Yvonne - Discussion & Chat

4.08 (36 Bewertung(en))

(4.08 / 5, 36 Bewertungen)

Amateur models online
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27.07.2008, 17:49

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

we dreamed of a lesbian session yvonne and ivy

27.07.2008, 17:47

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

number one  of fair......

27.07.2008, 17:44

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

any news of her.....

27.07.2008, 17:44

Re: Yvonne - Discussion & Chat

yvonne is sexy 

27.07.2008, 11:51

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

well I miss her long brown hairs... and now she´s leaving... *breakout in tears*

26.07.2008, 22:24

Re: Yvonne - Discussion & Chat

a really!

This girl was really cute!

Where she is?! :(

26.07.2008, 19:16

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

yvonne is back !

21.07.2008, 18:36

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

Is that true??? Yvonne is really back??

21.07.2008, 15:29

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

Hey, she is back. Did she tell something at 14.00 why we have the luck to have she back?

08.07.2008, 21:04

Re: Yvonne - Discussion & Chat

 She was great ! I'll miss her.

08.07.2008, 02:19

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

Yes its "my "Viki" and there is Keena too(Keyla).I went to the site it seems they didnt have "clients until now.I think also that they did it just to get same money for their photos.Anyway is their private life and in their country waves are very low and they need money to live as we need.

08.07.2008, 00:06

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

@ jockel

That is your Viki :  [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]   Should that be the same Viki ? :)))

and before you search now on every escort site for (ex)sexsat models you need to know that 99% of these girls on escort sites a fake models. For example a escort site show you 100 different girls. You can choose from 30 blond girls. But it doesn't matter which blond girl you choose,  you will always get the same one because in realthey have just one or two blond girls.

It isn't a proof if you see a girl on a site that she really works there. The system is like  that this agancies buy pics from girls for illustration. Same with all the dating agancies. They ask girls for pics and pay them up to 100$. The guys will never have a chance to come in concat with the girl, because the girl was just interest on the money for the pics and not to meet a guy. Most the girls doesn't know what the " owner " of this pics do with this pics. and after the girls get a shock that they work for an ecort agancy :)))

Yvonne was many years a workoholic cam model. 6 days a week atleast 10 hours a day infort of a cam ( TV and internet ). A prostitute would never waste so much time for small money. And that is the different in the sex business :  a cam girls doesn't want body contact to a client, that is the reason to do it infront of a cam.

Now it seems Yvonne quit all her cam activities ( TV and Internet ). But it is a pure speculation that she is a prostitute now. Maybe you call this agancy one time to fix a date with Yvonne. On her voice you will get the proof if she really works in that business now. It it would not be a big surpise if that escort girl you can have a totally different voice than the ex sexysat model Yvonne.

07.07.2008, 21:43

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

Ok, now we know what Yvonne is doing out from SSAT !!  What interest about this ? We were talking about Girls in SSAT and not about the big problems that they  can have in theyr life...

A already told you this thing time ago about an other Girl who left SSAT.. I won't know that Yvonne had to leave SSAT cause of our talking about her !!

If she did SSAT only for publicity to her real job....than OK ! but if she had to leave SSAT cause you discovered her second job and this is not allowed in SSAT...think about the big "mission" had this forum for Yvonne who, maybe, doesn'twork like that only cause she likes money but she needs money  as everybody need and this in a Country so difficult to find for Girls (and in this way we could even know why she was crying during her last show...).

07.07.2008, 13:39

Re: What happened to Yvonne?

Hi guys. If you don't believe that Yvonne is a prostitute, take a look at the website of this "escort" agency:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

06.07.2008, 23:39

Re: Yvonne - Discussion & Chat

I dont know if catholic nuns have public sex if they have happy nuns ,my congratulations.Viki did it once that doesnt mean she is a slut probably she did it to get same more money models are not very well paid when they work on sexysat.