f1 games discussions

3.78 (9 Bewertung(en))

(3.78 / 5, 9 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

24.08.2014, 10:44

Re: f1 games discussions

3) Bottas
2) Hamilton
1) Rosberg

TB Ricchiardo > Bottas

???? Confused Confused

23.08.2014, 14:45

Re: f1 games discussions

dazaman wrote:Ah well, i guess it was my turn to miss a weekend Blush

This time i was just too busy Blush good luck to those who are actively playing Thumb up

21.08.2014, 20:55

Re: f1 games discussions

I will post tomorrow , saturday & sunday the results of the practice sessions , qualifying & race after I return home from the circuit ( because of the health problem I can't stay at the circuit this year Sad Envy ) !

Kind Regards

26.07.2014, 13:41

Re: f1 games discussions

shaky-schumi wrote:Warning : Because of a unexpected deterioration of my disease Sad Envy I will post our result later on the day , because after the qualifying I must go for a heavy treatment Sad Envy


Do not worry, Shaky, the most important thing is your health.
Sure we all think the same.
And I'm sure we all wish you a speedy recovery and you have our full support.
Courage, friend Shaky.Thumb upThumb up

26.07.2014, 13:29

Re: f1 games discussions

Warning : Because of a unexpected deterioration of my disease Sad Envy I will post our result later on the day , because after the qualifying I must go for a heavy treatment Sad Envy


19.07.2014, 15:38

Re: f1 games discussions

Ah well, i guess it was my turn to miss a weekend Blush

17.07.2014, 19:32

Re: f1 games discussions

shaky-schumi wrote:Because of health problem I will just post the result without any blablabla . Thanks for understanding

Same counts for this weekend !!!

Kind Regards

06.07.2014, 20:40

Re: f1 games discussions

kyke50 wrote:Shaky, hopefully it's nothing serious and soon you are in good health again.
Take care

Sadly it is since 3 weeks now allready Sad..and it's not getting better Angry. But like Schumi ... i'll keep on fighting against it whatever the outcome will be Cool !

Thanks for your concern Cool Thumb up

Kind Regards

06.07.2014, 19:37

Re: f1 games discussions

shaky-schumi wrote:
shaky-schumi wrote:Because of health problem I will just post the result without any blablabla . Thanks for understanding

Same counts for today Confused Sad


Shaky, hopefully it's nothing serious and soon you are in good health again.
Take care

06.07.2014, 17:43

Re: f1 games discussions

shaky-schumi wrote:Because of health problem I will just post the result without any blablabla . Thanks for understanding

Same counts for today Confused Sad


06.07.2014, 16:45

Re: f1 games discussions

dazaman wrote:All i can say about the result and our guesses in general this weekend are Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Yep nil point or at least we turned up to try BlushTongue

I think that we have not failed, but the pilots who have not done what they had to do.TongueBig Grin

06.07.2014, 16:35

Re: f1 games discussions

All i can say about the result and our guesses in general this weekend are Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Yep nil point or at least we turned up to try BlushTongue

05.07.2014, 16:21

Re: f1 games discussions

Because of health problem I will just post the result without any blablabla . Thanks for understanding Cool

And ..the " Edit " of GenaroXP at 13.47u is excepted !!!


05.07.2014, 13:05

Re: f1 games discussions

Warning !!! Because of the weather condition everyone who wants or think that he should change his time can do this until 13.45u !!! That's no problem at all Cool Thumb up

Kind Regards

21.06.2014, 19:36

Re: f1 games discussions

Congratulations shaky for being the only one not to go for the obvious "Hamilton and Rosberg" and going for that WTF, Masa, also congratulations to him too for his performance and Botas Cool so again great choice shaky Thumb upSmile

It needed shaking up and they did it and good luck to both tomorrow Smile
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