Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 Bewertung(en))

(3.98 / 5, 143 Bewertungen)

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03.06.2012, 20:49

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Awesome black screen for the current photo session behind the curtain! Thumb down

Dreamlander-It's not that difficult,is it?

Photos over,now it's moved back! Was that done on purpose? Confused

03.06.2012, 16:48

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Dreamlander wrote:"Watch everything...behind" it says enticingly on the website! Only if they remember to move the bloody webcam! Angry How many weeks have they been doing this show? Thumb down


You probably yelled so loud that they heard you and moved the cam now.

03.06.2012, 16:40

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

"Watch everything...behind" it says enticingly on the website! Only if they remember to move the bloody webcam! Angry How many weeks have they been doing this show? Thumb down


03.06.2012, 15:50

Re: Conctacs ETV

Dreamlander wrote:The girl in my Avatar has received lots of gifts from me from her Wishlist and that's always made her,and me,happy! Tongue


no money left for a bra? Tongue

03.06.2012, 15:17

Re: Conctacs ETV

Watcher wrote:"they don't want to have packages comming in from people they don't know." ... So maybe they do like packages from people they do know?
Makes you think Smile

Perhaps the more you spend, the more they know you. Cool

03.06.2012, 14:55

Re: Conctacs ETV

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Dreamlander wrote:They really should set up a P.O. Box to send things to.Nearly all of the UK channels do and the girls receive a lot of gifts regularly.

do the UK babeshow channels offer the opportunity to buy some presents for their models on their website, too?

Not that I'm aware of but that option was set up for an entirely different reason,wasn't it? Tongue I'm sure the girls would really prefer clothing,jewellery etc. of their choice sent by fans than over priced soft toys and flowers.That's why so many UK girls allow fans access to their Amazon wishlists.At least then you are guaranteed that the girl really wants what you are spending your hard earned cash on,it's win-win! Big Grin
The girl in my Avatar has received lots of gifts from me from her Wishlist and that's always made her,and me,happy! Tongue


03.06.2012, 14:03

Re: Conctacs ETV

Dreamlander wrote:They really should set up a P.O. Box to send things to.Nearly all of the UK channels do and the girls receive a lot of gifts regularly.

do the UK babeshow channels offer the opportunity to buy some presents for their models on their website, too?

03.06.2012, 13:23

Re: Conctacs ETV

Dreamlander wrote:They really should set up a P.O. Box to send things to.

The fanbase for ETV is huge. For these lovely girls to be able to receive gifts seems an obvious process to me.

It's a good idea Thumb up, but the basic problem is this:
What good is going to be? Confused
- Girls will be pleased. Thumb up
- Viewers will be pleased. Thumb up
- ETV staff will have more work. Confused
- Profit bosses ETV from this services - 0 € Sad

I have a feeling that all 4 reasons are for bosses ETV unacceptable. Sad

03.06.2012, 12:39

Re: Conctacs ETV

HvB wrote:
magia84 wrote:Hello I am writing from italy and I have a problem I always talk live with my favorite model and I bought her a gift but do not know where to send it as I can do to find the address of ETV??
The only email contact and indicate that their site is but never replies ... how can I do to deliver the gift to the model?? Thank you to all

Simple answer: you can't.
Like there is no baggage alowed on planes if the person is not on board, they don't want to have packages comming in from people they don't know.

They really should set up a P.O. Box to send things to.Nearly all of the UK channels do and the girls receive a lot of gifts regularly.An employee checks all of the packages first for safety and suitability before giving them to the girl.From what I have heard,there is only a tiny amount of 'questionable' items sent,usually because the time and money involved means that generally those sending packages are true,positive 'normal' fans so the gifts are good.
The UK girls are all career glamour models,usually financially stable and they still receive expensive gifts.I know this is not the case with most of the ETV girls.I'm sure they would appreciate even more,gifts from admiring fans.The fanbase for ETV is huge.For these lovely girls to be able to receive gifts seems an obvious process to me.


03.06.2012, 12:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I don't normally get drawn ito perverted discussions Tongue but in this case I'll make an exception Cool .

It's a well documented fact that perverts see themselves as normal and the normal world as perverted ...
or to put it another way, we all have our own views of the world. Perverted or normal, it's the same world.

Whilst scanning the offerings from Clarke's Belt it was noted that there is a multiplicity of viewing available.
This is a good thing. There should be something to suit any taste. If you find something you like, watch it ...
Insisting that one channel should be more like another channel is bad. It destroys this multiplicity and the choice it offers.

03.06.2012, 12:03

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

ok, all fair enough and certainly there is some truth in this obeservation and many of those bondage, oil and leather requests are not to my taste either.

but this being the case, where are the 'normal' wishes of the 'normal' people with 'normal' desires to outweigh the below mentioned ?


03.06.2012, 09:58

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I did not watch last night show, I had no reason. Sad
When I searched the satellite channels and looking for something interesting, I several times saw a short while ETV. These few moments, however, compels me to think about:

In what "perverted" world lives ETV ?

- In their world is any hint of love, tenderness, sensuality and art strictly censored.
- On the contrary, signs of sexual violence, fetishes and other "special" request is normally displayed.

During yesterday's search of satellite channels (free channels only) I saw many similar programs as BS24 Confused . I also saw a number of erotic filmsBlush . On those channels I saw more naked bodies, more details, more expressions of love and more erotic Thumb up than ETV where I always saw only bound girl Thumb down .
Why the bosses ETV still trying to convince us what is allowed and what is necessary to censor.
I apologize to anyone who do like this "erotic art" to ETV. Confused

(This is only my "less valuable" opinion.)

03.06.2012, 09:58

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:But none of those who defend ETV thought that many of those who complain are those who have given money to ETV and have received nothing in return? So, I think that anyone who has given and has not received has all rights to complain.Cool

And also any feedback I have had is about not sending sms, not paying so no right to complain bla, blah, blah.
It's always ineraction with the channel via payment !
I do not see the compliments thread as busy as any other threads.

02.06.2012, 21:37

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:But none of those who defend ETV thought that many of those who complain are those who have given money to ETV and have received nothing in return? So, I think that anyone who has given and has not received has all rights to complain.Cool

If someone has this type of problem then they have a valid reason to complain to ETV.
When the complaints procedure has concluded then a post here, giving details, could be beneficial to the members.

... but that's not what happens, is it.

02.06.2012, 20:14

Re: Conctacs ETV

HvB wrote:
magia84 wrote:Hello I am writing from italy and I have a problem I always talk live with my favorite model and I bought her a gift but do not know where to send it as I can do to find the address of ETV??
The only email contact and indicate that their site is but never replies ... how can I do to deliver the gift to the model?? Thank you to all

Simple answer: you can't.
Like there is no baggage alowed on planes if the person is not on board, they don't want to have packages comming in from people they don't know.

I think that is possible (via Austria)SmileBig Grin - costs a bit more maybeCool