Autor | Beiträge |
Rallkin123 wrote:Mingers, dead beats and downright bores------what a great night to watch our favourite babes----NOT!!! You don't need Horlicks Railkin, BS etc will put you to sleep no probs. Stella Cox sometimes puts on a good show, but me old bones are telling me it won't be tonight; she does'nt look interested. I quite like Modesty Blaze, as I have always felt that she has a sensuous side to her that comes out in her movements, a bit like Charmaine Sinclair. ![]() |
Post: #997 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.10.2017, 00:46 20.10.2017, 00:42 Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
Mingers, dead beats and downright bores------what a great night to watch our favourite babes----NOT!!!
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Tonight Dannii Harwood will continue with her narration of the Complete Works Of William Shakespeare.
![]() A once entertaining lady has become a complete bore. In fact, Babestation is now a complete bore. I watched about 10-15 mins last night before about 01:00 hours, and that was it for me. Did anything interesting happen. Answers on the back of a postage stamp please. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
Scottishbloke - 1011
PSS - Just got kicked off Periscope for calling the leader of China a dick - beat that ![]() Well SB, you can get it of your chest here. The biggest dick world leaders in my book are; That North Korean with a carpet sample on his head. That Chinese fellow as well, That obnoxious Junker from the EU. And check out this not so nice chap; Manfred Weber a German MEP, who wants a more federal Europe than we have got now. He is a dangerous twat rat, as the others are in the public domain and there antics get well publicised; this Weber is a sneak, quietly working in the background to get Europe more federalized. He's one of the ones that Farage had a spat with on TV, at the European Parliament, day after Brexit vote. Horrible smiling slimeball. Never trust thems that smile all the time. Sorry, this has got nowt to do with BS, but does it matter. Does anything matter, tomorrow we could all be blown up. |
You're teasing me now Lutonjoke. Don't do that to me, you'll break my fucking heart.
Yes of course, Lutonbloke You are right to include Nicole, Olivia and Lily who are very adorable and very sexy
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Post: #992 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.10.2017, 20:19 18.10.2017, 19:28 Re: Babestation - General Chat & DiscussionRallkin123 wrote:I often wonder why all the babe channels don't engage more women from ethnic backgrounds other than the odd one or two, usually from the distant past. I think it would be a good thing if they started to employ babes from other countries instead of all white girls, usually from Britain all the time. Apart from Priti & Priya and Sophie Lares, I cannot recall seeing any black, Asian and other babes who are non-white, apart from the adorable Chanel and the lovely Kartel with the perfect tight botty, but they havn't been on our screens for years. There are beautiful babes out there so I think it would be great if all the channels would start a massive recruitment drive in encouraging babes from not only black and Asian backgrounds but also Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other countries, too. Yes I know there is Thai Chat, but that isn't on mainstream Babestation until the early hours after the "adult" stations go on to the daytime slot. Don't forget Nicole Snow and Olivia Berzinc who in my opinion are two very attractive babes, but yes it would be nice to see a few more babes from other countries on the babeshows, as long as they can speak English of course ![]() |
Post: #991 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.10.2017, 23:20 18.10.2017, 19:19 Re: Babestation - General Chat & DiscussionAniseedBalls wrote:Computer savvy i am not, I bet that comes as a surprise to you Luton doesn't it? Because deep down i know that you have great admiration for me, even a bit of affection maybe. but im afraid that will never be reciprocated because i think that you are a right knob. Deep down i think just the same as i do about you out in the open and that is you are a scumbag, |
Computer savvy i am not, I bet that comes as a surprise to you Luton doesn't it? Because deep down i know that you have great admiration for me, even a bit of affection maybe. but im afraid that will never be reciprocated because i think that you are a right knob.
But if you or anyone else can tell me a solution to a problem i would be for ever in your debt. For months now i have been unable to get a google chromecast thingymibob to work after it had worked like magic earlier. It is still being recognised as it's name is still on the wifi list, but when i click onto it, the fucking wifi goes off completely, click off it and the wifi comes on again. Bringing the response of ''fuck it'' as i throw the twat back in the drawer. Any help? Lutonjoke included. |
Post: #989 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.10.2017, 15:03 18.10.2017, 09:01 Re: Babestation - General Chat & DiscussionScottishbloke wrote:but one thing I wouldn't do and never have done has been to claim credit for anybody else's hard work, time and energy. happens all the time on the internet unfortunately it's a pain in the arse. Stuff that might take days of work and hours of uploading time is just treated as freebie's by the majority who believe they are entitled to everything and anything for nothing. edit but when you get a situation where assholes have been searching for two uploads for four days which you are privately passing to people under their noses the satisfaction is fucking immense. if you can't call chinese leaders dicks there is something seriously fucked up going on or maybe periscope would like to see all countries turn tanks on peaceful protesters. Personally i'd like to turn tanks on facebook, twitter, periscope, instagram and all the other shit. |
Post: #988 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.10.2017, 07:37 18.10.2017, 05:14 Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussionmrmann wrote:I like winsaw, but wtf was he smoking when he watched the channels last night?. I believe winsaw also has an account here too. I used to also think winsaw was a sound guy too and did a lot on the other forum in terms of honest opinions (at one point) and in his excellent running of the Predictor Thread when I also used to be a member there too. That was then and this is now. A few weeks ago I posted the updated rtmp codes for RLC and within minutes here was winsaw doing likewise on the UK forum. Coincidental or what! Look I don't claim to be any sort of expert or wizard when it comes to reading rtmp codes and sometimes I may need to contact another member for advice if I have hit a brick wall but one thing I wouldn't do and never have done has been to claim credit for anybody else's hard work, time and energy. At the very least winsaw could have given a nod in my direction before his ill fated post but I guess being humble was clearly beneath him ![]() A few weeks later the code changed again, I never bothered to post them just to see what would happen, and surprise surprise here was winsaw begging for the new codes on the other forum. If he cares to come on here and explain himself then he is more than welcome but I doubt he will ![]() PS - Not to mention too the amount of Threads he has posted in advance and the ironic thing in it all is that winsaw doesn't post videos but has the brass neck to include it in the title of all his Threads just so that another member can come along and polish his furnish. Just had to get this off my chest which has been bugging me for weeks now ![]() PSS - Just got kicked off Periscope for calling the leader of China a dick - beat that ![]() |
I often wonder why all the babe channels don't engage more women from ethnic backgrounds other than the odd one or two, usually from the distant past. I think it would be a good thing if they started to employ babes from other countries instead of all white girls, usually from Britain all the time. Apart from Priti & Priya and Sophie Lares, I cannot recall seeing any black, Asian and other babes who are non-white, apart from the adorable Chanel and the lovely Kartel with the perfect tight botty, but they havn't been on our screens for years. There are beautiful babes out there so I think it would be great if all the channels would start a massive recruitment drive in encouraging babes from not only black and Asian backgrounds but also Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other countries, too. Yes I know there is Thai Chat, but that isn't on mainstream Babestation until the early hours after the "adult" stations go on to the daytime slot.
Post: #986 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.10.2017, 01:11 18.10.2017, 01:09 Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
That Mia has been on the nightshows a few times now and she still hasn't got her tits out yet, quite frankly there is nothing special about her anyway, she seems to be a barbie doll wannabe but she isn't hot enough for that look, hopefully BS soon get rid off her if this non topless nonsense carries on
![]() Looking on the bright side Im more impressed by Amber's performance tonight than i was last night, but 5-7 years ago her show would be considered as bog standard because the shows are so tame and censored these days, cracking curvy figure she has though ![]() |
Post: #985 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.10.2017, 23:37 17.10.2017, 23:06 Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussionmrmann wrote:Funny how just a couple of weeks back she was allowed to show all without the producer caring, and with him actually zooming in to give us a better view. Weird how inconsistent these channels can be. But even then it was mostly only 10% of the time that we seen something half decent from her. I stumbled across an old VHS the other day of a recording of Camilla Jayne from 2009, she was naked and almost showing all as the camera was very close to her genital area and from time to time she was as the wizards sleeve was picked up numerous times. Michelle Moist too did a great set coming out of the bath tub and also flashed her gash a few times too. I miss those times, accidental flashes which were made to look accidental but instead done on purpose used to be the norm ![]() maximmus wrote:Lads please cool the personal insults What was that you bastard! ![]() |
Scottishbloke wrote:Lutonbloke wrote:over on the other forum some people will say she is a great performer simply because she is new I like winsaw, but wtf was he smoking when he watched the channels last night? It was 10% great and 90% shit. Lily Rose did fuck all and was tamed beyond belief. Kayleigh spent most of the time only showing her upper half and sitting. Scarlett was tamed yet again and her only highlights were her standing positions, which were few and far between. She also appeared a bit bored and unhappy again for being put in the corner and not allowed to do much. Funny how just a couple of weeks back she was allowed to show all without the producer caring, and with him actually zooming in to give us a better view. Weird how inconsistent these channels can be. |