9,99 € per Vip sms?

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11.12.2007, 03:09

9,99 € per Vip sms?

What a bunch of idiots!

Forget this channel with the brainless and greedy mamagers. :-((

Don't send sms!!!!!!!!!!!

11.12.2007, 22:08

Re: 9,99 € per Vip sms?

This is clearly in response to my earlier comment

'S' as in semi

You only get half a chance to get the request fullfilled -))

11.12.2007, 21:45

Re: 9,99 € per Vip sms?

Soft-VIP (90 % of the letters will be hidden behind something ...) ;-)

11.12.2007, 21:39

Re: 9,99 € per Vip sms?

And now we have SVIP for 4,99€. But what is SVIP?

These guys have no brain.

As I always said, etv, make a good show with hot pussies and you will get THEN sms.

11.12.2007, 11:59

Re: 9,99 € per Vip sms?

question is why send a VIP SMS...to make a request that they will ignore? that's bad deal even for 0.99 € ..

11.12.2007, 10:57

Re: 9,99 € per Vip sms?

This is not good but it's not as bad as some would make out.

The previous cost of a VIP SMS from a German number was 8,97 euro (3 * 2.99). Now it seems you can just dial once and pay a little over 1 euro more for the privilige.

But here is the reverse logic in action. They tried this once before - remember 5 * 1.99. It did not work. In fact they probably alienated a whole lot of their regulars. The result you can plainly see as there are now very few VIPs. So do they think that there are so few that it will not matter as someone will pay anyway. If you can charge what you like would it not be more logical to encourage the caller by charging less - how about 7,99.

As I said before, is that one euro so critical. Isn't it better to count the money received than the money you might receive.

11.12.2007, 09:57

Re: 9,99 € per Vip sms?

10€ for one sms....... what an offer! :D

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