Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 Bewertung(en))

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29.01.2013, 23:48

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Slowfox wrote:as it doesn't fit in the Karry D&C I decided to move this here

pollopollo wrote:In what world do you live then?
Mean the girls fairy tales tell to the callers as a rule.
They tell to Him what he wants to hear and this is mostly a sex. Big Grin

well, sir, with all due respect, how do you know that ?

did you make this expirience ? as mine is completely different.

I have written if the caller wants to hear erotic words he gets you to hear.
If he wants to lead a normal conversation, he also can do this of course.
We need and, nevertheless, not to lie in the pocket.
The canal calls also eroticism canal. Blush

29.01.2013, 22:54

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Slowfox wrote:well, sir, with all due respect, how do you know that ?

did you make this expirience ? as mine is completely different.

I think it depends on the girl.
Mostly all of them tell you what you want to hear.
Some laugh at you with their friends as soon as you end the call, some are genuinely nicer.

So in this particular case I think that every position makes sense but it is impossible to outline a 'general' behaviour, so to say.

29.01.2013, 22:39

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

who does not believe, I can put that video ....

29.01.2013, 21:01

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

as it doesn't fit in the Karry D&C I decided to move this here

pollopollo wrote:In what world do you live then?
Mean the girls fairy tales tell to the callers as a rule.
They tell to Him what he wants to hear and this is mostly a sex. Big Grin

well, sir, with all due respect, how do you know that ?

did you make this expirience ? as mine is completely different.

29.01.2013, 19:47

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

mare wrote:I know how to watch what's going on etv private show without paying...

Is that really so interesting? Cool

29.01.2013, 18:03

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Why o why is Eurotic sticking to 5 or 6 models on the nightshow doing nothing but wiggle or pose for 5 or 6 hours. Please please give them some form of props to liven things up. The afternoon show has props for the soft models to compensate for lack of flesh on show. Is it so hard to put a desk and chair in among the girls for a mini office show ?? A little inflatable paddling pool for popular shows with water,milk or oil. With nothing to do - the girls soon look bored midway through a show. The shows need something to lift the gloom. Models like Mashiara or Angelina are on less and less and when they are on a night show they do very subdued in their actions. Why do they still cover up themselves with their hands when doing an open legs shot wearing pants ?? The Sharon Stone leg crossing requests are an absolute wate of time and money. I didn't post in the forum from last summer to xmas time because there was nothing more to say about tthe channel. Another six months absence looks likely if they don't liven things up soon. Please--get some props for the girls.

29.01.2013, 17:11

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I know how to watch what's going on etv private show without paying...

20.01.2013, 16:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

uk334 wrote:Why, why, why do all the models now wear trousers, pants, leggings anything to show nothing sensual at all.
Even Elmar now wears leggings. I call it the Evah syndrome

With some it is better if you carry Leggins. Big Grin

19.01.2013, 21:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Why, why, why do all the models now wear trousers, pants, leggings anything to show nothing sensual at all.
Even Elmar now wears leggings. I call it the Evah syndrome

18.01.2013, 21:00

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Chris26 wrote:Leaving petty discussions aside.

Well it's a good thing then you have such a delicate sense of humor Big Grin

18.01.2013, 19:57

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Mr_Niceguy wrote:Are you working for ETV....cause this sounds as much like an advertisment to become a goldmember as I have ever seen on ETV, I even dare say it is much better. Thumb up

I hope they don't hire me, that thing you quoted up here is just a blatant example of cannibalizing your own market while bolstering another one. In the end you just piss off a lot of people and receive no increased revenue.

Or, in simpler words that everybody can understand, a waste.

Mr_Niceguy wrote:Hmm Maybe it was sarcasm again Big Grin

No, I told you, I'll try to refrain from using sarcasm if I can.
I hope I'll not have to resort to sign language in the future.

18.01.2013, 19:36

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Chris26 wrote:The other interesting part is about viewers not sending wishes. This is interesting in a certain way: for example, I'd never send a wish for Ava or Karry to get naked in a TV show because I perfectly know that I'd waste my money as they are not going to do that: if I want to see them naked I buy a premium show and that's that (and Karry actually delivers much more than Ava on the Internet). So if all those who want to see those two models naked think like I do, none of them is going to send messages requesting stuff.
On a broader scale, despite what someone keeps yammering, the Internet shows, both ELS and Premiums, allow for far more "risque" camera shots than all recent nightshows, so even when speaking about models who get naked in both shows, who is going to spend the bulk of his money for a wish in a nightshow (spending 4 credits) when he can buy (for maybe half the price) a Premium Show by the same model he likes and see her for an entire hour, without cuts, in a much more explicit setting?

Are you working for ETV....cause this sounds as much like an advertisment to become a goldmember as I have ever seen on ETV, I even dare say it is much better. Thumb up

Hmm Maybe it was sarcasm again Big Grin

18.01.2013, 01:17

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Leaving petty discussions aside, I like Wilson's comparison with concerts very much and I agree with him completely.
In that I, too, when I go to a concert, expect to see a concert, because that's what I pay for. It's not a case that often bands refund people when a member can't play because of whatever reason (and in certain cases also if repeated black-outs occur): the people are always the same, it's the performance that lacks.

And when the concert takes place but the bands plays badly for whatever reason, it is perfectly acceptable to criticize their performance, and in some cases even auspicable, because they might not be aware of the various problems. That, by no means, should diminish the respect (provided there is any, as I don't think it is required) for the person behind the instrument. If I think somebody is a great singer, this is a praise for his/her voice, regardless of his/her great or horrible personality.

I think the same could be said for models, for example there are many models I absolutely dislike as people but whose shows I like and I must say are much better than the shows of some models that I might prefer at a first glance but who seriously lack in performance (I won't say names as some people might get sad and cry because I insult their favorites).

If you (addressed to whoever, not a specific person) think that your only purpose in life (or as member/caller, although for some the difference is quite thin) is to agree with your favourite model in everything she does even if it means defending her from everybody (like she isn't able to do that by herself) and even when all the other people are disagreeing (a hint that maybe you might be wrong and not all of them), you're not a man, you're a doormat.
But everyone is free to be a doormat, after all, and one of my favourite saying is: "A fool and his money are soon parted", so from a certain point of view, also reading some posts in the Wall, I'm quite happy that ETV is managing to drain so much money from certain people. Big Grin

Apart from that, I'm very sad to realize that sarcasm (hint: saying "a couple" and then listing a dozen is sarcasm...) is not as clear to some members as I'd hoped it'd be, I'll make sure not to resort to that in my future posts.

One of the biggest problems (too many to list) that I see with ETV nowadays is their arrogant way of approaching customers: if nobody purchases a show, the first thing they should think is: "Hmm... nobody bought it. I wonder why? Let's see how many people had bought previous shows and let's try to understand what went wrong. Was it the models? The theme? The price?", not: "NOBODY UNDERSTANDS! WE ARE SO DISAPPOINTED!".

18.01.2013, 00:18

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

thank you too for the the given evidence that I was right with my thoughts.Obviously the models are persons,but they are playing a role. I work in a customer service, and i am the guy who attend my customers, but believe me, i am playing a role when i am talking with them. I never used the word Robot, it´s you who wants to put that word in my mouth, so please, don´t say i said things i didn´t say and save the demagogy, i would never say they are robots, they just do their work. I know what you are trying: draw me as a unfeeling guy, a horrible person who treats the models as meat, they have " a heart and a soul" yes, yes, i know that speech very well, it´s very used from people like you when you try to sell we are bad people. But i can say you are completely wrong. I am just a customer, and it´s not my business the money ETv pays to them, it´s not my business her personal life. Anyway, i respect them and i feel simpathy for some of them, really. But the people like you, who treat in a personal way with them, become wrongly in white knights when you understand any critic of their work as personal offenses. When i go to a concert, i don´t mind the personal life of the artist, what he gets for the show, if he is tired or whatever, what i want (and what i pay for) is to see/listen him singing or performing, i pay for that, for his job! and that not means i don´t respect the artist as person if i don´t like the concert.

nighthawk wrote:"Concerning your comment of their pathetic shouting, like you have expressed it, I can only laugh."
sorry because my bad english, maybe i write very badly, anyway you all remember how ETV said to us they wouldn´t post the show in the video section because the poor number of viewers, it was something like "you are bad guys, you didn´t buy our show, now i don´t put the video, f-you!" Yes, i laughed a lot when i read that. You say: "No matter to know in front of the show what will happen, if I read there will be Kristina, Mashiara and Tia in, I'll watch it every time.", ok, i respect it, enjoy it! but respect who don´t buy the shows, they are not bad persons, only not interested in the show because whatever reasons!!

nighthawk wrote:If you would be careful read the wall section
yes, i read it often, it´s the best humour page and propaganda space i´ve seen in my whole life. I am happy you laughed, i can assure to you i laugh much more reading that wall than you could read reading me.They answered in a angry childish way, and the people complained because it was a stupid decision, and finally they were forced to back off.

finally an example: i would ask to you to describe the work in this current show of Karry as erotic model (remember is the "hot show, not appropiate for minors"), and compare it with Sugar work. My point: Karry is doing a horrible work and Sugar a good work, i would complain about Karry´s work and praise, congratulate and thanks to Sugar for her work.It´s just simple. By the way, the show is very bad, but it is not something new. I suspect we want different things from ETV.

Thanks again for your post. I don´t agree with you in the distinction. To me is a very important distinction. When i complain about the director, i complain about the job of the guy who is playing the director role, not the person, and the model as model, not person., it´s a critic about the work as erotic model, not a critic as person.The guy is the same, but not the role. I explained before to nighthawk, you can read it above.

18.01.2013, 00:17

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Chris26 wrote:
nighthawk wrote:<snip>

You forgot option D). Big Grin

Have used the first joker. Asked the public. Big Grin
They said with a percantage of 100 it isn't option D) Big Grin
Option D)? Don't draw your conclusions from the most of comments here Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Don't worry, it had been the 1 000 000 € question Big Grin

I'm waiting for your suggest of option E)

Big Grin