Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

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30.05.2016, 19:19

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Just curious if anyone managed to record Hazel Bond's 2am session from this past Friday? Best session from her since her return to nights! Thanks Thumb up

14.05.2016, 21:37

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Schedule says Alice is on tonight, are we ready for another show just like her last one, same as, same as, same as. Even down to her same style boring uniform. Bra under tits, knickers off one cheek of her arse. And asking who is going to get my tiny panties down. I'll fucking tell you who Alice, no one will get them down. because you have no intention of getting them down, properly down that is. She must be asked by her every caller to get them off. But no, they stay in position. Like all the other girls who strip naked, you should be the same Alice. Instead of having an attitude that says ''I AM MUCH TO PRECIOUS TO TAKE OFF ALL MY CLOTHES''. You are a cam girl and that is what cam girls do.

09.05.2016, 07:46

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

mrmann wrote:a shame Babestation has become a little tame lately. I wish we had rampant handthong, more moments of full frontal, and more nude POVs and 2-4-1s. More Fingergate moments too Tongue

Aye well Babestation is something of a mixed bag these days, some nights total shite, other nights it will push the boat out which seems to happen best when Lori and Kerrie are scheduled on the same night, its almost like they are competing against each other which is a throw back to the good old days. Lori still does the handthong every now and again but she's far too careful with her hand unfortunately Sad

Other nights when Kerrie or Lori are pushing the boat out the sessions get completely destroyed by the pussy operating the cameras. Ofcom aren't even looking anymore, I think some pussy slips and a repeat of fingergate valley is long overdue I think Blush

09.05.2016, 00:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion


Yeah it was Don who sent me the video as well. We had our ups and downs, but I'm grateful for the recordings he provided me with!

a shame Babestation has become a little tame lately. I wish we had rampant handthong, more moments of full frontal, and more nude POVs and 2-4-1s. More Fingergate moments too Tongue

07.05.2016, 08:26

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

mrmann wrote:Any of you watch Sophie Hart from two nights back? At around 3:40am, she showed full frontal for the longest I've seen from her on the channels! She seemed pretty wasted too, and at one point looked as if she might have been messing about with the cameraman, just out of shot. I was hoping Finger Gate II would happen like from last year, but it didn't LOL.

Your posts always entertain me, I remember finger gate well, still can't believe that happened to this day Lol Big Grin I missed it but thanks to Don who sadly can't post here anymore Sad I was able to obtain the video via PM Smile

06.05.2016, 14:17

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Crappy Thumb down

I really think the channels to do a casting to choose producers more idiots Cool

13.04.2016, 02:04

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

and just as i posted that they came back on lol

13.04.2016, 02:04

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

so whos just killed babestation all the streams and the tv channels are off

13.04.2016, 01:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Any of you watch Sophie Hart from two nights back? At around 3:40am, she showed full frontal for the longest I've seen from her on the channels! She seemed pretty wasted too, and at one point looked as if she might have been messing about with the cameraman, just out of shot. I was hoping Finger Gate II would happen like from last year, but it didn't LOL.

02.04.2016, 11:50

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

For a couple of weeks I really did think that we were starting to see a more sexier Alice, but after catching her last couple of shows she as reverted back to type. Black underwear with tits hanging over top of bra. Without doubt one of the fittest, but fuck me she hasn't one ounce of originality in her.

But it's not just Alice, none of them know how to bring a little originality to the screen. All except one that is, and as much as it pains me to say it, that girl is Kerrie Lee.

Does it have to be sex catalogue underwear all the time, what's wrong with sexy daytime clothes that eventually come off. The same end product but a far more sexier way of getting there.

I doubt if Alice reads this, in fact I doubt if Alice reads at all. But for her and others who persist in having your tits hanging over your bra. That look is just the least sexy look you could ever display for us.

01.04.2016, 01:44

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

The most bizarre thing about Babestation is that Lori generally takes things the furthest when it comes to the tv shows as she's the only one to my knowledge that is doing the hand thong, then stick her on BSX and she's the lamest of the lot, sometimes showing even less than what she'd do on the tv show.

Ella Hughs is an excellent performer on Unleashed but on the telly she just seems to be a completely different person, vibrant and exciting to watch on the webshow yet on the tv show she's as dull as dishwater. It seems to me that a lot of the girls struggle to cope with the transition and perhaps aren't too sure themselves on how far they can go when ofcom are monitoring the show.

Kerrie Lee is another one, on Sunday night she was outstanding and then her last 2 appearances have been a lot more toned down. I'm sure that producers also have a major part too in all of this as the output seems to vary from night to night. Tonight so far we've got Lori naked and doing handthong and Olivia naked in the sauna too. Ashley Emma is the dark horse in all of this as she's always one to watch especially in the rare moment when she takes her panties completely off TongueThumb up

01.04.2016, 00:25

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls wrote:The hardcore porn girls do generally cover up more than the regular girls do. Last night a girl called Ella Hughes was on, a girl who has had more than her fair share of cock in her vids. But what I saw of her, very dull. Just a matter of easy money for going through the motions.

For me once a girl as done porn she should be finished with the babechannels, give some other starstruck newbie a chance.

I'm not saying all porn girls are bad at being a tame presenter on the babechannels. What I'm saying is, any credible tease they may have had, will be brushed away with a couple of clicks on a mouse, where you will find them with nine inches of cock up their arse and a mouthful of spunk. After that they must find performing on the babechannels rather dull.

Perhaps they're not allowed to go naked. The producers may be worried they'll forget themselves, start going open legged and pointing their lady parts at the camera?

31.03.2016, 11:18

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

The hardcore porn girls do generally cover up more than the regular girls do. Last night a girl called Ella Hughes was on, a girl who has had more than her fair share of cock in her vids. But what I saw of her, very dull. Just a matter of easy money for going through the motions.

For me once a girl as done porn she should be finished with the babechannels, give some other starstruck newbie a chance.

I'm not saying all porn girls are bad at being a tame presenter on the babechannels. What I'm saying is, any credible tease they may have had, will be brushed away with a couple of clicks on a mouse, where you will find them with nine inches of cock up their arse and a mouthful of spunk. After that they must find performing on the babechannels rather dull.

28.03.2016, 11:29

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I have to say I thought that was a top show from Babestation last night, Lori, Kerrie & Jenna firing on all cylinders, more important than that was the added bonus of the hand thong, also great to see the show a lot more relaxed than in recent times, Lori made 2 appearances on other babes sets in which she turned up starkers! each time TongueThumb up

The one disappointing aspect at the moment is the form of Leigh Derby which is something of a surprise considering she does exceptionally well when she's on the unleashed show but when she's on the telly she's the complete opposite, tamed down and covered up mostly for the duration of her sets which is something I can't seem to get my head around whatsoever! Blush

26.03.2016, 18:47

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I'd agree with you on this for the most part, except that Danni is beginning to show more during her POVs, but unfortunately the good ones don't happen until nearly 3am. Last night, Danni's cameraman dipped the camera quite a bit, showing everything from behind, then showed her open leg at the end, just for a laugh. Just depends on the night.

Preeti usually did the best POVs for a while, but they've calmed down lately. I'd like to see more POVs from Kerrie, nude of course, with slips and handthong. Reverse handthong is my fave.

So far, Tommie Jo on Studio 66 still did the naughtiest sessions in the past year or so.

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