Boycott etv

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Amateur models online
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28.12.2015, 19:15

Re: Boycott etv

Okay, 'andreaparma', you ask for comments.

Have you really thought what you are asking here?
Ignoring the real breakdown of ETV's income, we can classify the viewers into two groups.
1. The satisfied viewers, who happily buy their credits and enjoy participating in the shows.
2. The dissatisfied viewers ... Now, this is where the problem arises. They bought some credits but were unhappy with the return on them. So they will not be buying any more. So, by default they have boycotted the shows.
If, of course, they continued to buy credits, then it begs the question 'what do they spend them on, are they plain stupid?'

So, by inference, your boycott request must be aimed at them. Big Grin

28.12.2015, 17:49

Re: Boycott etv

pollopollo wrote:I think it needs no boycott of ETV.
ETV digs its own grave with such shows as the last show of the night.
The girls have announced but already inside.

Your statement seems to be more true by each new day - seems ETV is boycotting itself very successfully. The 5 hour non-stop exclusives are there to hide the fact that would be obvious during a normal exclusive morning and afternoon show - lack of VIP wishes either for TV or the exclusives. Models go to exclusives mostly as a decision of the director and not the wish of a viewer just to potentially lure people to exclusives who just switched on the channel. And the TV signal this afternoon was mostly a static view of a model laying on the bed with maybe 2 wishes from viewers.

Yesterday's evening's exclusive show was a new low in viewer participation - very few wishes in the first 4 hours, the wishes they had were mostly for the new model Izzy who left, as is usual with debut models, after two hours. After that the show stopped to a standstill for several hours

25.12.2015, 17:08

Re: Boycott etv

andreaparma wrote:Thanks for 2000 views received until now. In my opinion boycotting etv is still the best way to change something. Criticism is banned as hater. By reducing their income only they will understand a change is needed. Boycott now to get more tomorrow. Merry christmas to everybody
i agree Thumb up

25.12.2015, 16:47

Re: Boycott etv

Thanks for 2000 views received until now. In my opinion boycotting etv is still the best way to change something. Criticism is banned as hater. By reducing their income only they will understand a change is needed. Boycott now to get more tomorrow. Merry christmas to everybody

24.12.2015, 14:19

Re: Boycott etv

Today and tomorrow ETV has announced Exclusive Energy Mix nights which they themselves describe as "No predetermined scripts and complicated performances.
Just you, your wishes and the models that will be there to fulfil them." After the last two nightshows I think I know what this means. Really nothing special, the same as what we would otherwise have seen in the regular TV show now hidden behind the exclusive curtain, which only opens to the paying internet viewers. I do not plan to be one of these viewers.

Since the start of ETV as the free portal to INXTC they have tried again and again to get the hotter stuff into the pay per view section and each time they failed. I think this will be another failed attempt, or they will now fail altogether and disappear into nothing.

24.12.2015, 12:16

Re: Boycott etv

no more money from me also

24.12.2015, 11:36

Re: Boycott etv

Hi Andrea(from my city), i appreciate your idea i think is an attempt to emprove something and not only blame, i've to be honest but i'm not of your idea, cause boycott is not the solution, first of all anyone can prevent (forunately) to buy to those who like the actual exclusives, in second way the management of Etv won't care anything if some people decide not to buy, they receive many suggestion and critics every day and don't care at all, then also without a boycott i hope that at ETv they check numbers of show sold of credits spent and of calls and sms received, so they clearly still know the continuous lack of interest of what they produce, and the only solution they find are always pejorative.

23.12.2015, 23:45

Re: Boycott etv

I want to thank everyone of you is participating to this topic. There are many members that didn't leave their comments. Please, everyone of you is kindly requested to express his opinion, positive or negative. We are many. We are many having the same feeling and opinion. More people more influence. Back to messages and direct calls when the sat studio, the tv program will deserve it. Unfortunately this message should be censored in etv wall or plasma studio. Oncd again thanks to all of you, dear members and friends.

23.12.2015, 23:04

Re: Boycott etv

No more money from me!

23.12.2015, 18:36

Re: Boycott etv

What Day it Starts?

23.12.2015, 17:59

Re: Boycott etv

impossible, maybe, but if no one does boycott this crap, ther wil be no chance for a change! It is the only way we customers have and for me I support this boycott. No more money from me!

23.12.2015, 15:01

Re: Boycott etv

goldy wrote:ETV is boycotted by itself, you do not need to help them to die... Big Grin

Imagine this: a newbie costumer watch their show for the first time, 3 or 4 girls absolutely doing nothing on a platform, then he try to watch the pixellated excl show(the fusion.. lol) and he see that another girl doing nothing same way... i dont know.. who is so dumbass to give money to them??? Only a drunk russian billionaire dude... Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

you had right Thumb up

and CryCryCry I know one CryCryCry and I think its not the russian dude

23.12.2015, 13:15

Re: Boycott etv

wolf1 wrote:When you not like ETV watch something else like I do I hate ETV. There are enough Shows to find in the Web for every Kind of Taste. Dont waste your Time with Fights ETV make Money with the Show they making hard to understand but its the True. There will always People wo willing to pay for this(for me) boring Shows. As long the Money comes in they will change nothing.

you have a sacred the truth. If management decides one way or another we can switch to another channel or stay.Cool

23.12.2015, 13:05

Re: Boycott etv

When you not like ETV watch something else like I do I hate ETV. There are enough Shows to find in the Web for every Kind of Taste. Dont waste your Time with Fights ETV make Money with the Show they making hard to understand but its the True. There will always People wo willing to pay for this(for me) boring Shows. As long the Money comes in they will change nothing.

23.12.2015, 12:38

Re: Boycott etv

ETV is boycotted by itself, you do not need to help them to die... Big Grin

Imagine this: a newbie costumer watch their show for the first time, 3 or 4 girls absolutely doing nothing on a platform, then he try to watch the pixellated excl show(the fusion.. lol) and he see that another girl doing nothing same way... i dont know.. who is so dumbass to give money to them??? Only a drunk russian billionaire dude... Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin