Studio 66 - General Discussion

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27.01.2014, 11:26

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

here is a cap of evelyn today

27.01.2014, 10:24

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

who thinks Evelyn will be on Stream 1 the Circle of Death Raise your hand !!!

studio66 need to sort their crap out with their provider it has happened frequently over the few weeks especially during early hours. end of the day its their loss.

27.01.2014, 06:13

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

dazaman wrote:I'm not sure placing Clare on stream 1 is there wisest choice, stream 2 works fine same as stream 3, nope still the circle of death on stream 1.
No matter to them, its only potential revenue after all. Given their habit for stream hopping the girls, which they attribute to common sense..."financial" common sense, surely the management/model would benefit from being on 3 channels rather than one. Or maybe the girls would expect 3 times the pay Big Grin. But then again, RLC frequently simulcast the girls particularly in the final hours. RLC also have 4 working* webstreams running at 25fps compared to S66's 2 running at 20fps. Has the lower framerate ever been explained by the way?

*Stream2 cut out half a dozen times earlier tonight. I've also got 5 hours more of Lucy than I do of stream1 though so no complaints.

27.01.2014, 05:56

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

I'm not sure placing Clare on stream 1 is there wisest choice, stream 2 works fine same as stream 3, nope still the circle of death on stream 1.

27.01.2014, 01:40

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Stream 1 is a no show, stream 2 kicks in after a few seconds, stream 3 works but get glitches on it.

All RLC streams are fine.

27.01.2014, 00:40

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Both studio 66 and rlc streams are off now

26.01.2014, 23:45

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

quiquems wrote:Someone should kick ass to Orca Digital Cool third consecutive night without streams Thumb down

Not Orca's fault tonight. RLC streams are working fine.
The blame lies fairly and squarely with the clowns at Studio66 AngryThumb downCry

26.01.2014, 23:28

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Someone should kick ass to Orca Digital Cool third consecutive night without streams Thumb down

18.01.2014, 23:45

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Likewise Dazaman. Last saw IIRC on Bangbabes when she was calling herself Jordan Jagger (Name she used in porn) and when she left she was very vocal that she would never return.

Certainly not complaining she's back, S66 have cornered the market on the sexy Scottish girls. Cool

18.01.2014, 22:57

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Wow! i did not see that coming a blast from the past, Welcome back Jennifer Keelings Smile i last saw her on the pad maybe 5 or 6 years ago Blush

10.01.2014, 13:46

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Someone at Studio66 dreams with Emma C Big Grin Lmao

06.01.2014, 23:10

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

dazaman wrote:Maybe 1 day they will get it Smile

Well today isn't that day. It took them half an hour to get Sophia Lares on the correct stream. I've taken screenshots and posted them on my Twitter so that someone sees it clearly.

on the Studio 66 website, 21:46 UK time

on the LSTV stream, 21:47 UK time

06.01.2014, 12:19

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

I think you might be better sending them this link and tell them to keep scrolling back in time as you are not the only one pissed off si Blush

Maybe 1 day they will get it Smile

06.01.2014, 12:01

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

oldman wrote:i tweeted st66 at about 11pm last night im pleased to say i got a reply saying they are looking into it at 9 am this morning.nice to see they are on the ball

No they are definitely not "on the ball". They couldn't be more off the ball if they tried Angry

Exactly the same problem occurred on Friday evening at the start of Danielle Anderson's Tease Hour. As in quiquems' cap below, only one picture was showing (Evelyn's) on stream 1, which displayed the S66 logo. Danielle was on stream 2. I know this because I was watching on the LSTV stream.
I was pissed off with this, so I sent a tweet to the S66 account, and the replies I got the following day (and yesterday) beggar belief. If you can be bothered to read them, check them out on my Twitter timeline. But in summary: I gave them facts and they gave me patronising bullshit. The clown who runs that account doesn't seem to realise I've been watching the channel for four years and calling for two, so I know how things work. Expect the same cock-ups tonight, tomorrow night, rinse and repeat. At the end of the day, they're on the point of losing a caller Thumb down

06.01.2014, 11:07

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

i tweeted st66 at about 11pm last night im pleased to say i got a reply saying they are looking into it at 9 am this morning.nice to see they are on the ball
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