Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 Bewertung(en))

(4.86 / 5, 7 Bewertungen)

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20.06.2017, 21:45

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Yep, that's as good as any new description, Scottishbloke. I like it. It's very aptThumb up

20.06.2017, 21:29

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

What about Borestation as the shows literally send me to sleep. The NHS should just air this show whenever its time for patients to go into the operating theatre as it would save them so much money instead of using the prescribed Anaesthetic. Guaranteed to knock you out in seconds Thumb up I'm getting sleepy just thinking of what garbage they will choose to air tonight.

20.06.2017, 21:08

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Yeah, the name Babestation should be changed to Past Their Sell By Date channel, or maybe The Has Beens and Mingers channelThumb down

20.06.2017, 19:26

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Aye its an interesting article Stevie, I do recall having read it a few years ago when it was first published. With regards to what I seen on last nights effort. I think calling the show dogs shit would be a compliment to dogs shit Thumb down Some members on other forums seem to be rather pleased with the return of Lucy Summers to the screens. I fail to understand their optimism as I thought she epitomised everything that was a symbol of dogs shit. Lucy Summers last night = Dull as dishwater, bland and stale.

She's only back for another big fat pay check. Once she was great but similar to Caty Cole on S66 she is merely living on past glories. With regards to her apparent weight gain it personally doesn't bother me but now that she is back its likely that she will gain even more weight because lets be honest its not like she is going to work it off any time soon lying static for hours on end like a lazy slab of meat what with her complete lack of effort and movement. If this is the shit which she is planning to serve up from this point onwards then take some advice Lucy - Just fucking retire now whilst you still have some dignity left.

20.06.2017, 00:51

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Don't know if anyone has come across this but it's interesting if a couple of years old.

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19.06.2017, 16:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls, thanks for your positive feedback to my reply to you regarding the current models. I couldn't agree with you moreThumb up. As regards Alice Goodwin, yes she's a nice looking woman, but she has never done it for me. Jessica Kelly, on the other hand I have always liked as I think she is one of the most sexually arousing young models I've been blessed to see performing on the babe channels, esp. when she used to appear on Studio 66 a year or so ago. Sadly, now that she appears on Xpanded and Playboy Tv Chat sometimes she is some what restricted in her performances, but that's down to the namby pamby producers. I can also tell you I have chatted with her on several occasions and I found her to be most engaging and attentive and has a really good phone manner; a thoroughly nice person in every way with a wonderful sense of humour. I also agree with you regarding the casting couch scenario. I'm convinced beyond all doubt that it exists on these babe channels. I don't think it applies to all of the women on the shows, but I suspect a lot do to gain more air time(more money) and more favoursSmileThumb up

19.06.2017, 15:18

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Rallkin. I fully appreciate your views, and I would have been disappointed If no one would have disagreed with me. It's interesting to see in the list of names of models that attract you. The one you have omitted is the one that is the most drooled over on the station. That being the one and only (mirror mirror on the wall) Alice Goodwin, a girl I once thought to be quite tasty until I realised how fucking shallow and insincere she really is.....But I suppose aren't they all.

Don't get me wrong some girls have been hot, one that springs to mind is Jessica Kelly. But for some reasons only known to the fools that run the station, they are fucked off. And in their wisdom they bring in girls from the past.......And I have also got a well known theory on why that should can only be the casting couch syndrome at work. Oh yes,and free pies supplied.

19.06.2017, 13:53

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls, I do think you make a lot of good salient points on the subject regarding the models on The babe channels and I take your views on board. However, I wouldn't call girls like Nicole, Lori, Olivia, Alexa, and Jada as unglamourous. Even though it's frustrating watching them putting on poor performances these days because of the restraints put upon them, I do think they are the only models that do have sex appeal, at least for me, any wayThumb upSmile

19.06.2017, 12:52

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I guess it's a combination of both. I don't suppose they have proper "cameramen" now except for the POV sessions. Most sets seem to have an automated camera setup probable controled by one person sat in a control room shouting at the floor producer(s) if a babe is getting too risque. Maybe they have one for each camera, who knows unless you work there?
I don't think we can expect good camera angles for most sessions, especially for new, inexperienced girls. Just look at what some experienced babes get away with though, it's Lori at the moment while Nicole seems very heavily tamed and censored, considering her experience.
Having said all that, the one person I would like to see shot is the POV cameraman, who is an absolute moron. There is no point having these sessions if all he/she films is the top half or head and most of the wall behind! And that's even when the babe still has her knickers on! Surely they can practice and co-ordinate the routine so that a fair amount of "downstairs" is shown with a naked babe, without risking showing too much? Producing a sensual and exciting "tease" isn't rocket science or difficult; it just takes a bit of effort and common sense, two things sadly lacking in babeshow producers these days.

19.06.2017, 12:28

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Yeah, I guess my real anger for the awful camera angles should really be aimed towards the producers, Scottishbloke and not the cameramen. I guess they have to do as they're told. The worse thing that's happened to Babestation is this reliance of the perv cam in order to make and fleece the gullible public with not very flattering shots of a girls' pussy either because it's out of focus or the cam is far to near(as was once said by someone, "I want to put a face to the pussy.")Thumb downAngry

19.06.2017, 12:17

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

It as to be said, a big percentage of the babestation girls are massively over weight. Last night joined by another "passed her best" model Lucy, who as certainly been putting away the pies recently.
And please don't anyone say that they like a bit of something to grab onto. These are glamour models so called. And I don't want them showing off their extra pounds on my tv thank you..... If I want to see excess fat, I'll hang about outside the ladies changing rooms at any Primark store.
I have said this many times on here. I wouldn't class one babestation girl, not even one to be anything remotely like glamorous.

19.06.2017, 09:35

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Well I didn't see the show last night Rallkin123 as I was working but I'm led to believe that Brook did her best as to putting on an actual show as I had a look at her caps from another source but as per usual it counts for nothing due to the self censorship with the mostly top half only shots. The camera operators are obviously under strict instructions from the producer not to be filming anything else mostly apart from these frustrating angles to the viewers/callers/would be callers. This isn't ofcom related. It's Perv Cam related. In conclusion this current boss is a real prick and fully merits a swift kick in the crown jewels Thumb down

19.06.2017, 02:43

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I just wish the cameraman on Babenation who's filming the shaggable Brooke would stop roaming the camera all over the place and pull back so we can see her much more nude. They must be the most hated people on these piss poor shows.Thumb downAngryAngryAngry

16.06.2017, 03:16

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Ashley and Preeti both nude together on screen, but it's nearly pointless due to no touching allowed and the cameraman afraid to pull the camera back Envy

And now they're off screen and Lori takes over. Fuck sake

14.06.2017, 11:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I have no doubt that originally Ofcom were certainly responsible for the sanitizing of these shows. But now the makers of the shows are taking full advantage of any censorship. The prime example of this is that fucking pervecam. If it was shown on the internet, seperate from the tv show, then I wouldn't have any problem with it, But these twats who make the shows have somehow got away with showing both "side by side".

How fucking frustrating it must be for normal callers of the shows to have to put up with models for ever repositioning that cam so some online watcher as a better view of the girls cunt. Whilst having to make do with the model saying something banal like, "do you like that baby"? "No he fucking doesn't like it"

So with that, all I have left to say is, "Fuck off Babestation, Fuck off Studio66, Fuck off Ofcom, Fuck off everyone associated with this mind sapping shit.