I personally don't like them, I feel they don't add anything to something so perfect in the first place.

27.01.2016, 23:17

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I just realised that a great part of ETV models wear a tattoo. While it is their personal choice I would prefer models without tattoos. It sometimes looks like the night shows are adverts for a tattoo parlor. What do you think?

27.01.2016, 21:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:So they finally would understand how much ETV has lapsed and therefore, they would understand that now they are paying for nothing......Cool

The best minds involved in the game called "ETV" concentrate on solving the main task: to master the dollar client , before this will make another.
You can throw money down the wind if the wind is passing . But I'm not rich enough to worry about which way the wind blows... Big Grin

27.01.2016, 20:47

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Tia says ETV today is better than Eurotic TV.
Maybe Tia forgets when Kia and her, bare, stimulated their nipples to each other in front of the camera with their tongues.Heart
Strange, at that time it didn't seem that Tia had anything to say about it.Thumb up

Maybe those who don't know her very well don't know that she was one of the greatest stars of that show ... ...She wasn't that boring model that we see today on ETV....Angry

Those who now pay to see a some boring and sleepy exclusive or a mediocre and hasty strip in a artificially sedated show, should to take a look at some old eUtotic TV show.

So they finally would understand how much ETV has lapsed and therefore, they would understand that now they are paying for nothing......Cool

25.01.2016, 21:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hello every body Is that someone has recorded the show e-files yesterday? Could you upload please please ...

25.01.2016, 20:06

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I believe that it isn't a good idea to show in the night the (beloved) models of old glorious days (such as Gia, Scarlet, Kaleya, Safo the true Tia, Kate, Sabrina etc...) and the shows (some very erotic) of the old past time.......
In short words, showing everything that today doesn't exist.

In practice it's how to say to their existing customers that they, compared to the past, 'r paying to watch at mediocre models and modest show ...
In short everything for which it isn't worth wasting time and money!


24.01.2016, 17:11

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

So, today's afternoon show was Sandra's last show in front of the camera. Unexpected, she said. She "will be around, just not in front of the camera".

Some may say finally. She seemed to me like a mamasan/female pimp in the last months, not fulfilling any exclusive wishes, just being around.

24.01.2016, 16:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Or also called - born cameraman for ETV Big Grin

24.01.2016, 15:02

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Yes etv boss think they know what they are doing, at least forat the time, but they do not know yet where it will lead, now is a kind of pilot phase going, which, however, can lead to cessation of the entire channel, one vision only.

24.01.2016, 14:48

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

tunturi wrote:This week was seen in the free-night TV show pussy, about 5 seconds. (Jasmine flashes)
After hour, we can talk Already of minutes.Sad

An other time I only could say: They (etv bosses) dont know, what they are doing. Cry

24.01.2016, 12:43

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Nothing free now. For me my problem not free or not my problem with the time !!! When the night show starts I should be sleeping or I will miss my work !!!
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