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Autor Beiträge

23.10.2008, 22:54


<p>Congratulations Bad-Boy to your hometown club, but it is not very difficult to win against PSG ( Paris Saint-Germain). there is a french slogan who says: &quot;PSG=Equipe de merde. (PSG= Crapteam) Lol....</p>

26.12.2015, 13:44

Re: Schalke04

best choreo ever Cool

16.06.2015, 01:29

Re: Schalke04

Andre Breitenreiter takes over at Schalke

"We have to find our unity again both on and off the pitch. Only then can we play successful football again," . "I would like to see a team with the right mentality and a positive attitude on the pitch."

[b]Benedikt Höwedes

Schalke04 captain Benedikt Höwedes will stay at the club next seas

26.09.2009, 18:17

Re: Schalke04

Greetings from me, too

It was a great victory for Schalke 04.

As a Clubfan i stand by your side.

Schalke und der FCN

26.09.2009, 17:58

Re: Schalke04

A great win versus public enemy no 1. :-))))))))))))))))

24.10.2008, 11:49

Re: Schalke04

What I see now, we gonna makes topics for football. But in any way I am also a great Schalke fan. But I never forgett the best trainer they had ( Huub Stevens). Gluck Auf

24.10.2008, 08:45

Re: Schalke04

THX But it`s not only l'equipe de merde. Malheuresment they have also a lot of shitty fans voting for "Front National" "Jean Marie Le Pen" un agent provocateur.

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