Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

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21.06.2014, 19:13

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3. Ricciardo
2. Massa
1. Rosberg

Fastest Lap: Massa
Pitstops Vettel: 2
Bat. 2 Teams: Hamilton>Räikkönen
Grid Pos. Magnussen: 10

21.06.2014, 19:03

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

Are you/we ready for the GP of Austria after 11 years ? So yes than I would like to invite everyone here on the forum/website to join this game ! You can do this until sunday +/-13.45 CET !!! Race starts at 14.00u CET

The name that have chosen for the Pit Stop is Sebastian Vettel ( Red Bull )

The names that I have chosen for the Battle 2 Teams are Kimi Räikkönen ( Ferrari ) versus Lewis Hamilton ( Mercedes GP ) !

The name for the Grid Position that I have chosen is Kevin Magnussen ( McLaren ) !

Good Luck for scoring points people Smile Thumb up

Kind Regards

09.06.2014, 13:13

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

Here's our result of the Canadian GP :

Carl: 6 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 16 points

rep68: 2 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Gr.Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 12 points

Mr_Niceguy: 2 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 4 points
Total Score : 15 points

dazaman: 4 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 14 points

GenaroXP: 2 points for top 3
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . :4 points
Total score : 11 points

fman1: 2 points for top 3
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 12 points

Bad-Boy: 2 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 10 points

kyke50 : 6 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 4 points
Total Score : 19 points

Italianfan : 2 points for top 3
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat.2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
total score : 12 points

galahad: 6 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 4 points
Total Score : 19 points

wolf1: 2 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 12 points

Dr.Menard/Finntec : 4 points for top 3
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat.2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total score : 12 points

Jamjon : 4 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 4 points + 1 Bonus point
Total Score : 18 points

quiqems: 4 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 points
Total Score : 14 points

oberon: 6 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 3 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 16 points

pascalo: 2 points for top 3
Fastest Lap : 1point
Pitstop : 3 points
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 12 points

Shaky: 1 point for top 3
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Gr.Pos . : 4 points
Total Score : 12 points

Points are given ...and by the 1st looks I've seen that it's dammed close in our list from position 1 till 17 take a look :

Champions List “ Race Day “ F1 game season 2014
Zondag : 08 – 06 - 2014

17 : jamjon : 18 points
16 : fman1 : 73 points
15 : rep68 : 86 points
14: Shaky : 87 points
13 : :quiqems : 92 points
12 : Italianfan : 95 points
11 : Dr.Menard/Finntec : 108 points
10 : wolf1 : 109 points
09 : kyke50 : 110 points
08 : Mr.Niceguy : 110 points
07 : GenaroXP : 110 points
06 : Bad-Boy : 110 points
05 : galahad : 115 points
04 : Carl : 115 points
03 : dazaman : 120 points
02 : pascalo : 122 points
01 : oberon : 128 points

Congratulations to our " top 3 " because they make it very interesting to follow Smile Thumb up And also look in front & at the back's also very very close too each other Smile Thumb up
And also ..he's new here and play for the 1st time this game ...and the season is still long how far will our new family member jamjon will get at the end of the season !

For seeing how this will continue I would like to invite you all back at 22nd june ,because than it will be the GP of Austria at the Red Bull Ring !!!

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

08.06.2014, 19:42

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3. Massa
2. Hamilton
1. Rosberg

Fastest Lap: Massa
Pitstops Button : 3
Bat. 2 Teams : Alonso > Ricciardo
Grid Pos. Bottas: 6th place

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

08.06.2014, 19:40

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3. Vettel
2. Hamilton
1. Rosberg

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstop: Button : 2
Bat. 2 Teams: Ricciardo > Alonso
Gr. Pos: Bottas : 5

08.06.2014, 16:35

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3: Vettel
2: Rosberg
1: Hamilton

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstops Button: 2
Bat.2 Teams: Ricciardo > Alonso
Gr. Pos.: Bottas 4th

08.06.2014, 15:33

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3. Massa
2. Rosberg
1. Hamilton

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstops Button: 2
Bat. 2 Teams: Ricciardo>Alonso
Grid Pos, Bottas: 5

08.06.2014, 14:56

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3: Ricciardo
2: Rosberg
1: Hamilton

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstop: Button 2
Bat. 2 Teams: Ricciardo > Alonso
Grid Position: Bottas 7th

08.06.2014, 14:45

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3 Bottas
2 Rosberg
1 Hamilton

FL : Hamilton
PS ;3
TB Ricciardo > Alonso
GP . 3


08.06.2014, 12:43

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3. Vettel
2. Hamilton
1. Rosberg

Fastest Lap: Rosberg
Pitstop Button: 2
B. 2 T.: Ricciardo>Alonso
Gr.Pos. Bottas: 5

08.06.2014, 12:36

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3: Vettel
2: Rosberg
1: Hamilton

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstop: Button 2
Bat. 2 Teams: Ricciardo > Alonso
Grid Position: Bottas 6th

08.06.2014, 12:28

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

Podium 3rd S. Vettel
2nd L. Hamilton
1st N. Rosberg

Fastest Lap S. Vettel

J. Button Pitstops 2

2 Teams Battle D. Ricciardo > F. Alonso

V. Bottas Grid Position 5th

08.06.2014, 12:13

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3. Vettel
2. Rosberg
1. Hamilton

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstops Button: 2
Bat. 2 Teams: Ricciardo>Alonso
Grid Pos, Bottas: 6

08.06.2014, 12:04

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)


FLap: Hamilton
Pit: Button 3
Bat. 2 Teams: Ricciardo>Alonso
Grid: Bottas 5th

08.06.2014, 10:35

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2014 (only voting, no chat)

3) Vettel
2) Hamilton
1) Rosberg

FL Rosberg
PS 2
TB Ricciardo > Alonso
GP 5