Etv new year

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01.01.2008, 00:30

Etv new year

I am in a party, but there is a tv set in a "room"
I watched ETV by curiosity for the new year ( 15mn ).
they do not drink Champagne . Champagne is not bottled with plastic stoppers.
They do not know how to serve Champagne.
Poor channel, poor guys ( management and mods.)

01.01.2008, 22:40

Re: Etv new year

Afer checking my recordings, I decided to delete them all. It was not only the worst year in etv history, it was the worst silvester show ever. Boring. And even no fireworks! Btw., did someone see the christmas tree with lights?

I think there were no lights on the tree. :-((

If this is the new year let's jump immediately over to 2009. Maybe my doctor can put me into an artifical winter sleep for the rest of 2008.

Boycott must go on!

01.01.2008, 21:47

Re: Etv new year

We in Italy named it "fatto con le cartine" (made of powder in bags). :))))))

@stillstrikingandboycottingbull, were there fireowrks in that famous hill? :))))

01.01.2008, 13:26

Re: Etv new year

Morning to you all...yes yes we jumped into a new year, which I wish you all the best in this forum...just one thought while I am still too tired from yesterday party... Is this shit becoming so soft that now we are going to watch like for example only models sitting there and eating and similar soft that even Vicky can be a model. All in all a very pathetic new year program. Feel sorry for the girls.

01.01.2008, 12:25

Re: Etv new year

Maybe not even alcoholic.

After all they greeted in the New Year at 21:00 CET for AEU, at 22:00 CET for Russia !!!, at 23:00 CET for you-know-where and 24:00 CET for Germany et all. Don't know what happened at 01:00 CET probably nothing as who gives a f...k about good ol' UK.

But all those greetings and alcohol could have resulted in drunk models behaving badly. We cannot have that now can we.

01.01.2008, 00:35

Re: Etv new year

I forgot:

Perhaps, they do not knows  what is the wine : Champagne.

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