Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

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08.03.2015, 13:23

Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( only voting , no chat )

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

I would like to welcome everyone here at the new Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game of season 2015 , this year it’s the 5th edition and this means that this year it will be a Anniversary edition with a slight different game than the 4 editions before , and with 1 BIG New Item !!!! Most of these items should be recognizable for those who have plaid it last year and the years before ! As a host of this Formula 1 Game Topic I would like to invite each & everyone here on the forum/website to play this game ….you don’t need to be a expert for this ! Everyone is simply invited …..this game is for having some relaxing and some fun/ nice time here on the website …and most of all it’s free to enter !

Here is the explanation of the game for this season :

1st part : Everytime when there is a Formula 1 race weekend i will ask everyone who wants to play ( join ) this game to give your " 5 " driver names who you think will end up at the 1st 5 places, this year it’s not important for giving the correct order , you just give 5 names who you think will end up in the top 5 !
It does not matter if person/member A choose the same names as person/member B , just write the names who you think will end up on at the1st 5 places on race day !

For example ….you give these 5 names ….

1 : Vettel
2 : Massa
3 : Rosberg
4 : Bottas
5: Maldonado

The result after the race are these names ….

1 : Hamilton
2 : Rosberg
3 : Bottas
4 : Massa
5 : Raikkonen

So this means that you will get points for 3 drivers because you had 3 of the 5 drivers correct/right who ended up at the 1st 5 places !!!

The point system for this “ 5 “ drivers item is

1 name correct = 2 points
2 names correct = 4 points
3 names correct = 6 points
4 names correct = 8 points
5 names correct = 10 points

Extra 5 points (Bonus point ) if you should have the winner of the race correct
No names correct in the 1st 5 places ,than you will get 1 point
If 1 of your Top 5 drivers does not finish you will get ofcourse only points for those who do finish as Top 5

The 2nd part .. ( this should be familiar for those who play the game last year ) you will also score points if you write the name down of the driver who does the fastest lap on race day ,so this could be any driver ..if you got the name correct you will score points.
Correct = 3 points
Not correct+ DNF =1 point!!!

The 3rd part ... i ( Shaky ) will choose at every race weekend randomly a name of one of the drivers... i want to ask of you how many times will he make a pitstop ? ..with pitstop i mean this ... coming in the pit for tyres...for a nose/wing set-up ....euh ..just for checking the car...etc , and also the pitstop will include a stop and go ( a 10 sec.penalty ) ....but not a drive trough !

For this the score of points will be :
1 pitstop = 5 points ,
2 pitstops = 3 points ,
3 pitstops or more = 2 points ,
Not correct +DNF = 1 point

the 4rd part of this game … A battle between 2 F1 Teams …I ( Shaky ) wil randomly choose 1 driver from 2 different Teams ,these drivers that I had chosen I want to know witch one of them will end up higher in the end of the race ,so the winner of this battle …

The points that you can score with this =
5 points if correct,
3 points not correct + DNF

The 5th and last item , like on satudays “ Qualifying “ game I will choose 1 driver and you will have to put him on a place where you will think he will end up at the end of the race :

The points for this =
1 - 5 = 6 points ,
6 - 10 = 4 points,
11- 15 = 3 points ,
16 – 22 = 2 point ,
Not Correct + dnf = 1 point
+1 Bonus point if on correct place

And now the Big New Item …… we/you know that each Formula1 Team has 2 drivers , well because this year it’s the “ 5th Anniversary “ I decided that we will have also a Constructor Championship here in at the “ Race Day “ game . So this means that each player/member here will be stationed at a Team !!! Who will be at witch Team ? That’s something that will be randomly chozen by my Godchild !!!
The points from player/member A & B will be combined !

No chat on this topic, only voting !!!
The names for addings will be randomly chozen only by me !!!
Discussions, answers ,conversations of F1 and/ or game are on the [b]“ f1 games discussions “
Topic or at a Pm to me !!!
You can change your name (s), answer if your not sure or that you doubt /not sure… till the time I write down that you can do it !!!
You can write down the name until 30 minutes of the start of the race or until I give the order for delay due to circumstances ... eg because of weather or by completely shutting down !
If for any reason a player/member can't post or vote he will get the lowest points ,this way he can stil continue fighting for ranking place in the Championship List

I would like to wish everyone good luck for scoring points at this seasons 5th Anniversary game ! Let us make it special this season !!!

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

24.01.2016, 18:28

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

Looking forward to new season starting.
My suggestion, what about closing the votation earlier than now?,
Maybe something like three hours in advance.
Just to avoid some "telemetry copy" advantages.
Best Wishes.

24.01.2016, 14:59

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

Confused After some months are here our final race result of the F1 season 2015 Blush :

wolf1: 6 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 17 points

Carl: 8 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 6 points
Total Score : 24 points

rep68 : 8 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap :1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Gr.Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 19 points

Mr_Niceguy: 8 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 6 points
Total Score : 24 points

galahad: 6 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 17 points

Italianfan : 8 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat.2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 6 points
total score : 26 points

oberon: 8 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 6 points
Total Score : 24 points

quiquems: 6 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 6 points
Total Score : 19 points

Dr.Menard/Finntec : 6 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 2 points
Bat.2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total score : 18 points

Shaky: 8 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Gr.Pos . :6 points + 1 Bonus Point
Total Score : 29 points

dazaman: 1 point for top 5
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 7 points

passion : 1 points for top 5
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total score : 7 points

kyke50 : 1 point for top 5
Fastest Lap :1 point
Pitstop : 1point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . :1 points
Total Score : 7 points

Final Champions List “ Race Day “ Game 2015 , Anniversary Edition season 2015 : Zondag 29/11

13 : passion : 123 points
12 : kyke50 : 126 points
11 : dazaman : 337 points
10 : Dr.Menard/Finntec : 349 points
09 : Mr.Niceguy : 352 points
08 : rep68 : 352 points
07 : quiqems : 370 points
06 : galahad : 377 points
05 : Shaky : 383 points
04 : Carl : 389 points

On the podium we have at the 3rd place with 401 points

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

03 : wolf1 : 401 points

At the 2nd place we have with 415 points

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

02 : Italianfan : 415 points

And The Champion of the " Race Day " Game season 2015 = nr1 with 429 points

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

01 : oberon : 429 points

And now the final points for the Constructors :

Final Members Constructor Championchip F1 season 2015 , Zondag 29/11/2015

07 : Lotus = passion = 142 points
06 : Red Bull = Mr.Niceguy + kyke 50 = 478 points
05 : McLaren = dazaman + Carl = 726 points
04 : Williams = wolf1 + rep68 = 753 points

And on the Constructor Podium we have at the 3rd place

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

03 : Sauber = Shaky + quiqems = 754 points

At the 2nd place we have

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

02 : Mercedes = oberon + Dr.Menard/Finntec = 778 points

And the Winners of the 1st Constructor Championslist of the F1 season game 2015 are

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

01 : Ferrari = italianfan + galahad = 792 points

Many Congratulations goes out too the people who have playd this years game Smile Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up

Carl - dazaman - Dr.Menard/Finntec - galahad - Italianfan - Mr.Niceguy - oberon - passion - quiqems - rep68 - rep68 & let us not forget our saldy passed away kyke50 who would certainly would have enterd this game to play !

And also Many Thanks and my appreciation for the people/members who have pushed the Thanks Button Smile Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

29.11.2015, 13:40

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1 : Rosberg
2 : Hamilton
3 : Raikkonen
4 : Vettel
5 : Ricciardo

Fastest Lap : Hamilton
Pit Stop M.Verstappen : 2
Bat. 2 Teams : N. Hulkenberg > V.Bottas
Grid Pos. S .Vettel : 4th place

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

29.11.2015, 13:25

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Rosberg
2. Hamilton
3. Räikkönen
4. Ricciardo
5. Bottas

Fastest Lap: Rosberg

Pit Stop: .: Verstappen: 3

B. 2 T.:: Bottas > Hulkenberg

Gr. Pos.: Vettel: 7

29.11.2015, 13:22

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Hamilton
2. Rosberg
3. Ricciardo
4. Bottas
5. Vettel

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pit Stop Verstappen: 2
B. 2 T.: Bottas > Hulkenberg
Gr. Pos. Vettel: 5

29.11.2015, 13:05

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Rosberg
2. Hamilton
3. Raikkonen
4. Bottas
5. Vettel

Fastest Lap: Rosberg
Pit Stop Verstappen: 2
B. 2 T.: Bottas > Hulkenberg
Gr. Pos. Vettel: 5

29.11.2015, 12:11

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

Top 5 : 1. N. Rosberg
2. L. Hamilton
3. K. Raikkonen
4. D. Ricciardo
5. S. Vettel

Fastest Lap : L. Hamilton

M. Verstappen Pit-stops : 2

2 Teams Battle : V. Bottas > N. Hulkenberg

S. Vettel Final Position : 5th

29.11.2015, 11:16

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1: Rosberg
2: Hamilton
3: Raikkonen
4: Bottas
5: Ricciardo

F.L.: Rosberg
Pit Stop: Verstappen 2
T. B.: Bottas > Hulkenberg
Gr. Pos.: Vettel 7th place

29.11.2015, 10:58

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Rosberg
2. Hamilton
3. Raikkonen
4. Ricciardo
5. Vettel

FL: Vettel
PS 2
TB.: Bottas > Hulkenberg
GP: 3

29.11.2015, 02:22

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Rosberg
2. Hamilton
3. Raikkonen
4. Ricciardo
5. Perez

Fastest Lap: Rosberg
Pit Stop Verstappen: 2
B. 2 T.: Bottas > Hulkenberg
Gr. Pos. Vettel: 6

28.11.2015, 18:47

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Rosberg
2. Hamilton
3. Raikkonen
4. Bottas
5. Vettel

Fastest Lap: Rosberg
Pit Stop Verstappen: 2
B. 2 T.: Bottas > Hulkenberg
Gr. Pos. Vettel: 5

28.11.2015, 17:47

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Rosberg
2. Hamilton
3. Raikkonen
4. Bottas
5. Ricciardo

Fastest Lap: Rosberg
Pit Stop Verstappen: 2
B. 2 T.: Bottas > Hulkenberg
Gr. Pos. Vettel: 6

28.11.2015, 15:30

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

19th and final race of the season 2015 . Everyone who likes can join/enter the game for the last time this season .... you can post your vote until sunday +/-13.45u CET !!! Race starts at 14.00u CET !!!

Remember this year you have to give 5 names ( random order is oké ! ) of who you will think will end up as the 1st 5 drivers that will cross the finish !!!

The name that have chosen for the Pit Stop is MaxVerstappen ( Torro Rosso )

The names that I have chosen for the Battle 2 Teams are Valtteri Bottas ( Williams ) versus Nico Hulkenberg ( Force India )

The name for the Grid Position that I have chosen is Sebastian Vettel ( Ferrari )

I would like to wish everyone Good Luck for scoring as many as possible points in this last race of the season 2015 Cool Smile Thumb up !!!

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

15.11.2015, 23:18

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

Our race result from Brasil :

Carl: 10 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 25 points

wolf1: 8 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 21 points

rep68: 8 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Gr.Pos . : 4 points
Total Score : 24 points

Mr_Niceguy: 8 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 23 points

oberon: 10 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 4 points + 1 Bonus Point
Total Score : 27 points

Italianfan : 10 points for top 5
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat.2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 4 points
total score : 21 points

quiquems: 8 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 16 points

Shaky: 8 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Gr.Pos . : 4 points
Total Score : 17 points

galahad: 10 points for top 5 + 5 Bonus Points
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 25 points

Dr.Menard/Finntec : 10 points for top 5
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat.2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 4 points
Total score : 19 points

dazaman: 1 point for top 5
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 7 points

passion : 1 points for top 5
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total score : 7 points

kyke50 : 1 point for top 5
Fastest Lap :1 point
Pitstop : 1point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . :1 points
Total Score : 7 points

Champions List “ Race Day “ Game 2015 , Anniversary Edition season 2015 : Zondag 15/11

13 : passion : 116 points
12 : kyke50 : 119 points
11 : Mr.Niceguy : 328 points
10 : dazaman : 330 points
09 : Dr.Menard/Finntec : 331 points
08 : rep68 : 333 points
07 : quiqems : 351 points
06 : Shaky : 354 points
05 : galahad : 360 points
04 : Carl : 365 points
03 : wolf1 : 384 points
02 : Italianfan : 389 points
01 : oberon : 405 points

Members Constructor Championchip F1 season 2015 , Zondag 15/11/2015

07 : Lotus = 137
06 : Red Bull = 447
05 : McLaren = 695
04 : Sauber = 706
03 : Williams = 717
02 : Mercedes = 736
01 : Ferrari = 749

Next and last race of the season 2015 is at the 29th november at the Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi !!!

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi