Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 Bewertung(en))

(4.86 / 5, 7 Bewertungen)

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05.10.2016, 11:48

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:I urge the present boss of Babestation to sell up and hand over the franchise to somebody who knows how to operate the channels.
This is my fervent wish, also. Very unlikely to happen, but it would be marvellous if it did. This current boss seems to be intent upon self-destruction.

05.10.2016, 11:05

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

In my opinion the girls on the adult channels have rarely jumped though hoops with happiness, but compared to what they are like today. They were absolutely ecstatic. Could it be that babestation is no longer a place they want to be. I would say "no they dont". Hey, but what the fuck do I know?

05.10.2016, 03:31

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Preeti the horny bum shaggingly Indian beauty in the nude TongueTongueTongueThumb upThumb upThumb up

05.10.2016, 01:17

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Exactly mate, the sauna set was really good as was the gym set too. They still have those sets kicking around but Babestation can't be arsed to assemble them together again. Even if they bring back those sets it still wouldn't make one blind fuck of a difference if the camera keeping censoring out anything that is remotely interesting. I think Babestation as it currently stands is on its knees through self inflicted bad decisions.

The unleashed webshow show only runs from 1 to 9 now with less babes appearing than before, On Friday and Saturday night we had no BSX live show on offer either, its like everything is being scaled down which is worrying as this is normally an early warning sign that serious problems are happening behind the scenes Sad

I urge the present boss of Babestation to sell up and hand over the franchise to somebody who know's how to operate the channels.

05.10.2016, 01:14

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Well, would you Adam and Eve it?! Over on Studio 66 Sky 912 Lola knight in the nuddy in the shower!TongueTongueTongueThumb upThumb upThumb up Get over there, lads pronto!!!

05.10.2016, 01:08

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke, yeah I know! Utter garbage. Even Sophie Hart isn't performing like she used to. Also, why on earth did they get rid of the sauna as at least you could see them naked most of the time! Thumb downThumb downThumb downSadSadSad

05.10.2016, 00:43

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Rallkin123 if you think that's bad, even if Olivia did take off the stocking you're barely going to see anything anyhow seeing as the camera keeping panning up to her top half only Thumb down Its even worse with Preeti's session and then we have some lame 2 for 1 on the other channel. Fucking hopeless Sad

05.10.2016, 00:38

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Damn those bloody stockings Olivia's wearing now she's bum naked.Get 'em off for Pete's sake and show us your sexy legs and feet as well, you lovely horny babe, please!!!TongueTongueTongue

04.10.2016, 20:05

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Hi, Scottishbloke. Hope you're fine. Nah, you didn't miss anything. It was crap, as usual. Studio 66 was just the same, too. Thumb down

04.10.2016, 07:45

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Hi lads, that's me just back home after working the nightshift. did I miss anything good or was it simply just another case of same old shite, different night Blush

03.10.2016, 17:54

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I replied earlier on the subject of the perv cams and rip off prices on the phone when chatting to the babes on screen. I want to make one slight correction in the fact that my reply should have been directed towards AniseedBalls as well as positive on that matter, so sorry for the mistake and confusion to all, especially to AniseedBalls

03.10.2016, 17:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Every word you have stated on the subject of Babestation and their appalling use of pervcams and how they are ripping viewers off is absolutely and unequivocally correct in every aspect, positive. Thumb up It is an outrage if it is the case they are charging extra for the chance of seeing that little bit more, i.e. pussy shot and paying for a rip of charge of 2 quid per minute as well.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry

03.10.2016, 12:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

EJKKPT wrote:Obituary:
Babestation, on life support since 2013, died 2016, due to complications from pervcam-itis.
RIP. Cry

I do seriously agree that we are almost at this point!

03.10.2016, 11:55

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls wrote:I'm not quite sure how this perve cam thing works. Does it mean that if you call a girl you will be allowed to view her perve cam as well as speaking to her. Or is perve cam a completely seperate thing and you have to pay extra for it? If the latter is the case then the audacity of the makers to ask for people to call them is un-fucking believable.

A call that could cost more than £2 a minute, and it results in you seeing the top half of the model. And if that is how it works, why then do people ring up? I know lots of people on here have their brains in their cocks. But even a brain as big as a bell-end should tell you that you are being ripped off.

And as far as the perve cam subscribers are concerned. Can you not understand that by your inability to get by without seeing some mediocre models cunt, that you are going to be ultimately responsible for the demise of these channels. But in a way you may be doing us all a favour in pulling down the curtain on this crap.

The pervcam is a separate camera that most of the girls have focused between their legs. You don't have to be on the phones with them, you just have to pay the going rates. If you are on the phone then you can privately direct them what to do on pervcam. It is one way to get to see the models explicitly without the censorship of Ofcom. The problem is, of course, that the girls are still on TV, so the regular camera has to stay well clear.

The pervcam concept can actually work, but it should only be for the girls who are willing to give guys value for their money. There should then be regular shows - without the pervcam - for the girls who are still very popular but do not wish to be explicit on pervcam. That way, there is something for everyone: the regular phone-in show, as well as the pervcam... At the moment the producers are allowing pervcam to kill the regular shows; and it surely will not be long now before this particular genre of show disappears altogether.

03.10.2016, 11:43

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Babestation, on life support since 2013, died 2016, due to complications from pervcam-itis.
RIP. Cry
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