Autor | Beiträge |
athina... remember me! |
thx for videos guys... |
what is the bad luck |
what is the bad luck |
thanks for videos... |
Thanks for your information! |
superb videos. Please keep going. Is it possible to post on 720*576 quality. Still the videos are good quality |
I dont understand why Yvonne returned to sexy sat(is it to stay or just for summer time?).She must have serious financial problems or then she is a little bit masochist!She is not well paid(again my question:who knows how much they get for a 4 h show?),it must not be easy to work with M.Dreika(it doesnt sound turkish) and so on. Filip i dont need to "forget" Athina to appreciate some gils who are working on ss.I even suggest to Mauro open a new topic where we could share some information about girls who left ss.We watched their shows for a while they left and we know nothing about them.So some news like" Ivy lives in Tokyo have twins,Denise is the new Oporto F.C's coach "not more than that.Did Athina ask u not to tell us where she is living now? Hello fom Lisboa ,Portugal's capital, the weather is nice here beaches are crowded... |
@ Filip - thanks for info. If you can be a little bit more scecific, a bit more details about what you know of Athina, and about some others former SS TV girls - I would be gratefull. Athina is not my personal favorite, but she wass kinda cute, and she definitely marked one period in SS TV history. So here are final four videos of best Athina performance. |
Hello Filip. I will not die if Athina will not return to sexysat and i sleep,eat and even f...very well even if she left ...anyway can u give us an idea,just an idea of what she is doing now and where?May be she wasnt and she isnt lesbian as we thought but when u watch some of her clips posted one of them S rubs her pussy and she seems to like it.Only for money?And Viki and Sue arent they lesbians? Ok u liked Athina and would like to have lots of new clips posted here but its not because u liked Athina that we dont like girls working now in sexysat.And we all would like to have more nice girls ,better picture ,again lesbian shows and so on.So i hope M.Turkish will change his commercial mind very soon.Inchallah! |
Hallo to everybody !! I hope not to make too sorry who would like to have Athina back to sexy sat...she has dedinitively finished with that job. I know this by sure ( cause I know what she is now doing that is quite different from that) as I can absure you that she wasn't and she isn't lesbian as many of you thought ! What is she doing I cannot tell you but she is far from where SSAT is, far as kind of job as far as place of living. I said also time ago that the last SSAT boss was from Turkey and nobody of you bellieved it : as you have seen now, some SSAT programs areproduced for turkish people...don't you ask why this ?? Why, as I always said in the passed, we, you don't want to have a look at now SSAT models and you don't forget the old ?? why about Yvonne ?? why Athina ??... Do you have clips of them ?? ok, save them as a remember of their and your youth !! Let as try to make better the now SSAT that is nothing of interesting at all and thanks to you could by sure become something more than now. Ciao. |
Hallo to everybody !! I hope not to make too sorry who would like to have Athina back to sexy sat...she has dedinitively finished with that job. I know this by sure ( cause I know what she is now doing that is quite different from that) as I can absure you that she wasn't and she isn't lesbian as many of you thought ! What is she doing I cannot tell you but she is far from where SSAT is, far as kind of job as far as place of living. I said also time ago that the last SSAT boss was from Turkey and nobody of you bellieved it : as you have seen now, some SSAT programs areproduced for turkish people...don't you ask why this ?? Why, as I always said in the passed, we, you don't want to have a look at now SSAT models and you don't forget the old ?? why about Yvonne ?? why Athina ??... Do you have clips of them ?? ok, save them as a remember of their and your youth !! Let as try to make better the now SSAT that is nothing of interesting at all and thanks to you could by sure become something more than now. Ciao. |
Thanks, momi, for the last clips!! Please keep on posting, and help us to keep this topic alive! |
Thanks momi now i see lot of people likes Athina and many would like she returns to sexysat but it happens that even Sue lost her contact so what to do?I 'm sure that Mauro can do something so help us "boss"! Guys post more clips from her and also from Keena,Viki,Sue Janette......and i didnt have an answer to my question:how much sexysat models get for a 4 hours show?Do they get more if they work after 10.00 pm? Thanks |
@Momi You have superb collections of Athina and thanks for sharing. Pls keep posting. I remember I downloaded two clips os early Athina from Emule file sharing. If I find (Sometime ago), I shall upload it. |