Bric A Brac

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06.04.2008, 10:48

Bric A Brac

Steptoe had a call from a regular customer.

"We need some props"
"For a clothes-line ?"
"No, no. We need to build a new set so everyone can comment on how bad it is. What do you have ?"
"Let me see. I have a very nice chaise-longe and a tall chest. How about a rocking-chair, a vintage gramophone, an over-sized violin and an upright piano ?"
"That's quite a mixed bag but I am sure we can make it work. We need something for the walls"
"How about a couple of reproduction Modigliani's. Well Paddy said they are reproductions and I know narrfing about art. Just some nekkid chicks as far as I know"
"Perfect. This background will fit in ideal to the artistic effect that we are looking for"
"I also have a very large empty picture frame. Do you have use for this"
"Indeed we have. We have an idea for a living picture. One that will change at will"

Several days on, I did not see this set at it's premiere and can only now pass some comments. I found an old post of mine which reminded the channel of the need for somewhere for the girls to dance. And they have brought back the pole in quite a novel way.

I reminded the channel of the inherent problem of the VIP plasmas. Now there is only one and it has been cleverly incorporated into the set.

People complain that the set sucks and gives their favourite girl no opportunity to shine. Well let's see how good these ‘uber-models’ really are. If they are good they can adapt and work with the fittings.

People complain that they do not like the music. Music must try to match the surroundings. Rammstein and disco-pop will be out of place here. If you do not like it then just turn it off.

We have waited 7 months for some new surroundings. Some older sets will always be people's favourites for whatever reason. But what would you now be saying if after these few years there had been no change whatsoever and you just had a few couches and a pole.

They do things different over there to what we expect. They at least deserve to be given a chance.

06.04.2008, 11:01

Re: Bric A Brac

Am I right in assuming you recently received the payment for the script? ;-) (Added after reading another post someone ambidextrously posted while I was reacting to this one ;-): ok, if it’s not the payment, it must be a mild birthday and post travelling mood that generated this post. I wish you a happy birthday.)
Actually I like the set. Since the first show they cleaned it up a little bit to get the models some space to move without getting strangled by their own headset. That this space is nearly never used is not the fault of the decorators. As I can hear some épées being sharpened right now I will put all the blame for that on the directors even if I think it is only partly their fault. And the music, well, after years of mute watching (thanks to mod-Viki for that), I turned it on again and I’m really enjoying it. Tastes are different …

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