Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 Bewertung(en))

(4.86 / 5, 7 Bewertungen)

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02.02.2012, 19:27

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Guess they mean Luna, not Luan. Luna Lestrange Tongue

02.02.2012, 19:15

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Just a heads up on what the girls names are for tonights show Smile

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

02.02.2012, 18:34

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

JuFan wrote:Don't know if it's mentioned here anywhere before but Babestation will start a new channel called 'Babestation Apprentice'. It's a channel for newbies in that business.
Personally I think it's a good idea to have a seperate channel for the newer ones to give them a chance. Thumb up

The show starts from 9pm UK time tonight and no need to add any channels as its where most of "Masti-nights" and "Dirty Wives" is shown, Get Lucky TV ($ky Channel 909) Smile

So lets see who is on Smile

01.02.2012, 18:55

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Don't know if it's mentioned here anywhere before but Babestation will start a new channel called 'Babestation Apprentice'. It's a channel for newbies in that business.
Personally I think it's a good idea to have a seperate channel for the newer ones to give them a chance. Thumb up

click to enlarge

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

28.01.2012, 17:51

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Definitely the best channel at the moment! Last night was such a sweet walk down memory lane Smile

27.01.2012, 03:33

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

babewatcher wrote:Best channel at the moment!! and tiffanys white room naked oil show made up my mind Tongue

Ehh......what i said 2 days ago but BETTER TongueTongueThumb upThumb upCryBig GrinBig GrinThumb up

25.01.2012, 05:14

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Best channel at the moment!! and tiffanys white room naked oil show made up my mind Tongue

03.01.2012, 23:04

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

2 of the babestation streams seem great again but babestation xtra at the moment at least as a bit of quality loss, but again thanks babestation for sorting most of the problem out Smile

03.01.2012, 00:12

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

agree Daz,
stream & recordings are really laggy but also I'm only getting 1 channel (Xtra) - bs1 won't load & masti/blue both have the off air message (masti is on tv).
NB have tried on Hi & Med but lag & pic quality seem the same on both settings? (although Low is def worse!)

02.01.2012, 18:58

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

dazaman wrote:Thanks misterG for the heads up and bugger me silly with a red hot poker no OSG's on stream Thumb up thanks babestation Smile

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

No idea what the babestation stream is like for members but for none members its gone from the best to un-watchable Cry

27.12.2011, 00:11

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

The former Babestation model Cleo Lee is now live online at MyFreeCams!

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

22.12.2011, 00:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

The former Babestation model Cleo Lee is now live on MyFreeCams!

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

21.12.2011, 02:04

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Thanks misterG for the heads up and bugger me silly with a red hot poker no OSG's on stream Thumb up thanks babestation Smile

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

20.12.2011, 23:33

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

well would you believe it - next post in the thread...
guess most have got there before me, but in case there's anyone who hasn't found it yet - the BS website is now showing all channels as streams with H/M/L quality - I think there's still a 10 min cut but it seems to be restarting on its own. Don't have membership so maybe just while it beds in? quality stream recording of paige I've ever got (shit, spoke too soon - geri's just joined her)

21.11.2011, 17:50

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

RampantTV wrote:watch online for FREE at [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Hi Rampant,

I know you don't want this as a discussion thread and guess it'll be moved somewhere more appropriate.

But with all your lineups, you advise we can watch online at

Watch what exactly?

A poor quality feed of a single channel that's almost completely obscured by osg and cuts after a few minutes, even if you have membership to the site...

Are there any plans to provide a channel change, as you do for
Or any intention to improve the quality?
Or any plans to enable a continuous stream?

I'd be interested to know if you get any callers who are watching on the webstream? Be surprised if you do as I don't think it's fit for purpose - which is a shame as a few years ago BS had the best stream and membership offered not just continuous view but control over a cam too - great idea that seems to have disappeared without a trace.

When are you going to give us a stream that's at least watchable and includes all channels?
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