Communal shooters go here

4.25 (12 Bewertung(en))

(4.25 / 5, 12 Bewertungen)

Amateur models online
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19.05.2009, 22:17

Re: Communal shooters go here

@Klemi & bad-boy
100% agree with you guys.
etv is like a sect and as a person swallow what they play and give money, ETV will be happy and continue this thing like nothing.

19.05.2009, 21:59

Re: Communal shooters go here

<<<Her departure was the last nail in the coffin.>>>

You don't need more nails for this coffin. It's six feet under since weeks.

19.05.2009, 21:41

Re: Communal shooters go here

It is true that one can do anything he wants with his money. He of course can even throw it away. I am one of the oldest viewers of etv here and maybe even one of them feeling most insulted as a viewer. I agree with board admin that one should never insult another member of the forum. What I also agree is that Vappiano has a point in many things he said. And also bill, marcus, bellerophone, jonas and almost all of us probably agree etv nowadays is a total disaster. Just one of the many stupidities: ETV now has about 40 girls, a good number for erotic channel. For an excuse not to strip they do what??? They advertise another line of sexy internet sexy connections with models. How stupid is this exactly??? For me it beats anything I ever saw on any channel! It is disgusting. I do not write this to insult anyone writing sms to girls, because I agree with Board admin that it is a matter of taste yes,...I feel sorry for them because they pay and dont get what they paid for. All etv is good at is cheating and stealing money from people not giving anything in return. I am so mad at those idiots that it makes me think to leave this forum for some time because nothing nice hapenned since...ELZA. Her departure was the last nail in the coffin.

19.05.2009, 21:31

Re: Communal shooters go here

Dear Mr. Pink

I don't want to defend my position but
even people guilty of murder has the right of reply, so I think I have,at least,the right to make a question,
so that your answer can help me to make no more mistakes :

since I think that the Vip SMSs we speak about was "money for nothing" also if it was referred to Miss Universe
(therefore not a question of tastes to respect) then I ask you:
if in the image I posted I had deleted the name of jonas or if the Vip SMSs had been sent by another person (not jonas)
would it have been the same problem or not ?

Thanks in advance.

19.05.2009, 19:34

Re: Communal shooters go here

The most annoying is that they managed to swallow for viewers, fans, lovers of the models indigestible stuff they do every day. Etv has good days ahead. Now they know they will always have many people behind them. pathetic.

19.05.2009, 18:37

Re: Communal shooters go here

@vappiano68: regarding your most recent communal shooters post: I'm really sick of your comments where you to try to provocate other members (in this case: jonas). Tastes are different, so respect them! Stop doing that and remember that the bin feels empty and alone these days. And I don't wanna read any reply, excuse or another arguementation here, I think I said enough.

19.05.2009, 16:44

Re: Communal shooters go here

my god it's fantastic, the models show their arms and legs, which treats, I think I'm having an erection. You can not have better elsewhere, the best etv. ah ah ah

19.05.2009, 16:13

Re: Communal shooters go here

They seem to be taking along time to fix the studio toilet. We still have four models standing in a line in front of the camera twisting and turning their bodies as if they are bursting to go to the toilet ha ha. It really is amatuer production shows now eh. Wow --a model pulled up her top to show her stomach--I will have to lie down in a dark room for the rest of the day. Its too sexy for me !!!

19.05.2009, 16:10

Re: Communal shooters go here

Only 4 girls in studio during the whole daytime. 5 with Monna (model only next friday morning), with her usual walk.

Now Patrizia too.

19.05.2009, 13:44

Re: Communal shooters go here

Before you fall in love to a tv-model think about this! :-)))

19.05.2009, 13:19

Re: Communal shooters go here

@ all Nikita, Sabrina lovers:

I just want to assure you:
don't worry guys, your loved girls will never leave this "MockTV" until you can see VIP SMSs like this :

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

If Vip SMSs like this are real (???), none can be so crazy to leave a job where people spend 10 euro for nothing,
and this "crapTV" will be able to continue to offer viewers the actual disgusting content for the eternity !

19.05.2009, 09:16

Re: Communal shooters go here


Thank you for your friendly words, I always like to read your comments. I hope these words are not out of topic and I must go to jail!!! Then I prefer to leave this rigid forum!

19.05.2009, 05:52

Re: Communal shooters go here

Warning! Satire! Don’t take the following to serious!

The red cross marks topics OG considers inappropriate. You may agree by clicking the red cross and the post will be deleted without consequences for you. If you don't agree, OG will delete them and send you to jail. One week for each message ...

18.05.2009, 22:21

Re: Communal shooters go here

Thank You ghostwriter2008 for your answer. like always very kind of you !

Kind Regards


18.05.2009, 21:28

Re: Communal shooters go here

@jonas to answer on your post of yesterday 11.44u .( i did answer but at the wrong topic ! ) I'm sure that we/you will see Sabrina again next week ,maybe Sabrina hat some other things to do or she needed some time off, but ofcourse this is what i think . I say to you jonas try to stay positif and i'm sure we will see her again after a couple of days ( that's what i always try the do for Kaleya ...but the only problem is when she's in the show i'm still at work so that's a bummer for me at that time :) ) And i think if Sabrina wil (or would) leave Etv than i think that Nikita would have left also bu Nikita is still there this week ( and hopefully more for you) . If Sabrina would leave than i will miss her also ( and i'm sure some other people also ) because Sabrina is a nice looking girl ( no doubt about that !) ...she's a beauty ! Oké maybe her attitude was/is not always that perfect but she's one of the best they have at Etv ( after Kaleya ofcourse :)) ) So my advice to you jonas is ...stay positif !!

Kind Regards


(the red/white shark)

ps :@ OldGrizzly sorry that the post was written in the wrong topic ,forgive me !

( @OldGrizzly  i have  on  question if i may ,why is there a red cross behind all my posts and topics ,did i did something wrong or what ?? )