SexySat TV Livestream

3.67 (6 Bewertung(en))

(3.67 / 5, 6 Bewertungen)

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21.01.2012, 18:06

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

I don't have SexySat livestream either on Liveshow or with [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] as it is still mentioned "SEXYXSAT OFFICIAL WEBSITE WILL BE OPEN 01/01/2012". And no video with the link [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] only "Stream not found: _360p".

21.01.2012, 13:34

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

I think the Viki filter was too much, the stream isn't working anymore.

20.01.2012, 19:07

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

wolf1 wrote:Wow it seems the Stream is on a LSD-Trip!

it's the new Viki filter Tongue

20.01.2012, 19:04

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

Wow it seems the Stream is on a LSD-Trip!

03.01.2012, 19:31

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

Well, the website seems to have some starting dificulties...Sad

02.01.2012, 14:27

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

Just_Will']So here it is Jan.02 12 at 1300hrs and still no web page or stream....

Stream works fine for me.

02.01.2012, 13:02

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

So here it is Jan.02 12 at 1300hrs and still no web page or stream. Perhaps they are waiting and will have a massive launch party, just like the one they had for their 10th anniversary.

26.12.2011, 20:29

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

Tcbe42 wrote:Seems that the stream does not work at the moment. Sad
Announcement says that there will be (agein?) a web-page from 1.1.2012. Hope it will be free.

For me the Stream works fine.

26.12.2011, 20:25

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

Seems that the stream does not work at the moment. Sad
Announcement says that there will be (agein?) a web-page from 1.1.2012. Hope it will be free.

20.12.2011, 21:54

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

well after 2 sessions i watched i can say for sure, i have never been so bored watching a naked woman...
going through the motions doesnt quite do it justice... bored stiff pretty much describes the girls attitudes towards the show...
yes theres little in the way they can do about the sets, but girls can do something about there positioning, but seem intent on hiding there faces behind the logos and doing the same for there modesty.
seriously whats the point of them being naked if there not willing to put on a show thats worth watching...
overall verdict for what i have seen of sstv.
shame really as i had heard good things for this production...

19.12.2011, 17:27

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

fcn2011 wrote:Hi Jufan,

okay at ETV but at Sexysat they always served the lower instinct. Big Grin

Well, I wouldn't say no to a nice dinner with Michelle for example. Tongue

19.12.2011, 17:25

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

JuFan wrote:
fcn2011 wrote:Why should i watch Sexysat at the Day?

For some there's are human being behind the boobies. Smile

with the chat and the models making comments is mfc often more "human" than SexySat.
I cannot remember a personal chat or a model giving comments to the viewers idea on SexySat.

it wasn't your intention but:
mfc - SexySat: 1-0

about SexySat past Yvonne

19.12.2011, 17:24

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

Hi Jufan,

okay at ETV but at Sexysat they always served the lower instinct. Big Grin

19.12.2011, 17:22

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

fcn2011 wrote:Why should i watch Sexysat at the Day?

For some there's a human being behind the boobies. Smile

19.12.2011, 17:13

Re: SexySat TV Livestream

In my eyes they don´t really check it. I would broadcast the dailyshows only at the internet. So i can show harder things and i would start the TV Shows at 8.00 pm, when they normally are topless. This is my opinion, because at MFC or other Sides i can have nudity or even more the whole day. Why should i watch Sexysat at the Day?
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