Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

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03.10.2016, 11:40

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Lots of good looking girls last night but pretty much unwatchable as far as I'm concerned. No excitement or sexiness anywhere. So sadSad
There was more excitement in 30 seconds of Lola on S66 than all night of all 3 BS channels.
What's the point taking a girl with so much potential as Nicole Snow and sticking her on a table all night?

03.10.2016, 03:35

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Lutonbloke I don't think the legendary 2 for 1 session between Danni Harwood & Lucy Summers has ever been replicated. Infact that last great 2 for 1 session from Babestation marked something of a watershed moment as I seem to recall from that point onwards a decline the show. I think it was also the former Boss of Babestation parting gift because not long after that the ownership changed hands and its obvious now to see just how different the whole concept of the show has become.

Rallkin123 I 100% agree with you on Kerrie Lee, she is an absolute honey and a fantastic performer. Its a shame that she appears to have now completely left the shows Sad

03.10.2016, 03:34

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Mmmm, Indian babe Priya in the nuddy and NO BLOODY, HORRIBLE STOCKINGSThumb upThumb upThumb upTongueTongueTongue

03.10.2016, 03:32

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Oh, so true, Lutonbloke. We are singing from the same hymn sheet!Thumb upThumb up

03.10.2016, 03:20

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

We really need the proper 2-4-1s back, solo sessions just don't wow me anymore because the sets are crap and the camera work is rubbish, and why do most babes wear stockings? most people on the forums hate stockings yet the babes keep wearing themThumb down

03.10.2016, 03:07

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

They've also done it with Kiwi babe, Beth when she got naked, too. Come back, Kerrie we need you more than ever nowTongueTongueTongue.

03.10.2016, 02:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I agree Rallkin123, its exactly the same with Ashley, but Ashley frustrates me more on the stocking front as she has really nice legs but always seems to keep them covered up. What's pissed me off tonight has been Lori's sessions and in particular the last one she did, all we seen from her was head and shoulders and boobs at a close up angle with no other part of her body being shown, just Lori permanently up close to the camera and to be honest I think she ought to take some of the blame for this shambles Angry

03.10.2016, 02:48

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Strewth, you could knock me side ways, the lovely Nicole is nude, unfortunately she's wearing stockings which is a definite no no for me! Thumb upThumb downSmileSad

03.10.2016, 00:55

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Your endorsement of my description of Geri is much appreciated, Scottishbloke Thumb upl lo and behold she's only on BS Cams ain't she along with the very shaggable Jada also with a great botty, esp. when she's all oiled up!!! your assessment of Ashley Emma is my conclusion, also. Looks like it's gonna be another yawn fest night on Babestation yet again, even if Beth and Lori go naked because of the bloody cameramen!!!!!!Thumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry

03.10.2016, 00:07

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls wrote:"Forum of the banned", that's us. It's good to see that we can still have a proper discussion about the state of things in the adult tv world without an arsehole of a moderator putting a stop to it. So, "long may that remain". I don't know if anyone ever looks at other similar forums, like the one we used to belong to. If you do, then you will be aware of how fucking shite that particular one as become. The same contributors, saying the same things as they have always done, with never the need for a mod to raise his ugly head.

I meant to say well said Aniseedballs Thumb up Yeah just had a read of it and it lacks any real discussions on it, the Perv cam issue is mentioned briefly but on the whole mainly rubbish posts with gushing praises with regards to the babes as it has no real cutting edge to it. Glad the toss pot mods on that UK Forum got what they deserved in the end. A really really shit forum full of fanboys - Hats off to them Big Grin Ah well.........I'm sure we'll sleep well tonight in the full knowledge that that other forum is now officially a dump Lol Big Grin

02.10.2016, 23:01

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:
Positive wrote:I have seen all of those clips from a while back when Lori did pervcam a lot better than she is doing now. As you say she did reveal everything on those shows, albeit with deliberate poor camera quality. But this time things are different. Her BSX shows shouldn't even be allowed. People are spending good money for nothing... But I am not unaware that Lori can be quite revealing at times. However, this time around it is clear to me that Lori does not wish to be revealing on pervcam.

Yet when it comes to teasing us with the handthong if and when it is allowed she is one of the best in the business and is also usually butt naked within minutes of her appearing on set but thats her limit now unfortunately. Alice Goodwin for the first time I can remember has got her panties off completely, unfortunately the legs are firmly closed with not even a hint to suggest that she might show more than she should.

Watching Babestation these days is like knocking your head off a brick wall. Yet again we've had another lame session from Amanda Rendall, what the fuck is going on and Ashley seems to be getting more screen time than any of the other babes these days! but she won't do fuck all different, if even she took her stocking off and showed us her bare legs for a change that would at least be something Sad

Yes although Ashley Emma is one of the hottest babes on the babeshows she is a tame and boring performer, the same goes for Alice Goodwin, the hype they get is over the top but i guess they are seen as the poster girls of BS by many people, although i think Jenna, Dannii and Sophie are more attractive and are better performers anyway

02.10.2016, 22:34

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

In terms of what you say about Nicole Snow best-reporting yes you are very true, she has a great booty, unfortunately for me I felt her performance last night was very low key and static Sad with regards to Geri you are spot on Rallkin123, for an older women she was a honey, she had the body of a 20 year old. It's a shame I no longer have her video recordings in my possession Sad Amanda Rendall last night was yet again very brutal if I'm being honest, also as I said on my post this morning I felt that Ashley was given too much screen time and Alice had her legs firmly closed when her panties came off, not even so much of a tease for us.

Babestation has been failing us now for weeks on end, possibly even months. Its needs to go back to its roots and cut out all the Perv Cam bullshit and erratic cameramen as its ruining the show and putting a stain on the once proud history of what I used to refer to as a very good channel. We want a show for a change if that's not too much of a burden to the tossers sabotaging it every night!

02.10.2016, 20:54

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Wish Geri with her pert tight little bum was back on Babestation again instead of being on BS Cams all the time!Sad She is sooo HORNEEEEE!!!Thumb upThumb upThumb upTongueTongueTongue

02.10.2016, 17:38

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Ditto, AniseedBalls!Thumb upThumb upThumb up

02.10.2016, 16:14

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

There is a new girl who has made her appearance on the show; her name is Nicole Snow. She has a good round shape of her ass. Look tonight to see her again. I think she can stand up from the crowd but it is for the boss to decide if she will be good. I hope so.
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