Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

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30.08.2016, 21:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

EJKKPT wrote:
Positive wrote:I would dearly love to hear what the conversation is like between the team of producers and cameramen at Babestation before putting out these current shows. The complete lack of sanity to the shows leads me to believe that these people are not speaking logically to one another, and that they must all be so damn confused!!

It really it is a shame that there is no metric to which these shows must conform and be held accountable. The idea of compelling the producers to answer because they are not conforming to the required standard and are merely insulting and shortchanging their audience, is a really appealing one. It's a shame that it currently only works one way, and the producers are only compelled to answer if they break Ofcom's rules.

Sadly, the current mess is quite deliberate, as far as I can see; as usual, it's all about money. They cram as many babes on-screen, hoping that more callers will call for two or three babes, than would for just one, for the same airtime.
Then, there's pervcam, which is so expensive, that it won't take many paying customers for the broadcaster to start 'raking it in', and so long as regular callers are still calling the main shows, they couldn't give a fuck about how bad those shows are (as a direct result of pervcam - static camera, static babes, shot from above the waist, tame/no performance etc.)

Pervcam rules, as far as the broadcaster is concerned! Sad

I do agree that pervcam is currently the main focus of the broadcaster. Nevertheless, Babestation has only recently gone back to pervcam. The stations that have yet to follow suit with pervcam still persist with extremely tame shows. Babestation has been tame for many years, yet pervcam has taken things to a whole other level of tameness. Scottishbloke and quiquems have been providing video clips from Babestation for years now, and guaranteed there would occasionally be some good shows amidst the tame dross. Now you will find that the video clips have dried up to a very near full stop since pervcam - at least very few clips worth bothering with.

These people really ought to be accountable for not providing the acceptable level of adult entertainment that their licenses grant.

30.08.2016, 18:41

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Positive wrote:I would dearly love to hear what the conversation is like between the team of producers and cameramen at Babestation before putting out these current shows. The complete lack of sanity to the shows leads me to believe that these people are not speaking logically to one another, and that they must all be so damn confused!!

It really it is a shame that there is no metric to which these shows must conform and be held accountable. The idea of compelling the producers to answer because they are not conforming to the required standard and are merely insulting and shortchanging their audience, is a really appealing one. It's a shame that it currently only works one way, and the producers are only compelled to answer if they break Ofcom's rules.

Sadly, the current mess is quite deliberate, as far as I can see; as usual, it's all about money. They cram as many babes on-screen, hoping that more callers will call for two or three babes, than would for just one, for the same airtime.
Then, there's pervcam, which is so expensive, that it won't take many paying customers for the broadcaster to start 'raking it in', and so long as regular callers are still calling the main shows, they couldn't give a fuck about how bad those shows are (as a direct result of pervcam - static camera, static babes, shot from above the waist, tame/no performance etc.)

Pervcam rules, as far as the broadcaster is concerned! Sad

30.08.2016, 16:05

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I agree Positive, I do remember in the past when the producers actually did once upon a time log into the forums and take onboard what the members/potential callers were saying and respond in a diplomatic and constructive manner. On the UKBC forum where I used to post most of the so-called producers who have logged in recent years have instead tried to mock members and have only served the purpose of pouring more fuel on the fire, most notably one of the RLC Reps on the other forum took a real dislike to my comments when I called out their show and told them exactly what I thought of it. Rather than taking the points onboard instead the rep chose to go down a road that alienated potential customers even further adrift.

Any good business irrespective of the setting should always take on board customer feedback but the producers of Babestation are so arrogant that they point blank refuse to take their heads out of their own arseholes and only welcome gushing compliments and ignore or pretend not to see what the reality actually is. In the end Babestation will pay the price for this as they continue to piss off more and more former/potential customers. Last nights show was yet another disastrous shambles.

I used to phone and text the show in the past back when it was delivering despite ofcom regulations the show was still to a good standard and this was during a period when the regulators were really keeping a tight leash on the shows, now ofcom as far as I believe couldn't give 2 fucks about any of the content that is now shown as the ones perpetrating the breaches are no longer part of the board, ie ED Richards and co, because if they did I very much doubt that Babestation would be allowed to continue with Perv Cams day and night unchallenged Blush

30.08.2016, 12:53

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I would dearly love to hear what the conversation is like between the team of producers and cameramen at Babestation before putting out these current shows. The complete lack of sanity to the shows leads me to believe that these people are not speaking logically to one another, and that they must all be so damn confused!!

It really it is a shame that there is no metric to which these shows must conform and be held accountable. The idea of compelling the producers to answer because they are not conforming to the required standard and are merely insulting and shortchanging their audience, is a really appealing one. It's a shame that it currently only works one way, and the producers are only compelled to answer if they break Ofcom's rules.

29.08.2016, 21:26

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

EJKKPT wrote:It's sad to see what has become of BS Sad , a once great channel, reduced to unwatchable shite Angry

Exactly mate, last night was yet another hellish pile of shite, I think in the space of 7+ hours I seen one half decent 20 minute spell from Amanda Rendall which I posted on her Thread and that was it. Even the unleashed show is fast becoming another unwatchable pile of shite all thanks to the perv cam sessions as they just cut the stream completely until such point when the babe is finished. The last remaining babe channel is slowly dying of death. Babestation is in the worst state that I've ever seen it. A lot of the time all you can see on the screen is the face.

Babestation in 2016 consists of extremely static babes, repetitive poses, repetitive sets, no spontaneity, shitty 2 for 1's and whole nights ruined from the word go. I'm lost for words right now as I think I've already covered them in my previous posts Angry

29.08.2016, 16:33

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

It's sad to see what has become of BS Sad , a once great channel, reduced to unwatchable shite Angry , thanks to cramming as many babes as possible onto tiny sets, so that even the few babes left who are inclined to put some effort into their shows, can't do anything! Angry And, on the rare occasions that they get some solo time, the complete domination of pervcam means that it's a complete and utter waste of time for the TV/regular stream viewer. Sad
Clearly, the 'traditional show' is of no concern to the 'powers that be', any more. Sad

27.08.2016, 11:21

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I ask, are these shows for real? Please Ofcom come and pull the plug on this shit. Not because it's causing all sorts of depravity. But because they are being allowed to scam gullible men out of their money by putting on to our screens such undiluted crap.
Through the fucking keyhole, I can't fucking believe it. So ofcom get your fucking arses over here and shut these programmes down.

26.08.2016, 21:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion


18.08.2016, 12:33

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Adult TV's philosophy is to ''show shite and the tossers will still watch'', and why they still watch, the shite will keep on coming. For fuck sake ''tossers'' stop fucking watching. Of course the producers of this crap will keep showing it if you keep paying top dollar to watch.
As much as the makers of these shows are conning the desperate watcher, I also blame the models who participate. If they weren't willing to go along with this charade, then the producers would have no alternative, other than too ditch this despicable con-trick.

18.08.2016, 03:06

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Although Cali Garcia is one of the most stunning girls on BS i just cannot defend her lazy performances, but the mugs out there keep calling her and she brings in the cash for BS

17.08.2016, 10:00

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

but unfortunately to many people are to dumb and are spending a lot of money on it.

Or some are clever and get all cam shows without spending a penny!SmileThumb up

17.08.2016, 00:45

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

andyxm715 wrote:well the answer to the question is no... no need for pervcam, but unfortunately to many people are to dumb and are spending a lot of money on it.. when they should be spending it on high class hookers, drugs and fast cars .... judging by the per minute charge on some of the pervcams..

Fucking belter of an answer Big Grin

17.08.2016, 00:36

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:
andyxm715 wrote:I would say the best pervcam show I ever seen was Amanda Rendall...from her day show a few weeks ago...

But the question remains, is there really a need for Pervcam, I mean we have Babestation Unleashed which is a free webshow and BSX for those who like to see the donner kebab, besides what I've seen of Pervcam it doesn't appeal to me, if I wanted to be a butcher then I'd get a job as one Blush

well the answer to the question is no... no need for pervcam, but unfortunately to many people are to dumb and are spending alot of money on it.. when they should be spending it on high class hookers, drugs and fast cars.... judging by the per minute charge on some of the pervcams..

17.08.2016, 00:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

andyxm715 wrote:I would say the best pervcam show I ever seen was Amanda Rendall...from her day show a few weeks ago...

But the question remains, is there really a need for Pervcam, I mean we have Babestation Unleashed which is a free webshow and BSX for those who like to see the donner kebab, besides what I've seen of Pervcam it doesn't appeal to me, if I wanted to be a butcher then I'd get a job as one Blush

16.08.2016, 23:53

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:I see on the Rampant streams that all the perv cams for each model are in place for anybody out there who is happy to burn money Blush Tonight I'm expecting another nights helping of shite being served up with either a static babe, a shitty 2 for 1, or a shitty you can only see the top half only garbage. Fuck you Babestation, I hope ofcom come in and hammer you with the heaviest of fines to finally consign Perv Cam to the shit bin where it actually belongs. Its not very often that I'm waving a flag in support of ofcom but it's got that bad now that they might actually be the only saviours left to bring this nonsense to an end even if it does rather contradict my signature.......Blush

you go Scottishbloke......

Totally agree with you, I have recorded a lot of .... I mean been able to watch pervcam on the free side and 99% of the girls show fuck all, and it costs a lot of money for close up shots of underwear ( and that includes nightshow girls as well) which goes pixelated everytime they move,

I would say the best pervcam show I ever seen was Amanda Rendall...from her day show a few weeks ago...

but even then, if you watched her, she spent 80% looking at her laptop and not on at the camera Cry
I don't think it's going to get any better anytime soon.... sad really...