Studio 66 - General Discussion

3.64 (11 Bewertung(en))

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13.05.2014, 22:02

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

quiquems wrote:Problems with the stream1 again Cry
And it looks like the quality's taken a nosedive in the past half hour. Good timing too with Cara's "night"show starting in 30minutes Thumb down

13.05.2014, 20:42

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Problems with the stream1 again Cry

09.05.2014, 19:03

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

samoth wrote:A different forum now has to wait 8 weeks before posting studio 66 videos, could they be on their way to make the same request here too?

Apologies if this post has offended anyone

No offence taken samoth and not sure why it would be Confused just a thanks for the heads up Smile

07.05.2014, 14:04

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

All ok? Cry Really cannot they check that the stream1 and 4 are crap since yesterday? Thumb down

06.05.2014, 23:46

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

dazaman wrote:Nice to see the change over is going smooth as now i get diverted from the streams to the models profiles page Confused

Yep and again Big Grin

04.05.2014, 23:43

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

F***ing joke channel

04.05.2014, 23:24

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

quiquems wrote:and the boxes system is still a joke Thumb down

Well done Studio66 Thumb up

Abandoned website

Tashie Jackson Sream 1 - inaccessible
Hannah Stream3 - Tara? Confused

@home Cool

Update- all streams - inaccessibles Thumb up

03.05.2014, 19:52

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

It is absolutely ridiculous CryThumb down
Why would you want a webstream? Why censor the webstream? ConfusedCry

WTF Angry

PS:.....and they still broadcast in 4:3 format Thumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

03.05.2014, 04:10

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

While the streams are clearer than BS(also using firestorm), they suffer from the same distraction. Jagged lines appear whenever the girls move their arms, wiggle the phone, adjust their outfit etc Thumb down

03.05.2014, 02:44

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

eagle_si wrote:Currently unable to get any of the streams on the S66 website Sad Also tried the LSTV stream, but again no joy. Curiously, the streams here still have voi pay rather than Vue Call. I suspected there would be some teething problems with the changeover, so let's hope they're just that.

Sadly our streams have not been updated and still waiting for any info about it Thumb down and an update on the S66 site, still no streams but i do get a lovely logo on it telling me to click if i want to continue viewing....Dont you need to be viewing first before needing to continue Confused

WTF is going on S66 Smile

02.05.2014, 19:17

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Currently unable to get any of the streams on the S66 website Sad Also tried the LSTV stream, but again no joy. Curiously, the streams here still have voi pay rather than Vue Call. I suspected there would be some teething problems with the changeover, so let's hope they're just that.

02.05.2014, 13:03

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

New stream system

Aspect ratio is crap (720x486) AngryThumb down (4:3) Thumb down
Stream 1 and 4 - No sound Thumb down
and the boxes system is still a joke Thumb down

Well done Studio66 Thumb up

02.05.2014, 01:33

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Nice to see the change over is going smooth as now i get diverted from the streams to the models profiles page Confused

10.03.2014, 23:00

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Well seems we've had another transponder change, and S66 TV3 (EPG 941) has moved off 11.390V

So we're now left with Studio66 using 3 different transponders for their main shows.
912 (S66 TV1) on 11.344H
938 (S66 TV2) on 11.390V
941 (S66 TV3) on 11.426V
And you've also got
940 (sometimes S66 daytime or more often now GoldenGirls) on 11.390V

That's just annoying. As it means I now can't record all the S66 channels as I need 3 separate satellite cards to cover 3 separate transponders.
It's not as if any of them, aside from 912, have decent bandwidth to work with to justify moving them off to another transponder.
I'm guessing they must be getting a better deal from whoever's cross-selling space off 11.426V

17.02.2014, 02:00

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Right, Sunday night muck up as we're getting used to...

Lily tagged as Tashie, new girl 'Steph' tagged as Lily.. Hannah tagged as Hannah (miracle I know...)

Right so apparently ..Anastasia just before a break, does a webcam. Seems she was sat at home wondering if nobody loved her. I was trying to see if she was online, and either got nothing, or if she was shown, you got white circle of death, or she was 'in private', or on one refresh.. I found myself booted out because I'd been naughty...'

Becky didn't even get THAT far! Launched her laptop, found she had updates to install, and then AFAIK got nowhere.

So a few weeks ago, a Mica/Caty double-header got scrubbed because NO webstreams were working.... Abbey has frak-ups quite often..

Just hope they get brewery tours organised by external companies...

And now I hear u have to text STOP after every text to the ladies if u don't want another spam about 'Lara, just 18'..... and her imaginary friends.. which costs local, at least (STOP, not spam)
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