Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

4 (4 Bewertung(en))

(4 / 5, 4 Bewertungen)

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27.07.2012, 19:39

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only)

Qual: 1.20.00
Pole: Alonso
Rain: no

27.07.2012, 19:01

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only)

Qual: 1.21.890
Pole: Alonso
Rain: Yes

27.07.2012, 18:21

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Qual: 1.20.561

Pole: Hamilton

Rain: No

27.07.2012, 18:10

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Qual.: 1.20.476

Pole: Hamilton

Rain: No

27.07.2012, 17:50

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Another week, another F1 race, another bet. This is my bet:

Qual: 1.20.120
Pole: Hamilton
Rain: no

21.07.2012, 17:40

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

The results for the qualifying of the German GP are Confused :

1:15.250 = 25.371 = 1 point
Pole = 5 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 6 points

1:16.376 = 24.250= 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

1:15.275 = 25.346 = 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

1:16.000 = 24.621 = 1 points
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 3 points
Total : 4 points

brudgon :
1:15.488 = 25.133 = 1 point
Pole = 5 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 6 points

GenaroXP :
1:15.317 = 25.304 = 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

stephane :
1:15.300 = 25.321 = 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

Bad-Boy :
1:14.666 = 25.955 = 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

1 :15.400 = 25.221 = 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

Shaky :
1:15.895= 24.726 = 1 points
Pole = 5 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 6 points

1:15.420 = 25.201 = 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

Renno :
1 :15.483 = 25.138 = 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

iveco :
1 :15.500 =25.121 = 1 point
Pole = 5 points
Rain = 3 points
Total : 9 points

oberon :
1:15.720 = 24.901 = 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

1:14.990 = 25.631= 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 0 points
Total : 1 point

iceman :
1:27.234 = 13.387 = 1 point
Pole = 0 points
Rain = 3 points
Total : 4 points

Congratulations for iveco scoring the most points at this game ,namely 9 points Smile Thumb up , than followed by pepeg ,brudgon and myself for scoring 6 points , than followed by piggy & iceman with scoring each 4 points Thumb up ....hopefully the rest of us will have much better luck next time Confused .

So this means that there is not much moving going on the Champions list Confused ,but let's us look anyway Cool :

Championship Points List - 21/07/2012 zaterdag !!!!!!!

21 : F40LM : 18 points
20 : hubsonek : 27 points
19 : stephane : 30 points
18 : Renno : 39 points
17 : Carl : 42 points
16 : elmo : 50 points
15 : piggy : 54 points
14 : brudgon : 61 points
13 : iceman : 63 points
12 : Shaky : 74 points
11 : iveco : 75 points
10 : wolf1 : 75 points
09: kyke50 : 77 points
08 : dazaman : 87 points
07 : fman1 : 89 points
06 : pepeg : 91 points
05 : pascalo : 95 points
04 : oberon : 97 points
03 : hansel : 97 points
02 : Bad-Boy : 98 points
01 : GenaroXP : 100 points

Congratulations for those who made a jump Smile Thumb up...and also Congratulations GenaroXP for reaching as 1st person the 100 Smile Thumb up

Hopefully i can see everyone back next weekend allready (29th july ) ,because than it will be GP of Hungary at the Hongaroring circuit !!!

Kind Regards

21.07.2012, 13:22

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Qual: Vettel

Pole: 1:27.234

Rain: Yes

21.07.2012, 12:35

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only


21.07.2012, 12:16

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Qual: 1.15.720
Pole: Vettel
Rain: no

21.07.2012, 12:10

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Qual: 1:15:500
Pole: Alonso
Rain: yes

21.07.2012, 11:25

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Qual: 1.15.483

Pole: Vettel

Rain: No

21.07.2012, 11:24

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Qual : 1:15.420
Pole : Vettel
Rain : no

21.07.2012, 10:29

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Because of some private stuff i'm going to put my vote now :

Qual :1:15.895
Pole : Alonso
Rain : no

Kind Regards

21.07.2012, 09:45

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

Qual: 1:15:400
Pole: Vettel
Rain: no

21.07.2012, 09:16

Re: Formula 1 Saturdays "Pre-Game" season 2012 (No Chat, Voting only

no rain
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