Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 Bewertung(en))

(3.98 / 5, 143 Bewertungen)

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07.03.2012, 23:23

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

For me, it is incomprehensible that models are already not as Gia, Naomi, Lia, Lin, Randa and others;
meanwhile Aria and Lillian remain in ETV, ' per omnia saecula saeculorum '

07.03.2012, 20:30

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

uk334 wrote:...
In defence of etv, this week has had new models in the nightshow, soft or not it's a change of scenery and sexual aprehension.
Judging by the threads they are damed if they do and damned if they do not, give this new wave of ideas incl models a chance at least.
Summer is round the corner so perhaps a few clothes can be shed rather than hiding in a shed lot of clothes.
I won't blame the girls, but ETV responsible people. Putting 2 new girls in a night show with these 4 other girls had big potential to fail.
Karry and Bella are still Newbies in nightshows herselves, Kate is able to make her own show but not yet to integrate or instruct other girls and Angelina can't take care for 2 new girls in parallel.
And to expect Tiara and Suzy can handle her first night show without significant support from some experienced girls isn't realistic.
Not the idea but the realization failed.


07.03.2012, 19:55

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

For everything what is happening lately, I every time see the end of ETV more nearby.
It is a pity, but it is clear that they cannot continue thus a lot of time more.
Every time they have less good models, and to those who are still, they are not treating too much well.

07.03.2012, 16:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Sorry Shaky, the word is in quotes. I understand it disrespectful not in any way and what are the words i use you must have to leave me.

07.03.2012, 15:38

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

keeper64 wrote:In additions to the leavings there are also " dino`s" at etv. 3 years and more (some intermittend) are present:

Wow Sad...i hope you never say this word" dino's " in there face or sms Thumb down ! And there definitly not " dino's " there all beautifull young woman with each there own personality and unqiue caracter who have bin longer than some of the other models there at Etv ...i found that another word would have bin better sayd/written than this " dino's " Maybe the word " legendary " would have bin one of the words or " the more experienced " females/models Cool

Kind Regards

07.03.2012, 12:36

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

So we ask for new models in the nightshow and we get them, so someone is listening finally somewhere.
Now we need the office show in the afternoons and get some legs and skirts going.
Seems we have a collection of males rather than women, always shorts and pants with tops that show no femininity whatsoever.

Myself being the first to complain....
In defence of etv, this week has had new models in the nightshow, soft or not it's a change of scenery and sexual aprehension.
Judging by the threads they are damed if they do and damned if they do not, give this new wave of ideas incl models a chance at least.
Summer is round the corner so perhaps a few clothes can be shed rather than hiding in a shed lot of clothes.

05.03.2012, 18:23

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

chrispocz wrote:Today, two new girls (Suzy and Tiara) in the show night. Maybe not expect as always happens too much. Although I personally feel that it will be a good show. Better to be pleasantly surprised than sorely disappointed. I no matter what happens. I'm so glad that they (especially Suzy) finally got the chance to participate in the show night.

I understand what you wanna say but we have a nightshow and i fear that we only see Angelina and Kate naked and the others not.... I really hope not because i like Suzy very much i hope she is allowed to get topless.

05.03.2012, 16:29

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Today, two new girls (Suzy and Tiara) in the show night. Maybe not expect as always happens too much. Although I personally feel that it will be a good show. Better to be pleasantly surprised than sorely disappointed. I no matter what happens. I'm so glad that they (especially Suzy) finally got the chance to participate in the show night.

03.03.2012, 09:53

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

There are other models eg Roshana and Scarlet etc who work harder on this channel than some of the other door stops, and possibly keeping it alive ?
All models should sign a contract to appear in nightshows even as soft models, it would be better than seeing the same inanimate models we see day in and day out.
And be a lot fairer, seems to be a get out cause if you are pretty

03.03.2012, 00:39

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Do you know what would be really nice is to see this supposed super video quality!

02.03.2012, 15:30

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I think that a "will bring back show" with Sabrina is a good idea (maybe once a day ETV will bring back GIA....), BUT why ETV bring back Lilian, a model, that show us since many years such a bad performance ? In the last time, many new beautiful models with a good performance starts on ETV. When will they become a chance in a night show ?

02.03.2012, 11:16

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

babacola7 wrote:Etv should chage its name to "Scarlet - Randa -tv", srtv!

Sranda Tv

02.03.2012, 11:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

fcn2011 wrote:Oh my god,

even a boring Carla is better as Timi and Lillian. I don´t understand the politic of ETV anymore or i havent ever understood it... lol

But the selection of the nightshows can´t be worser these days. Anyway after one good show they bring us two-three boring or unwatchable shows, even the german shows are better.... And as long they ignore wonderful models like Suzy for night i see no help for them....

Good night, have a nice show all the Fans of this models.....

It's the fans of these models keep the format the way it is ?
I would love to be a fly on the wall, I bet there is so much bitching and Narcissism amongst the models and staff.
Anyway there is the free internet, so save your hard earned money from this crap and use it for more important things.

02.03.2012, 09:56

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Watching bellerophone`s statistics Thumb up we can see that the new philosophy of ETV (making the cast of the nightshows with nearly always the same models) is not very successful.
And watching the statistics of January/February 2012 you could see that ETV is not very consistent in making the cast for the nightshows only with models who receive a lot of SMS and so making money for ETV. If ETV would respect that, then models like Jane, Anna, Timi, Lilian would be kicked out of the nightshows (and not my favourite model CHELSEA who was in January much better in receiving SMS than these models!)
I get more and more the impression that there are (beside the wishes of the models) hard fights and and intriges about the cast for the nightshows. That the models and the other members of the team are always in a good mood and like themselves soo much: That`s only a great illusion what they make believe the viewers in their shows.
ETV is and was a channel in which stupid amateurs are making the shows of the models without any clear direction. That ETV has a professional technical equipment doesn`t change this conclusion Thumb downThumb downThumb down

01.03.2012, 23:21

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Oh my god,

even a boring Carla is better as Timi and Lillian. I don´t understand the politic of ETV anymore or i havent ever understood it... lol

But the selection of the nightshows can´t be worser these days. Anyway after one good show they bring us two-three boring or unwatchable shows, even the german shows are better.... And as long they ignore wonderful models like Suzy for night i see no help for them....

Good night, have a nice show all the Fans of this models.....
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