Boycott etv

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03.01.2016, 12:04

Re: Boycott etv

Dear fascio, Smile

fascio wrote:You pay, and I watch for free on the net. Not great shows, but for free....
But you are watching... and of course you have a lot of real girls.Smile

And you`re watching shows who are not great (for you), but for free.
And some others watching shows they are good(for them) and paying for it.

So, who have the fun at the end !?Smile

03.01.2016, 11:31

Re: Boycott etv

Dear Slowfox, dear Kbennyboy, dear happies Etv payers, I'm grateful to you.
You pay, and I watch for free on the net. Not great shows, but for free....
NS is dead, too many models not beautyful and with "glue slip"; no interaction. No free action and free choise of the models: no spontaneity and no ioy of living except, sometimes, Jasmine and Lauren. Rare pussies, not frontal and with camera .... on the moon.
Maybe NS is still attractive for arabian people.
No problem, it's life. And TV doesnt finish in Sky channel 952.
If you are happy to pay for nothing, are your lives and your money.
But, IMHO, you are living poor lives. To be addicted is never a good thing. Drugs or Isadora no tits, is the same.
I wish you less VIP messages and more girls in real life.
My regards, have a good 2016. With a nice girl with you.

03.01.2016, 01:40

Re: Boycott etv

andreaparma wrote:Slowfox please read carefully all the topic and contributions from members before sending any useless or OT post. Thanks

I did. But what I see is the following

You are only allowed to write here when

a) you obey to the unwritten rules established by the thread founder regardless of available forum rules
b) you are pro the thread founders idea of boycotting ETV
c) you have a bad opinion about ETV generally
d) giving a f**k on the principle of free speech
e) you are contributing to insulting and harassing individual forum members
f) your name is not kenny

This is not a discussion but obvious bs.

It is easier to do a poll for this which besides as useless as this thread. This is my bad opinion.

This is my final word here, so have fun guys. I will continue to spend happily my credits for what I like.

03.01.2016, 01:14

Re: Boycott etv

not saying that its personal by andreaparma, but it was my post that he took exception to, about being off topic and he kind of overlooks anyone else doing the same Smile

I'm touched by the personal attention he gives me Smile

03.01.2016, 01:12

Re: Boycott etv

love.giant wrote:
anelleS wrote:It's obviously that many viewers are disappointed. But it's pointless to criticize someone that he spends money on something, that he/she likes and enjoys - and for which an other person would spend no money. To each his own. People are different and tastes differ. And things are constantly changing.

Just wanted throw that in: If kennyboy is enjoying it, then why does he feel the need to post in a thread that is clearly catered to people who are disatisfied with the product? Sure, he can voice his opinion and throw money out the window as much as he pleases, since he doesn't waste the money from anyone else, but it's clear as day that you get a backlash when you go against the core of the thread,
It's like posting a hetero movie in a thread where people share lesbian movies. People will bash you for that, justifingly so.
In return, if kennyboy wants to praise ETV, then he should open a thread himself where he discusses whatever he feels like. Posting something contrary to what the core post is about smells like either a plant or a troll to me.

there have been a number of threads, but the negative miseries kept jumping on and posting their crap, so that this whole forum became infected with the negativity, choking out any positive posts.

03.01.2016, 01:09

Re: Boycott etv

badrus wrote:
andreaparma wrote:Slowfox please read carefully all the topic and contributions from members before sending any useless or OT post. Thanks

he is good at not reading and then comments on part insults us then tries to make out like we insulted members

problem is , badrus, you do. read your own comments and posts. I called a truce a while back, and you kept trying to provoke me. so I suggest you read your own comments aimed at me not so long ago, comments that I let go at the time,.
have a nice day

03.01.2016, 01:07

Re: Boycott etv

andreaparma wrote:Just to point out to and lots of members have been watching eurotic tv (now called etv) for 10 years and are watching etv since 12 months that is to say the beginning of the worst period of etv called by etv management "wind of change"

well if you're such an expert, how come you think your bs boycott will make any difference at all. I mean really. your stuck in the past wishing for a world that doesnt exist any more, wanting something that is gone and wont be back.
you can either accept it and move on, or enjoy etv as it is now,
or you can just keep beating the same old drum like a few others, until you finally tire. its your choice.
meanwhile, back in the real world, some of us are enjoying parts of etv and skipping parts we don't enjoy, but we are enjoying ourselves.

have a nice day

03.01.2016, 00:37

Re: Boycott etv

Just to point out to and lots of members have been watching eurotic tv (now called etv) for 10 years and are watching etv since 12 months that is to say the beginning of the worst period of etv called by etv management "wind of change"

03.01.2016, 00:33

Re: Boycott etv

andreaparma wrote:Slowfox please read carefully all the topic and contributions from members before sending any useless or OT post. Thanks

he is good at not reading and then comments on part insults us then tries to make out like we insulted members

03.01.2016, 00:25

Re: Boycott etv

Slowfox please read carefully all the topic and contributions from members before sending any useless or OT post. Thanks

02.01.2016, 22:51

Re: Boycott etv

anelleS wrote:It's obviously that many viewers are disappointed. But it's pointless to criticize someone that he spends money on something, that he/she likes and enjoys - and for which an other person would spend no money. To each his own. People are different and tastes differ. And things are constantly changing.

Just wanted throw that in: If kennyboy is enjoying it, then why does he feel the need to post in a thread that is clearly catered to people who are disatisfied with the product? Sure, he can voice his opinion and throw money out the window as much as he pleases, since he doesn't waste the money from anyone else, but it's clear as day that you get a backlash when you go against the core of the thread,
It's like posting a hetero movie in a thread where people share lesbian movies. People will bash you for that, justifingly so.
In return, if kennyboy wants to praise ETV, then he should open a thread himself where he discusses whatever he feels like. Posting something contrary to what the core post is about smells like either a plant or a troll to me.

02.01.2016, 22:43

Re: Boycott etv

hey. Mr. andreaparma, isn't it your duty as the boss of the thread to call people to order again ?

below is imho extremely off topic

Maybe it is an idea to rename the thread to 'What is your problem with ETV' or 'What is your problem with Kenny' or 'Do you have any problem you want to share'

02.01.2016, 22:28

Re: Boycott etv

Thorny wild plant?

I do agree though, exclusive shows should always be hotter that the FTA show or the first part that is shown on the FTA feed should not be as hot as the exclusives only feed, but lately, a lot of the exclusives that show in the fta feed, don't get any hotter after the fts feed stops, and that's wrong.

02.01.2016, 22:24

Re: Boycott etv

GeorgeSK wrote:
fascio wrote:When I read Kennyboy, I think he is a fake identity of one of ETV STAFF. The same when I read in TV the not credible requests and comments of WK.

Just to let you know kennyboy is WK.

As I read the discussion I can see people wanting back the old ETV with the classic nightshows with some explicitness and hate the fact that exclusives are prevailing on the schedule. Here are some points from me:

1. Don't just hate Kennyboy, he also points out the fact that the shows are tamer these days.

2. On the other hand I don't agree with Kennyboy that free shows don't pay bills. Customers talk to the models and send in maybe 50 or 100 wishes per classic night show, much more than the usual 6-8 VIPs for exclusive shows. And ETV sometimes pools together 2, 3, or even 4 messages for the same fulfilled wish.

3. We just don't know how many people who don't send wishes to exclusives are really paying the 2-3 credits to watch the exclusive nights. Also keep in mind that ETV admitted that they don't record their classic nights but they record the exclusives so they can be repackaged as highlights and resold again in the video section to people who didn't watch them live, thus making a profit again from a product they already sold once before.

So for ETV it is enough to do the math, what is more: 50-100 one off messages in a "classic" night show or 6-8 messages per exclusive shows plus several hundreds or thousands of people paying the 2 credits to see the fulfillment of those wishes plus the possibility of reselling the show again. It is clear that according to ETV the second option is more profitable. And because of censorship during the day, exclusives are the only way to show more explicit shows.

As for me, I am buying stuff from time to time from ETV though I am really thinking had on quitting ETV because my interests are better served elsewhere and much cheaper than ETV in the long run (2-3 VIPs get you a monthly subscription to other sites these days).

You should have added that he is a thorny wild plant who keeps the show going. I think its as balancing act if etv make night shows better then exclusives need to be even hotter

02.01.2016, 21:55

Re: Boycott etv

fascio wrote:When I read Kennyboy, I think he is a fake identity of one of ETV STAFF. The same when I read in TV the not credible requests and comments of WK.

Just to let you know kennyboy is WK.

As I read the discussion I can see people wanting back the old ETV with the classic nightshows with some explicitness and hate the fact that exclusives are prevailing on the schedule. Here are some points from me:

1. Don't just hate Kennyboy, he also points out the fact that the shows are tamer these days.

2. On the other hand I don't agree with Kennyboy that free shows don't pay bills. Customers talk to the models and send in maybe 50 or 100 wishes per classic night show, much more than the usual 6-8 VIPs for exclusive shows. And ETV sometimes pools together 2, 3, or even 4 messages for the same fulfilled wish.

3. We just don't know how many people who don't send wishes to exclusives are really paying the 2-3 credits to watch the exclusive nights. Also keep in mind that ETV admitted that they don't record their classic nights but they record the exclusives so they can be repackaged as highlights and resold again in the video section to people who didn't watch them live, thus making a profit again from a product they already sold once before.

So for ETV it is enough to do the math, what is more: 50-100 one off messages in a "classic" night show or 6-8 messages per exclusive shows plus several hundreds or thousands of people paying the 2 credits to see the fulfillment of those wishes plus the possibility of reselling the show again. It is clear that according to ETV the second option is more profitable. And because of censorship during the day, exclusives are the only way to show more explicit shows.

As for me, I am buying stuff from time to time from ETV though I am really thinking had about quitting ETV because my interests are better served elsewhere and much cheaper than ETV in the long run (2-3 VIPs get you a monthly subscription to most sites these days).
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