Repeats again and again

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30.09.2008, 20:34

Repeats again and again

Any idea about the current reason for the neverending repeats on SexySat? I just noticed that at 18.00 there's finally a live transmission again on SexySat 1 feat. Sue. Boycott from the models? Tech problems again? Well I guess noone cares about the Hotbird transmission anyway since it's UNWATCHABLE.

30.09.2008, 22:25

Re: Repeats again and again

SexySat 1 is live I think.

30.09.2008, 22:24

Re: Repeats again and again

Only Sexysat 1 is live at the moment.

30.09.2008, 22:19

Re: Repeats again and again

Is today 22.00h S'show Live ?I guess not.

30.09.2008, 21:52

Re: Repeats again and again

Who any way, the sexysat channels on Hotbird were indeed at the end unwatchable. Sexysat 1 may still have it´s problems but it is at least watchable with minimal technical problems...the annoying ads poping up from time to time ofcourse ruin most of it.

Maybe the people at Sexysat are finally sitting down and thinking about the future of Sexysat?

30.09.2008, 21:29

Re: Repeats again and again

Perhaps this is the end of Crapsat

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