Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 Bewertung(en))

(4.86 / 5, 7 Bewertungen)

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13.04.2017, 00:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Aye I thought Sophie was also the best out of a bad bunch last night. Lori did her usual by doing her best to show virtually fuck all to the cameras. In saying all that, its still the same tried and tested positions. Side on to the camera with not a hint of what if she were to accidentally let one slip here. Babestation used to be described as a well oiled machine, now its a well rehearsed machine. All we can hope for is a newbie to arrive on the scenes with no knowledge of ofcom rules and an easy going cameraman (like fuck that will happen) and we might see something that will make us sit up and go wow! because right now its just all a bit meh Confused What a shame that the Danni Harwood we see now isn't a patch on what went before. She is still proper fit mind you Smile

12.04.2017, 02:27

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Totally agree with you about the lovely Sophie, Lutonbloke. She has always been one of my all time favourites. Lori and Maddie just bore me senseless with their static and insipid performances these days and that's a sad indictment in which these tired old shows are goingThumb downSad

12.04.2017, 01:19

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

A decent effort from Sophie so far tonight, she's not really been as good this year as she has been in previous years but on her day she is one of the best performers on the shows

10.04.2017, 02:38

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Quick, guys. The lovely horny Mia naked as nature intended over on Playboy TV Chat.TongueTongueTongue. I don't think i can control myself any longerHeartHeartHeartTongueTongueTongue------damn her knickers are back onSadSadSad

04.04.2017, 12:45

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Instead of false tan, or whatever these girls use to so call make them look appealing to some of the opposite sex. Also their tattoos, tit jobs and their manky hair extensions adding to a fucking horrific example of the modern British "glamour model" look. Most look fucking grubby. Not a lot they can do about tits and tattoos, but they could buy some soap and have a thorough fucking scrub now and again.

03.04.2017, 14:48

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

cant wait for jessie jensen to come back to babestation tv and show us her new bigger tits

02.04.2017, 01:05

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

EJKKPT wrote:
Rallkin123 wrote:Can any one tell me why, when naked, Lori seems to spend so much of her session close up to the camera on that infernal microphone or chatting aimlessly to the producer/ cameraman?Thumb downAngry Jeez, It's so annoying!!!AngryAngryAngry. When she was on the table, the cameraman aimed the camera up to the top half for most of her naked session. What is the bloody point of her being nude if the cameraman only shows her top half mostly!?! She may as well keep her knickers on all the time as us viewers as per usual are being short changed by a shoddy and inept show by these imbeciles who are running these sorry shows.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry At least Studio 66 show a lot more nudity and when they do, even Playboy Tv Chat and Xpanded Tv show the girls more naked, also. School report------- must do better!!!

In a word, Pervcam. Sad Thumb down

And two others: Absolut Vodka,she always has a bottle stashed just behind the camera,

Cheers Lori.

01.04.2017, 16:17

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Rallkin123 wrote:Can any one tell me why, when naked, Lori seems to spend so much of her session close up to the camera on that infernal microphone or chatting aimlessly to the producer/ cameraman?Thumb downAngry Jeez, It's so annoying!!!AngryAngryAngry. When she was on the table, the cameraman aimed the camera up to the top half for most of her naked session. What is the bloody point of her being nude if the cameraman only shows her top half mostly!?! She may as well keep her knickers on all the time as us viewers as per usual are being short changed by a shoddy and inept show by these imbeciles who are running these sorry shows.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry At least Studio 66 show a lot more nudity and when they do, even Playboy Tv Chat and Xpanded Tv show the girls more naked, also. School report------- must do better!!!

In a word, Pervcam. Sad Thumb down

01.04.2017, 02:34

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Can any one tell me why, when naked, Lori seems to spend so much of her session close up to the camera on that infernal microphone or chatting aimlessly to the producer/ cameraman?Thumb downAngry Jeez, It's so annoying!!!AngryAngryAngry. When she was on the table, the cameraman aimed the camera up to the top half for most of her naked session. What is the bloody point of her being nude if the cameraman only shows her top half mostly!?! She may as well keep her knickers on all the time as us viewers as per usual are being short changed by a shoddy and inept show by these imbeciles who are running these sorry shows.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry At least Studio 66 show a lot more nudity and when they do, even Playboy Tv Chat and Xpanded Tv show the girls more naked, also. School report------- must do better!!!

28.03.2017, 09:21

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

To be honest and I hate to sound like a broken record here Smile but for me its all about the product on show which Ralkin123 pointed out Thumb up As far as I'm concerned the technical side of things is really an afterthought but I will agree that the camera operators are woeful. These days I'm not expecting anything old school but what I do expect is to see the babes in full shot, not this bullshit whereas all we are seeing is the head and top half only.

I uploaded the Olivia session the other night, not necessary because it was anything vintage, far from it, but it was a rarity as the camera mostly focused on her in the correct manner which is better than what the rest of the lousy camera angles focused on. It was a nice wee set from her and about as good as it gets these days on Babestation which was once pushing the boat out for all its worth. Nothing was ever the same again after the legendary naked 2 for 1 session between Danni Harwood and Lucy Summers, (aka - kirsty Summers - Remember when she was still signing on at the dole office whilst doing the shows on RLC)Blush since then its been all downhill Confused

28.03.2017, 00:16

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Ha, ha! That's being unkind to the intelligence of monkeys, quiquems, but I agree with you about the producer putting on a bland show last night. They're all a bunch of pussy wussies!!!Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry

28.03.2017, 00:00

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Rallkin123 wrote:Flippin' 'eck!!! It's only Ella (bore) Jolie And Lucy (Zzzzz) Zara over on Studio 66 tonightSadSadSadAngryAngryAngryThumb downThumb downThumb down, whilst over on the Babe Station channels we have to put up with the likes of Cali Garci, Linda Leigh and the rather anodyne and uninspiring Alice Goodwin. Hopefully, Amanda will rescue the shows tonight and put in a great performance over on Xpanded Tv along with the very horny Lacey, er I mean Angelica Rivers!!!

It could be worse, like last night with a monkey as producer Cool

27.03.2017, 23:53

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Flippin' 'eck!!! It's only Ella (bore) Jolie And Lucy (Zzzzz) Zara over on Studio 66 tonightSadSadSadAngryAngryAngryThumb downThumb downThumb down, whilst over on the Babe Station channels we have to put up with the likes of Cali Garci, Linda Leigh and the rather anodyne and uninspiring Alice Goodwin. Hopefully, Amanda will rescue the shows tonight and put in a great performance over on Xpanded Tv along with the very horny Lacey, er I mean Angelica Rivers!!!

10.03.2017, 14:26

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

What the feck is happening to Babestation these days!?!Sad. We now have the boring Thai chat on Meet the Babes channel(no offence to the girls who I'm sure are lovely and charming) on at 4 and over on babestation Sky channel 908/Freeview channel 173 on at the same time we have to put up with blinking adult chat adverts for the duration until the breakfast shift takes over at 5.30!!!!!!! Sort your selves out Babestation bosses and give us adult viewers shows we can REALLY enjoy each night and not the awful dross you dish up to us as you have done over the past couple of years or so, other wise if you don't improve the shows pronto, people will vote with their feet and stop watching altogether. Oh and by the way, how about bringing in new girls with a lot more sex appeal other than the tired old has beens and wanna be's we're subjected to night after dreary night?(yawn zzzzzzz).Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry. Of course, no one at Babestation Towers will take a blind bit of notice, but then again miracles do happen on the odd and very rare occasion. I live in perennial hope.

10.03.2017, 04:22

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Dannii Harwood is still a very attractive woman she looks fantastic for her age, but sadly she is a shadow of her former self as a performer