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Sorry but this show tonight get the price for one of the most worsest shows of the year. Is this a joke?
Sorry but bs is such a big fake. |
Theres now the new coop with visit x and what can I say after the first nights.
In the very first and second night it was okay, not special hot but okay. But it comes more censored and boring from night to night. And I think they will come to a point where the new moneyman (Visit X) restrictet and censored much more than before. I hope the shows will be hotter and we see more action in future but the reality might be in the other way. If you read it bs or Visit X Team please be sure that your coop can only be good and success if you bring a erotic TV Revolution so please do the right things. |
First they kept sending out on every Friday email newsletters with useless BS offers.
Than Heisse Lola left the show. Finally I noticed the other day that the Profile from Kitty Monroe and all of her special Vidz have been removed. I wounder when they finally pack it in. |
they will continue to broadcast for a long time to come. the problem is who keeps seeing this show. seeing sydney pearl with the same 2 dresses for months is becoming something ridiculous and embarrassing for the channel
Oh my god bs is near the end. The show tonight is another reason why it so goes down with this channel.
It is 0:25 in Germany and the two girls are wearing clothes like in the arctic absolutely boring and no erotic. I cant understand that. |
In my opinion bs24 make the censorship 100 percent by itself they show us in the past that when they will the shows can be much hotter than most of the time and which the boring shows they destroyed themselve. Most of the shows are only tittieshows and thats not enough also no new things. Every evening the same routine.
One thing I forgot.
Sexysat is still on hotbird and still shows pussys. Why can noone else show something like this ? Unbelievable. Because noone can call sexysat and they have no internet-page for downloading, So I think, that such a Channel can´t be so expensive, or ? |
I think the same. The Pervcam shows of samy were excellent, and these from tyra.
Penelopez and Tiffany were very good. Also MeliDeluxe in 2014. But I´m also a realist and think it´s over with bs24. Also the support doesn´t answers anymore. |
The only good moment in the 2 weeks of berlin was the show with lena nitro.
All other was boring and also the berlin perv was so much bored, the old perv in 2018 was much way better. No their are back in the old studio and last night was also the same like before no good ideas, no perv, every evening the same short full nudity from lejla with no special camerawork and always the same. I hope the 2018 pervshows come back with performances like this from samy fox. Another idea without perv is to bring the level to some shows a few years ago from girls like tiffany angel or penelope lopez. |
So ends the Berlin event, which lets face it.. was a complete and utter borefest as expected. Week 2 had NO Nudity whatsoever in case anyone happened to notice.. Way too softcore and each night seemed to change up as they were clearly out of their comfort zone trying to get to grips with what worked best, which turned out to be nothing!
Now were back to good old Babestation24 Studio and they have had 2 weeks knowing they were returning to their studio today. Yet the main webstream is still offline? What the actual ****? This was working perfectly fine right up to the last day before they transferred to the Berlin setup, How can they not have this working again.. Now we are back to a crappy 480p resolution in the wrong AR. Marvelous work !!! I should know better by now to expect anything other than a complete amateur crapfest from these guys... Here ends my uploads till either the shows pick up again (if they ever do) or the decent webstream resolution returns. To be honest, It should be in HD by now at least 1280x720. Come on Babestation, do we have to drag you guys into the 21st Century? |
I think this might be it, the end of Babestation24. The greed (I presume it was greed) and total lack of consitent quality might be the final nail in the coffin which for me is a bit sad. This channel was once a heaven of good erotic entertainment and now dies as a worse version of those ads you get on certain channels after midnight. 2 days of complete nothing or, well, 30 minutes of 120p softcore shit. Even after it's many lows the Channel still seems to survive but now I can't imagine that this will become better anytime soon.
On a side note: On Twitter (but I guess on other social medias as well) the channel remains completly silent about what happend. For me this tells me everything I need to know to be honest with you. |
Post: #1278 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 19.04.2019, 13:13 19.04.2019, 01:17 Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion
So after the 1st nite fiasco in Berlin where they pulled the plug on the webstream by midnight i was hoping they had time in the last 24 hours to fix their issues.. It appears this channel has NO technical expertise whatsoever, because tonight is even worse. The preshow was kinda working on the .com site for around half an hour or so, then the whole webstream went down AGAIN! Now the whole thing is down. None of their 3 webstreams are working (.com site, .xxx site or
They are clearly using a delayed IP web feed for their transmissions. Live-strip isnt a TV channel so i doubt they have fibre-cable. They are streaming from Berlin. The signal gets on the TV via Hannover were the BS24 studio is. And then they are streaming on at least 3 platforms simultaneously: Using all 3 platforms is clearly not working with their connection so we are left with absolutely nothing. So far we have had 2 nights at Berlin and i think we've seen around 1 hour of blurry, pixelated, softcore rubbish.. Its actually quite funny watching this unfold.. It will go down as a complete disaster! EDIT** The show is now working and running on the Live-Strip site ONLY but OMG it looks terrible. Ive checked the codec information and it is indeed 1280x720 resolution @30fps but it just doesnt seems it. The camera is not fluid at all and looks more like 15-20 frames.. Ill upload a sample later today so you can all see what they are giving us but ive got to say so far im not impressed. Extremely softcore with the shaky-cam effect! |
The whole show is a big dissapointment.
Its today more soft than ever before actually. And very very boring. Its like a tittie teaser not more. well I think live strip will make them more boring than we had ever seen before. Its time to take this channel the back. |
Post: #1276 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.04.2019, 04:29 18.04.2019, 00:39 Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion
Thank you for the information jorrell. I was wondering what this recent promotion was all about. Now I clearly understand that it's a takeover. A channel being taken over isn't always necessary a bad thing and perhaps because it was being taken over the current producers on purpose decided to tone it all down so as not to incur the wrath of the German authorities or jeopardize the takeover. A sort of quiet winding down if you get what I mean. This is not an unusual tactic as other channels have deployed similar tactics too in the past in the midst of a takeover. Let's all hope that your prediction of this new project being as lame as you think it is becomes the exact opposite.
Scottishbloke wrote:Something is not quite right with this channel at the moment. Edith was on last night and she was a major disappointment. If a performer like her can't muster up anything more than a tease session for the duration of the night then surely something has come from the producers or has Germany put restrictions on what used to be the one country in the world where you were guaranteed to see more leeway given. Once again it's UK counterparts were streets ahead and that's a worrying statistic as we are no great shakes ourselves when it comes to likes of ofcom restrictions I have a suspicion that BS24 have sold out to Live-Strip and this whole Berlin event and they are preparing the channel for the takeover for a more softer channel to entice viewers to the website to pay for LIVE shows. Their pervcam didnt work so they stopped it and as you say Edita's show last night was damn poor like shes been told to dumb things down as its about to all change at the hands! As regards the 1st Berlin night event is a piss poor showing and a complete utter technical mess. The .xxx webstream/firestorm server is down again and they are relying on the single webstream which currently is a black screen and when it is working is around 10 frames per second! Its reminiscent of a 1997 Dial up connection as the bitrate is dreadful even when its not freezing and the resolution is a mess. This should have been a smooth transition today and the'yve had 2 weeks at least to test and prepare for the event. I expect this whole Berlin thing to be girls dressed most of the time and the channel be become little more than a titty tease channel that even a 12 year old could view and watch! |