Mystery - Discussion & Chat

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03.08.2010, 23:20

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

danielsex wrote:but not inside.Sad

Its free to air satellite television - what do you expect?

03.08.2010, 23:06

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

but not inside.Sad

03.08.2010, 22:14

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

Mystery has a black dildo with her tonight Smile

31.07.2010, 16:34

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

Great show last night as usual,she's my favourite sexysat model at the moment

31.07.2010, 13:08

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

hi have you msn baby

28.07.2010, 22:27

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

Mystery is on now.

Hi Mystery, don't forget to say Hi to your fans here on the forum Smile

27.07.2010, 20:07

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

When Mystery going from Sexy Sat the next time then is it SSTV dead for me the three-four Weeks. For on what one should still look forward Viki? Kika No more, no more night shows from Nina and the rest in derogation of Mystery is not interesting and too often as a model if it is boring.

26.07.2010, 00:33

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat


Nice to see you are doing more prime time shows these days Thumb up Those late night shows in the middle of the night are too late for me, we have to work the next day! ;-)

Will you wear stockings and skirts in your next shows? You look beautiful with dresses but I've never seen you wear skirts :-)

You know I'm a fan of big pants and sports pants, if you have any you could wear that would be nice too, I know you have a nice white one you wore a few months ago :-)


25.07.2010, 16:19

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

have mystery a facebook site!!!!Cool

24.07.2010, 13:42

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

I don't know if anyone saw Mystery's show overnight?

She wore a lovely flowery summer dress and then later on my favourite black hot pants!

By the way, the whole idea is for the girls to wear something then take it off - not to be naked from beginning to end, have some imagination guys! ;-)


I remember you wore a white sports pants in the spring, I think in April, do you still have it?

I imagine you wearing the white sports pants with white stockings, and a dress over it which you can take off Tongue In love

23.07.2010, 17:10

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

yeah your right

23.07.2010, 12:22

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

Come on Mystery why you the last shows not more naked? I like you very Mystery. Please you are see naked so super. In love

20.07.2010, 21:13

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

Another excellent show by Mystery yesterday.

Nice to see her on prime time and not in the middle of the night!

Tonight she's on in the wee hours as she said but tomorrow she's back on prime time Thumb up.

19.07.2010, 20:45

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

tonight we will see guys again... i work tonight at 22.00-02.00 tomorrow at 02.00-06.00 and wednesday 22.00-02.00 Smile i hope, we will have good time together Smile kiss Heart

18.07.2010, 13:11

Re: Mystery - Discussion & Chat

Mystery, thanks for wearing it in your last hour of the show. You looked faboulous Tongue Thumb up
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