Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

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31.08.2017, 23:17

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

eddiemonsoon wrote:sewerage works.


also enough of the 'other place' bullshit. they banned your ass, get over it and move on.

31.08.2017, 22:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

well we know ofcom aren't telling them they can't go topless or every channel would be permanently covered so we know this is just babestation shite. But as usual it will be praised by those over at the sewerage works.

31.08.2017, 18:24

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Well said, Lutonbloke!Thumb up I guess on BS these nights it's a question of now you see me naked, now you don't and mostly you don't. They really are so pathetic the whole damn lot of 'em!: They treat us loyal viewers like kids and with the utmost contempt!!!Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry

31.08.2017, 16:19

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

That new girl on babestation last night is far more attractive than most of the generic girl next door types they have signed this year, however why was she put straight onto the nightshows when she had no intention of getting her tits out, BS is becoming worse than S66 with all this tease show shitThumb down

30.08.2017, 18:39

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I hate the term p,o,v.. It's used in porn video's to allow the cameraman free rein in what he shoots, hence he's ''point of view''. But the reason I hate when it's used on the babechannels is that it could not be further away from the truth. Unless that is, the camera operator likes to shoot upper body shots only. Also you get models saying that in p,o.v. we are allowed to show more than with the normal camera. What a load of bollocks that is. Stop fucking treating people as though they are fucking imbeciles. And people, stop pandering to these models by saying how good their p,o,v, shows are. They are not good, they are crap, end of.

29.08.2017, 22:13

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

best-reporting wrote:Ralkin123 you will see Playboy tv is not a channel now. You must pay more attention if you watch Big Grin

Not exactly 100% true here best reporting as I am led to believe that the channels that xXpanded TV operate under are owned indeed by Playboy TV so there is a bit of truth is Ralkins post. It's a complicated set up but a set up nonetheless.

29.08.2017, 16:19

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

My apologies, best- reporting on getting the channel Playboy tv chat wrong instead of Xpanded tv on Sky channel 902, but my original criticism of all the shows on night time still stands, but thanks for pointing out my mistakeThumb up

29.08.2017, 15:06

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

There's a rather unpleasant guy who now and again contributes to this profile and is name is Saoirse. The reason I find him unpleasant is because he as a rather unsavoury way of replying to any posts he doesn't agree with. He tends to get personal.

He certainly doesn't like what I have to say and let's me know about it. But in doing so he can overstep the boundaries in a way that can seem a little bit on the bullying side. Not a nice combination "a bullying fanboy" ...

As I say "he does get personal with his comments". He doesn't seem to like my views on some of his favourite models, and let's me know in some uncertain terms. But my criticism is only ever aimed at professional models or other professionals in the world of babechannels.. I have never said anything untoward to any of this forums members.......But my way of thinking is, if anyone gets paid for putting out this shit, they are then entitled to get criticism.

29.08.2017, 14:48

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Ralkin123 you will see Playboy tv is not a channel now. You must pay more attention if you watch Big Grin

29.08.2017, 05:20

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Ouch!!!! Watching Babestation, Studio 66,Playboy Tv Chat and Xpanded Tv is more painful than pulling out all your own teeth with a rusty pair of pliers and then rinsing your mouth out with acid!!!!!!Thumb down I would rather watch endless wall to wall coverage of The Tory party conference day in day out 7 days a week than put up with the garbage they churn out on these laughably described shows as adult babe channels and I hate the bloody Tories and what they stand for!!!AngryAngryAngryThumb downThumb downThumb down

26.08.2017, 10:51

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

i guess what might come in handy SB in that situation: the 'establishment vs the new folks on the block' would be if you had access to a ready made means of promotion. But as we know the babechannels can't really use mainstream advertising methods and if they did some of their claims might not stand up to the scrutiny of say the advertising standards authority. So a babechannel finding itself in that position would need to explore other avenues and in this case that would be around july/august 2010 when bluebird tv started and let's not forget they took the likes of camilla from babestation.

24.08.2017, 10:02

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

If you will forgive me morningstar I will keep this brief as I am not long home from nightshift and I really need to get some sleep. The upshot about the entire Bluebird debacle is a very complicated story which I will go into more detail in a future post. Firstly with regards to the initial response when Bluebird went to air. At the time back in 2010 we were really spoilt for choice and it was very easy to be critical of any new show especially if they didn't match the level of titillation that the other ones were at that time. I was one of those members who was also very quick to leap on the bandwagon and vent my frustration at the opening night launch of the channels. Would I do similar now if 6 new FTA channels were to suddenly appear on the Adult EPG, probably not as I would just be glad of having more choice. As I said when Bluebird launched the existing channels were very strong in an era when it was very fashionable to stick 2 fingers right up at ofcom. I seem to recall Amanda Rendal getting on the mic and saying fuck ofcom. How times have changed Confused

24.08.2017, 00:36

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Oh look! Its Danni Harwood and one of the twins. Its deja vu all over again. I have to say that things were a lot more interesting when Bluebird had a channel. They seemed to push the envelope that forced the others to follow suit. Can anyone remind me why Bluebird was so hated by people on these forums (not necessarily this one)? I seem to recall that in the other forum you weren't even allowed by some to mention it by name. Now, excuse me, but at one stage Bluebird had Lynsey, Sammie, Kitty Lea and even got a couple of other crackers to ride the devils whip. Who could ask for more? Whether they took it too far and were closed down by the powers that be, or whatever, that doesn't get away from the fact that a lot of people on the forum were happy to see it go. Hmmm! What does that imply to me? Maybe I'm stupid but do the people who run it have vested interests in how much or what competition should be allowed? Maybe its the same on here as well. Who knows? My point is that Babestation currently get, lets say, twenty callers for the two I mentioned at the start, (the same twenty every day or every few days on rotation). Then a new station starts and gets all the sexiest babes to put on proper shows and maybe even the chance of seeing them in an old film or two getting a right jolly rogering for the enjoyment of the rest of us. I know where fifteen of those twenty callers will go let alone countless viewers.
Set me straight if you wish. I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist but I understand business enough to know that the channels would be mad not to have a few agents dotted around these forums to try to set their agenda.

23.08.2017, 22:20

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Tates? Anyone like potates? Tatoes? Taters? Anyone?

23.08.2017, 19:59

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

eddiemonsoon wrote:last visit 18.41 post here at 18.44. it's not my fault you don't know whether you're coming or going. oh and once again i'm not the one throwing insults around.

you're stupidity is an insult. i'm not skully. don't know him and as far as i can tell we don;'t even live on the same island, a fact which the mods on here can confirm for you (if he even has an active account). but i'm going to hazard a guess and predict that if you keep it up you'll end up banned from here as well, so it's all moot.