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Wilsonsand wrote:there was a time when i was trying to deffend the right of bring critical here everytime a legion of fans attacked everytime a critical post was written here. Curiously i will defend the right of paying compliments if they are deserved. I always thought the more important thing is to be fair and honest, and in my eyes is equally wrong being an unconditional fan than an unconditional complainer, just because not all is good, and not all is bad. have to say, I agree with everything you say ![]() |
Post: #11835 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.06.2015, 00:01 14.06.2015, 23:19 Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion
there was a time when i was trying to deffend the right of bring critical here everytime a legion of fans attacked everytime a critical post was written here. Curiously i will also defend today the right of paying compliments if they are deserved. I always thought the more important thing is to be fair and honest, and in my eyes is equally wrong being an unconditional fan than an unconditional complainer, just because not all is good, and not all is bad.
This is what i think: - some models should not work for ETV because they have not enough level or are not willing to do interesting enough erotic performances. True. - arty exclusives are not good, are bad, even embarrasingly bad, and rarely worth it the credits. True. - daytime shows are mostly bad, soft and censored. True. - ETV wall is a propaganda tool.When the post is critical they usually ignore it, when it´s kind but with some critical, they post it but edited and when it´s a praising post is quickly published. And many of the comments are written from ETV. True. but sometimes they do something right. Sometimes they do something good. Let me say the show of Jasmine&Monique&Kristina was good. It was good because the 3 models are very good, because they were not tied to a stupid artistic script, and because there was a relaxing in the censorship and a good way of doing the interacion with viewers request. It was right. There was a good combination hard to find these days.This truth don´t quit the others. The main problem of ETV is lack of consistency and a disastrous management of the talent of the models. And the problems, which are a lot, remain. They should learn of the show to make it a standard. The pity is not all the models are like the 3 supermodels of friday, and i guess it´s very hard for them not trying to ruin it all introducing artistic points in the show or changing the format. |
kennyboy2012 wrote:IF ETV give us poor shows, then everyone is up in arms, and rightfully so, but if ETV gives us a good show, and a few of us say so, then we get negativity for praising ETV? some seriously strange standards on this forum. Let me explain. The etv wall is blatant self promotion. They tell us the comments are from customers but in reality they are self written or rewritten. They probably even pay someone just to write messages on their wall. The few messages that are actually written by real costumers are manipulated to be written in a favorable pattern. This pattern can be associated with your writing pattern and that is why you face a lot of criticism. I however don't think you are paid because you show a passion for etv and therefor i respect your opinion. but i have to disagree that the peoples opinion on shows that they don't watch are unjustified because they can still remind everyone that the 1 good show we got is just the needle in a haystack. |
yes, totaly agree.
ETV is 2015 boring, too many girls "shy", "shy", "shy"... That´s seems a ETV role-play, because if I cast a girl for a eurotic-show, she knows where she will work in the future and what to do. Eurotic means sexy, nude, dancing, performance etc. Why a girl (and it applies to all the new models since many many months) always dance in lingerie for 2-6 weeks??? I m confused, but also angry about ETV. I ve wrote over 10 Emails - no reply.So I decided to avoid this channel, because 3 credits for a boring show is too much, and the requests are not fulfilled correctly. I only watch the Free shows at the evening (but unfortunately also more boring, only Jasmine is an exception) or the Videos for 1,5 credits. I hope ETV will learn and the future will be better. Btw, many guys complain now via VIP-SMS, great. One guy asked: " may be that Stella has not smiled since 2 hours..." and a other guy "... throw them out , very boring..." Great reaction, ETV do not understand it und Premium Members (like me) are do not care. So I m entering other sides, poor ETV |
tux.friend wrote:kennyboy2012 wrote:lucifer70 wrote:3 credits for what? Some girl who pretends to be shy to hide the fact that she isn't able to do anything? it was my suggestion that they maybe have a rule.... There has to be some measurement by which ETV decide who appears on the night shows, so this were my thoughts, that's all ![]() re Marla: a well known British expression 'there is always the exception to the rule' and I think Marla is kinda cute and sexy and so she is the exception to the rule lol I'm not convicting anyone, I'm just expressing my opinion. and as to how can ETV be suddenly legendary, after one show (comments on another thread). I think ETV deserved a lot of praise for that show on Friday, It was a really top show, so they should be told, in the hope that we get more like that, and less like the not so popular pre-planned nonsense we are offered for tonight., Times are changing, a lot of girls channels are now taming down, and losing customers as a result. its as a result of stupid interfering governments with misguided ideas. So comparing ETV now, to ETV years ago is pointless, because the whole marketplace has changed. IF ETV give us poor shows, then everyone is up in arms, and rightfully so, but if ETV gives us a good show, and a few of us say so, then we get negativity for praising ETV? some seriously strange standards on this forum. |
I just saw their ad for "THE BIG BOREDOM MARATHON" - "23 hours!" and I couldn't help laughing. It's more like 24/7 at the moment...
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kennyboy2012 wrote:lucifer70 wrote:3 credits for what? Some girl who pretends to be shy to hide the fact that she isn't able to do anything? Sorry why can marla do no nudity for month and other girls should do it after a short time. Think about lauren and jasmine. Lauren needs a lot of night shows before she goes nude, the same with jasmin. If I remeber right last year only melanie and leila go totaly nude in their first night show. All other needs more shifts and some of them today the hottests models. If you are shure that all this is shyness of the girls and not direction of etv. Don't convict the models if you don't know it exactly. |
Hey everbody. As some of you might know, I left a little rant here when ETV decided to censor their shows into oblivion and I really cranked down the amount of ETV i watch at the moment. In fact, I do it exactly like... sorry I don't remember who said it, but one member here said that he tunes into the channel and if he sees the message on the screen "[x] in the exclusive" he turns the show off and that's exactly what I do.
Aside from that I have watched the "Hip Hop Theme" show they did about 1 or 2 weeks ago and I really liked it. The girls where good and since I'm a huge fan of HipHop myself, I really enjoyed the show. I also watched the "oldschool" show last tuesday and I also really liked that show as well. ETV did what they are supposed to do: Listen to the people who watch the shows and let the models fullfill the requests that get sent towards them. There was lots of great action, lots of nudity lots of focus on fetish shows, it was good, no doubt. But that's not what I wanted to adress. I feel that ETV is in a bit of pickle at the moment. Both ETV and us, we all hate repetative shows, don't we? Let's face it: We have seen catwalk shows numerous times. We have seen oil shows numerous times. We have seen pantyhose shows numerous times. The requests for these shows (and sometimes for particular models) are, if u are not into that fetish, repetative and boring. But when u dig that fetish then u are into it. And that's where ETV faces a severe problem: You either a) Keep on fulfilling those requests. It's beneficial for you, since people spent LOOOTS and lots of money. ETV actually should continue fulfilling those requests, because, as many have said before, the customer is king, so if a customer spends money for something, he should get it. Not only do you make the customer happy, but he is, obviously, willing to pay more money in the future, since his wish got fullfilled. On the other hand, as I have said, there are many people who don't like pantyhose shows or feet shows, whatever the case may be. So if they see a feet show for the 8th time in a row in a night show, they are gonna turn off the channel because they are not into that, which is understandable. Don't get me wrong: I still am not paying any money on ETV. They are inconsitent. Sometimes the shows are really good (I'm only talking about the fta shows, btw) and sometimes they are just utter garbage. Sadly the latter is what happens in most of the fta night shows at the moment. But still, the problem between fullfilling repetative requests is probably a big issue for ETV at the moment but we'll see how they are gonna deal with that in the future. I for one, hope that they stick to the usual formula that put them on the map, that being fullfilling requests. Because it could turn out in their favor: As I said, the customers gonna spend more money if the requests are fullfilled and people who want to see other shows might end up spending money themselves to see shows that they want to see. On that note I just wanna say that when I'm gonna see "Pantyhose show" or the jamoke who doesn't even know the english term for it one more time I'm probably gonna loose it. |
lucifer70 wrote:3 credits for what? Some girl who pretends to be shy to hide the fact that she isn't able to do anything? Got to agree about Isadora, why was she on? She may be a lovely attractive girl, but for a nightshow, there should be a rule that the girls do at the very least, topless. IF it was her first show, then I don't have an issue with it being her taster session, but of she appears again, then surely she needs to relax and reveal more. Effy, I don't know her history, but she seems new to nights? so if so, well, at least shes topless so far. IT may be that they have a rule that for night shows, the first 2 nights can be taster nights, then 3rd night has to be topless, and by the 10th, nude. the exception to the above rule is Marla. she just too cute and sexy for words, so although I'd love to see her nude, I'll wait a bit longer lol Aleiss though, I cant understand. She did one show with a flash of pussy, but since then, she seems to think that topless is enough, even when asked for nude and she goes to do it in exclusive, she sticks to topless and just dances and jumps around a bit madly. Her last night show where she did the burlesque preplanned show, she was topless for the free view and then when it went to exclusive feed only, she still did topless only. That just took the piss! |
3 credits for what? Some girl who pretends to be shy to hide the fact that she isn't able to do anything?
3 credits for girls absolutely devoid of any charm? 3 credits for idiotic and boring to death shows? We live in 2015,on the web you find much much better and .... for free! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Isadora, Effy, Marla......stuff to laugh about! ![]() |
badrus wrote:anyone with any sense refuses to pay 3 credits for the crap shows they are producing I am not spending anymore and I spent thousands badrus is right, 3 credits are a little sum, but i'll spend it for a good show (and as i said before, i 'don't text or call so i think for people like me is right paying for good shows) but the exclusives now are so poor, pretentious and boring that 3 credits can seem a huge amount. |
kennyboy2012 wrote:its 3 credits for goodness sake! if you begrudge paying 3 credits for a night, then there is no hope for you!! anyone with any sense refuses to pay 3 credits for the crap shows they are producing I am not spending anymore and I spent thousands |
its 3 credits for goodness sake! if you begrudge paying 3 credits for a night, then there is no hope for you!!
kennyboy2012 wrote:it may be odd, but for me, I just prefer the exclusives. the girls are in a separate studio from the main studio so its more focused on them, it just seems better to me, that's allwell, if you don't bother about money - lucky you ![]() |
it may be odd, but for me, I just prefer the exclusives. the girls are in a separate studio from the main studio so its more focused on them, it just seems better to me, that's all
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