Write your first posts here.

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24.01.2018, 13:30

Re: Write your first posts here.

Hi Guys, I am a big fan of Adult Channel

29.06.2017, 23:23

Re: Write your first posts here.

Looking at when you joined the forum its been over a year now Blush Nonetheless welcome to the forum CalvinDerkins seeing that you have finally introduced yourself to us lot Thumb up your positivity however with regards to Studio66 does seem to be out of sorts with popular opinion on here at the moment! Big Grin

29.06.2017, 23:16

Re: hello

Agreed. Such amazing breasts :-)

29.06.2017, 23:15

Re: Write your first posts here.

Hi Guys, I am a big fan of studio66 babes
Favs are Hannah M, Becky R, Gina S and Ella J

17.04.2017, 20:17


hi everyone i just think Claire is so sexy[

01.02.2017, 09:05

Re: Write your first posts here.

Hello lemman!! let me be the first to welcome
you to the forum!! a new friend!!SmileSmileThumb up
you will have fun here and meet new friends!!
Cheers! bigalThumb up

01.02.2017, 08:44

Re: Write your first posts here.

Hello everyone

24.01.2017, 10:48

Re: Write your first posts here.

Hey pacito,SmileSmile
let me also welcome you to the Forum!
you will make new friends!! enjoy yourself!!Smile
bigalThumb up

24.01.2017, 09:39

Re: Write your first posts here.

Well seeing that everybody else is too fucking lazy let me be the first one to welcome you to this forum pacito Smile

24.01.2017, 01:51


great place hello all, enjoy and fun

13.12.2016, 00:09

Re: Write your first posts here.

Slowfox wrote:Not the first time you feel the need to make things your business which ain't

Rant on ... Smile

Well here's something else which isn't my business but I am somewhat curious to get to the bottom of. Over the years of posting on forums I have seen my fair share of fights between members and usually I can see both sides of the argument, then I read the spat between you and slava64 and it left me scratching my head, yes I know I am dragging something up from the past but lets give it a bash nonetheless Big Grin

Any live show which is filmed is purely in the hands of the director and if they so chose to focus in on pussy then so be it, afterall we are talking about an 18+ show here aren't we right Thumb up so how can you hold it against any one member if he so chooses to include the shots in his cap selection, no members here are responsible for the content. Why didn't you have it out with ETV instead at the time. It's the strangest war I've ever seen any one member start. All uploads should be applauded and any cap selection should be entirely up to the member without any one of them having to worry about repercussions and false accusations.

I myself also post pussy caps on the BSX Thread and nobody on this forum is offended because guess what, it's an adult forum, get used to it Smile

12.12.2016, 23:55

Re: Write your first posts here.

Scottishbloke wrote:Welcome to the forum MulderX, Slowfox seems to think you've been here before going by the wording of his post, nonetheless if you are a newbie going by the nature of your first posts I think you have missed the opportunity to discuss when the show was still relevant. As for Slowfox, just had a check there and its your first post since the 31st July earlier this year so I have to question the integrity of why you felt the need to pass comment after such a long time on a Thread which has previously held no interest to you.

Whilst I'm on my soapbox do you realise bigalathome that your welcome to the forum post is the exact same one that you always post word for word, its almost like its automated or is just simply a copy a paste job with the name changed, you really need to vary your posts mate, no offence, you're a nice gentleman and all that but I am beginning to wonder now if you are infact a real person or simply a computer programme Blush

Not the first time you feel the need to make things your business which ain't

Rant on ... Smile

12.12.2016, 23:46

Re: Write your first posts here.

Welcome to the forum MulderX, Slowfox seems to think you've been here before going by the wording of his post, nonetheless if you are a newbie going by the nature of your first posts I think you have missed the opportunity to discuss when the show was still relevant. As for Slowfox, just had a check there and its your first post since the 31st July earlier this year so I have to question the integrity of why you felt the need to pass comment after such a long time on a Thread which has previously held no interest to you.

Whilst I'm on my soapbox do you realise bigalathome that your welcome to the forum post is the exact same one that you always post word for word, its almost like its automated or is just simply a copy a paste job with the name changed, you really need to vary your posts mate, no offence, you're a nice gentleman and all that but I am beginning to wonder now if you are infact a real person or simply a computer programme Blush

12.12.2016, 21:22

Re: Write your first posts here.


After having read the first comments, I'd say welcome back man of catwalk, mirror and micro tanga shows. You apparently still didn't get over it.

12.12.2016, 14:48

Re: Write your first posts here.

MulderX!! Smile
Welcome our new FriendThumb upThumb up
you have joined a great Forum!!
Read the Rules! and you will make new Friends!
and you will have fun!!Smile
Welcome again!!