Studio 66 - General Discussion

3.64 (11 Bewertung(en))

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10.06.2012, 22:25

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion


Spencer Scott is very Hot Tongue

great show In love

10.06.2012, 22:10

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

A promising start Big Grin nice looking girl Smile

10.06.2012, 21:59

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Could be interesting tonight to see how the first Playboy Playmate Spencer Scott fairs on the show. Big Grin Considering she has recently moved into porn as well, she should do fine visually. I'm just a bit concerned if she will have the dialogue to go with it. Blush

I guess time will tell.

18.05.2012, 19:46

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Dackel0401 wrote:There are a bit too much ads now, especially in the nightshows. Sometimes almost 50% of the screen is covered by onscreen graphics.

Evolution of Elite Cry

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

26/06/11 little extra's
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Both caps courtesy of Mauro's older posts.

Its sad to see how things have changed, in 2010 Elite was number 1 hands down but as Dackel shows there now just another advertising channel Cry

18.05.2012, 19:10

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

I know and understand that Elite has to advertise their "services". Videos, pictures, sms and most important- their phone numbers. It´s a commercial project and like for any other company a solid financial basis is required. Simply said: They need to make good profits to stay in business. From this point of view it´s not very surprising that Elite tries to use as much space as possible for on-screen graphics. Understandable, that´s how they sell their "products", but in my humble opinion Elite has to find a better balance between the different interests. Customers & Company. Usually the customers don´t like to see the girls hidden behind too much graphics. Big Grin

There are a bit too much ads now, especially in the nightshows. Sometimes almost 50% of the screen is covered by onscreen graphics.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Onscreen-graphics should be placed at the bottom of the screen- at least most of the time. In size and amount Elite is adding too much of this kind of "additional infos" to the TV-stream and it´s ruining a good part of the "viewing experience".

05.04.2012, 02:31

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

The twins are on fucking fire tonight Thumb upThumb upThumb up

I wonder if the ofcom patrol from the bluebird thread are watching Big Grin

04.04.2012, 01:39

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

what happend with paigey t going to elite? did she get on the wrong bus?

01.04.2012, 18:04

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Happy 3rd birthday Elite TV Smile

16.03.2012, 10:13

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

rachel louise got a boob job, this is a sad day for me, shes was perfect from head to toe and now i will never watch her again. who is telling these girls its the right thing to do. there still young and some girls just develop later than others.

14.03.2012, 20:51

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

paytheman2020 wrote:The whole shows on all their channels is not what it use to be. Even Caty Cole doesn't seem with it as you use to be. What's going on?

Caty looks bored to tears most of the time now. Basically, they tamed their shows in order to avoid gettin' into trouble with Ofcom, which has worked for them, even if it does mean very boring shows.

13.03.2012, 21:20

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

The next 2 american pornstars coming in may to Elite Smile

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

11.03.2012, 16:29

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

The whole shows on all their channels is not what it use to be. Even Caty Cole doesn't seem with it as you use to be. What's going on?

11.03.2012, 10:51

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

great post my friend. agree with everything you have to say.

there are girls who do show interest, such as Rosie.... but for me, and as hot as she is, the worst for not showing any interest what so ever is Ashley. the number of times I have called her and she is talking to crew off camera and then say "hi" to me a minute later as if a new call has come in. Seriously....things like that is why i hardly call in and just watch. Why would I waste my money?

09.03.2012, 14:56

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Thumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

.. for very annoying top corner graphics in the last weeks or even months on Elite TV.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

19.02.2012, 02:15

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Elite have some if not the best looking ladies to be found in any of the current babeshows. It's not perfect though.

Along the way something just seems to have been lost.

My main gripes would be:

1. Do they really want to be there? Nearly all the ladies look disinterested with taking the calls, and would rather be talking and joking with the guys behind the camera. A good example of this would be me calling Dionne about 3 days ago, and she blatantly ignored the phone to carry on a conversation with whomever behind the camera. She made me wait about 2 minutes before she picked up.

2. The mumbling on the phone. I think it started with Ashley or maybe Charlie. Basically, to get out of having a sex talk conversation with you, some of the girls mumble their words out. It was funny at first, but when your paying for it, it quickly becomes boring. Maybe they also do it to avoid embarrassment, in that they care more about what their mates behind the camera hear them say, as to what the caller can understand them say, yer know, the guy that pays for the call.

3. Returning the caller back to the main menu. Be wary of this one!!! We all know Hannah (Daytime girl) does the occasional night show, I call it a night show, more like a night hour. In this hour she takes calls that are a bit raunchier than the day. Well, this is what happens, if you get through to her she will talk to you, but will not mention sex in any way, and if you start to mention sex in the conversation Hannah returns you to the menus. Now, I'm not talking insulting sexy talk, just normal dirty talk that you would have with any other night time lady. Call her between 9 and 10 the next time she is on, and you will see exactly what I mean. Hannah has returned me to the menus 3 times now (and this is after waiting about 10 minutes plus in the waiting room), as well as the countless other callers that I've heard her do it to (when I've been in the call waiting room listening in).

Other than this, the new phone system Elite use online is easily the best around, and some of their models do a really great job, just a shame that the others don't. Just because they are pretty, doesn't give them the right to behave badly or do a shoddy job. How long do they think they can fake it, before people just stop calling.

Just to add:

All the points that I've raised are from my own personal experiences in calling the models over a long period of time. So before any of you rip this post to shreds, ask yourself this. Do 'YOU' call the shows? or do you just like watching for free? If it is the latter, don't even bother commenting on this post.
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