Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

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11.03.2012, 15:31

Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No chat)

The F1 season 2012 is going to start so this means that there is a new game !
It's almost thesame as last season .
Everytime when there is a F1 race weekend i will ask everyone who wants to play ( join ) this game to give your " top 3 " drivers name who you think will end up on the podium , it doesn'd matter if person/member A chooze the same name (s) as person/member B , just write the names who you think will end up on the podium on race day !

I keep the points sytem the same 2 points for the 3rd place driver ,4 points for 2nd place driver and 6 points for the 1st place driver . So you can win 12 points if you have your top 3 right
Please write your top in this order : 3 – 2 – 1 ….this gives me a better overlook ,instead of that one person writes it 1-2-3 and than the next person does it 3-2-1 ,and the other does it again otherway etc ,so please everyone do it 3- 2 1!!!

And than the 2nd part .. you will also score points if you write the name down of the driver who does the fastest lap on race day ,so this could be any driver ..if you got the name correct you will also score points..and the points for this is ... 3 points …i don't want to now the time that he drove .. just the name of the driver you think will to the fastest lap on race sunday !!!

And the 3rd part .... I ( Shaky ) will chooze at every race weekend randomely a name of one of the drivers ..for example " Charles Pic " ... i want to ask of you how many times will he make a pitstop ? ..with pitstop i mean this ... coming in the pit for tyres...for a nose/wing set-up ....euh ..just for checking the car...etc , and also the pitstop will include a stop and go ( a 10 sec.penalty ) ....but not a drive trough !
For this the score of points will be like this : 1 pitstop = 1 point , 2 pitstops = 2 points , 3 pitstops and more = 4 points

And than the final part …I want you to write down how many drivers will be in the same lap as the winner when the race is done ,for this anwser there are two optionsyou write down <5 or >5 ….and only these two options nothing els !!!!!!!! ( I don’t want to see a number …only <5 or > 5 !!! )
The points that you can score with this is …<5 = 4 points , >5 = 6 points

No chat on this topic only voting !!!
You can change the names & addings if your not sure or that you doubt about… till the time I write down that you can do it !
You can write down the name until 45 minutes of the start of the race, or until I give the order for delay due to circumstances ... eg because of weather or by completely shutting down
Top 3 has to write in this way only : 3 -2 -1 !!!
Drivers in the same lap is only this alowed to write : <5 or >5 !!!
You can write/use D.S.L ( Drivers Same Lap )

Here is a example :
My top would be :

3: Senna
2: Schumacher
1: Massa

Fast Lap : Alonso
Pitstop Pic : 3
D. S. L. : <5

At the end of the race the official result is this :

3: Webber
2: Schumacher
1: Button

Fastest lap of the race was driven by Vettel
Charles Pic did 3 pitstops
4 drivers ended in the same lap

So my score for the “ top 3” would be 4 points because I only got Schumi on the correct place !
I get 0 points for the fastest lap because I wrote Alonso ,but the person who drove the fastest was Vettel
Charles Pic did 3 pitstops so I score 4 points because I got it right
There where 4 drivers who ended up in the same lap as the leader ,so this gives me a score of 4 points ,because the top 4 where in the same lap as the winner ,the driver who ended up at 5th place was +1 lap ,so only 4 drivers in the same lap !
So in total I scored 12 points on sunday …..but the points that I have scored on saturdays game will be added with these points …that where ..euh 15 points …so my total will be 27 points

Here is one more example :

3: Massa
2: Vettel
1: Alonso

Fast.Lap : Alonso
Pitstop : Schumacher : 1
D.S.L : >5

Official result :

3: Massa
2: Vettel
1: Alonso

Fast.Lap : Alonso
Pitstop : Schumacher : 2
D.S.L : >5

I score 12 points with my “ top 3 “ because I got it all right
Alonso drove the fastet lap ,so I score 3 points
Schumacher made 2 pitstops ,but I wrote 1 stop … so 0 points score for this
There where only 3 drivers in the same lap as the winner ,so no score for that ,because there where 7 drivers in the same lap ,the driver on 8place was allready + 3 laps
So my score would be 15 points + adding the score from saturdays game wich are 8 points gives me 23 points in total .

I hope that these example where a bit helpful for all of you
I hope that everybody will have some fun playing this game

Kind Regards

28.11.2012, 17:22

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

Thanks for wonderful season and hard work.
See you next Year.

28.11.2012, 16:34

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

25.11.2012, 22:21

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

A short Speach :
So this was it than ..the final race of season 2012 with the final game on Saturday and Sunday ! I hope that everyone have had some fun and had some excitement with this years “Top3 Voting + addings “ season 2012 game . The game was for me a pleasure to make for the forum and for the fans of Formula1 ….or better sayd Motorsport fans in general Smile …..i came up with a slight different idea than last year with the 2nd edition and when I saw that it had a bit of succes I thought why not do it again this year but with a bit of different touch .So I did but with some extra addings to make it a bit more interesting …so I hope it have worked Confused Blush . I must say I was actualy a bit surpriced that I saw this year more members than last year playing the game , but I’m happy that I have seen more enteries this year ,it gave me a boost to make the end result everytime after the race ,just to see who will end up where and how many points I could give too each and everyone of you ! And I was also surpriced that I saw some entries in the middle of the season !!! Thanks also to the tyre supplier Pirelli it made this game unpredictable and more exciting than last year because we did not know for sure how long the tyres would last and also the strategy of the Teams where different and also that this year was not a domination of Vettel in his Red Bull. The inspiration for making this game came up since a couple of years allready when I saw a lot of F1 games on different F1 sides and also in some news papers ,so I thought …hmmm why not try it again on the forum this year ? So I gave it a try and too my surprice it worked . The complicated part of this game this season was for me …how can I make it for everyone interesting…. so I thought … hmmm i should try to add something more than only putting the “ Top 3 “ ,so I came up with the ,pitstop and fastest lap and drivers in the same lap …oké ..that part is resolved ….but what about the points ? , here I thought with these 3 addings I should try a point system that can keep the score a bit on a leavel that the score would not explode too much away from the other contender(‘s) …if they could not score points with the “ Top 3 “ they should atleashed score points with the addings ,so that worked also ...aldo that there where times that there where zero scores Confused ,so I have to figure that out for next year so that the zero score could stay away…it will not be easy because it also depends on the outcome of he race Blush .Yes you read it right season (2013) I will be back with the games on Saturday & Sunday ..i allready brainstormed some things for next year …I have this allready in a map in my pc ….thanks also to a indea from some members who sended me a PM . I wil add something els next season but ofcourse with a twist of my own ….. so there will be something removed from this years games . I think for next year I’m going to put a part of these new items allready on the game of saturday , I’m not sure yet …but it will be for sure something different !!! Like I told allready I have some things allready on sideline but during january/february I will digg in it further and see what I can come up with ! So again I hope that everyone have had some fun ....and to show that I appriciated you all and those who have sadly stopped Confused Sad with playing this seasons F1 games I can only say in alfabetical order THANK YOU :
Bad-Boy , Carl , dazaman , elmo , F40LM , fman1 , GenaroXP , hansel , iceman , iveco , kyke50 , Mr_Niceguy , oberon , pascalo , pepeg , pepers , piggy , Renno , stephane , taahastiin , Tarl_Cabot & wolf1
So THANK YOU ALL people to have playd the games !!! I would also like to thank the people who only have pushed the Thanks button but not playd the game Smile Thumb up..... hey come on guys/girls don’t be shy .....give it a try next year don’t have to be a expert for playing these game. Also a Thank You for those who have send me a PM letting me know to check the points again because there where some minor mistakes with giving the right points ,thanks to these Pm’s I could correct it immediately and everything was how it should be !
Oké people that’s it from me for this years “ games” ….i hope that I can see you all ….and maybe some more members or Motorsport fans at next years “ F1 game “ Smile Thumb up
Comments and sugesstions are always welcome here at this topic or in a PM …it’s allowed to write here now the game has ended Cool
One more thing …the F1 season is over now but on the weekend of 15th & 16th December there is one more event in Motorsport ..and I can advice you all too watch it ….it’s the “ ROC “ ..or fullout sayd “ Race Of Champions “ , check your tv programs for the broadcast …I think that Eurosport will be one of them ….in this event you will see Champions from different kind of motorsports racing in a real relaxed atmosphere with ofcourse a figthing spirit on the track ,but of the track they are all friends !!! Here is the link with all the info about this event …Enjoy : [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] . Who can beat the Champion from last year? Will Team Germany win again this year ( Vettel + Schumacher) or is it another country who will win ?

That's it from me for this years game Cool...Thanks again People Smile Thumb up

Kind Regards

25.11.2012, 21:39

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

Here is our Final result of our Championship list of the season 2012 !!!!

23 : F40LM : 16 points
22 : elmo : 55 points
21 : taahastiin : 93 points
20 : piggy : 99 points
19 : hansel :123 points
18 : pepers : 137 points
17 : Renno : 161 points
16: Mr_Niceguy: 177 points
15: Carl : 194 points
14 : iceman : 201 points
13 : stephane : 204 points
12: pepeg : 206 points
11: oberon : 209 points
10 : GenaroXP : 212 points
09 : Bad-Boy : 212 points
08 : wolf1 : 213 points
07 : pascalo : 218 points
06 : Tarl_Cabot: 218 points
05 : dazaman : 222 points
04 : Shaky : 223 points

Congratulaions too everyone from nr.5 tiil 23 Smile Thumb up !!!!!!!

And here they are ladies & gentlemen the final 3 ....

Pleace ...make room for the girls so that they can stand on there place for our 3 men Tongue
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig] ....some female spectators are waiting for the " Top 3 " podium finishers Tongue Thumb up Big Grin
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

Let me start than Cool

Ended on the podium on the 3rd place with 225 points....fman1 !!! Congratulations !!!

The Trophy for the nr. 3
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

On place nr. 2 ..coming from far this season ....with a end score of 226 points !!! Congratulations my friend !!!!!!

The Trophy for the nr. 2
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

And than ...the moment we where all be waiting for .......on the 1 st place and the New Champion of This seasons Formula 1 " Top 3 + addings Voting game of season 2012 ....and with a score of 231 points ......... ...kyke 50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Smile Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up

Your Trophy Mister Champion Smile Thumb up
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

Congratulations for our podium finishers Smile Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up !!!!!!!

And like yesterday Cool ...there are girls waiting for you all to be kissed ...enjoyyyyy Cool Thumb up
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

Me ?....yep ...i'm going to wait for that 1 former beautifull energenic young model named " ..." Blush ...only ...if i knew where she was would make things easier too be kissed by her soft and tender lips Tongue Blush Big Grin Thumb up

Kind Regards

25.11.2012, 20:41

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

Here are the last points for this season :

GenaroXP: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 9 points

wolf1: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 9 points

pepeg: 2 points for top 3
fastest lap : 0 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 8 points

Renno: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 9 points

Tarl_Cabot: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 9 points

Carl: 6 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 4 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 19 points

stephane: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 4 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 13 points

Mr_Niceguy: 6 points for top 3
fastest lap : 0 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 12 points

iveco: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 0 points
pitstop : 4 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 10 points

dazaman: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 9 points

pascalo: 12 points for top 3
fastest lap : 0 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 18 points

Bad-Boy: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 0 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 6 points

oberon : 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 4 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 13 points

taahastiin: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 0 points
pitstop : 0 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 6 points

pepers: 6 points for top
fastest lap : 0 points
pitstop : 4 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 16 points

kyke50: 0 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 4 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score :13 points

iceman: 6 points for top 3
fastest lap : 3 points
pitstop : 4 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 19 points

Shaky: 4 points for top 3
fastest lap : 0 points
pitstop : 4 points
D.S.L : 6 points
total score : 14 points

Those where the last points of the game Formula 1 " Top 3 + addings Voting " season 2012
A short calculation has to be done Cool ...and than i will be back with the final result Cool...and we will know who the Champion will be here Cool Thumb up

Kind Regards

25.11.2012, 16:40

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

This going to be my last voting of this seasons game

3 : Button
2 : Alonso
1 : Hamilton

Fastest Lap : Vettel
Pitstop Petrov : 3
D.S.L : > 5

Kind Regards

25.11.2012, 16:28

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

3. Massa
2. Alonso
1. Hamilton

Fastest lap: Hamilton
Pitstops: 3
D.S.L.: >5

25.11.2012, 16:11

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

3. Alonso
2. Button
1. Hamilton

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstop Petrov: 3
DSL: >5

25.11.2012, 15:43

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

3. Alonso
2. Vettel
1. Button

Fastest Lap: Vettel
Pitstop: 3
D.S.L.: >5

25.11.2012, 15:03

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

3. Schumacher
2. Hamilton
1. Alonso

Fastest Lap: Alonso
Pitstop: 1
D.S.L.: >5

25.11.2012, 15:02

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

3. Alonso
2. Button
1. Hamilton

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstop Petrov: 3
DSL: >5

25.11.2012, 14:27

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No



25.11.2012, 13:27

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

3: Massa
2: Alonso
1: Button

Fastest Lap: Massa
Pitstop Petrov : 2
D.S.L : > 5

25.11.2012, 13:08

Re: Formula 1 "Top 3 + addings Voting" season 2012 (Voting only, No

Good luck everyone and see you all in this section again next year Smile

3, Vettel

2. Button

1, Hamilton

Fastest Lap: Hamilton

Petrov Pitstops: 4

D.S.L: >5
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