Books and comics

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02.05.2014, 18:16

Re: Books and comics

T.C.Boyle-'Water Music'
Boyles first novel and maybe (at least for me) its best.

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01.05.2014, 00:43

Re: Books and comics

Hi galahadSmile


Blek is the name of hero in this comic.
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30.04.2014, 22:20

Re: Books and comics

Terry Pratchett and his 'Discworld'!!!

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30.04.2014, 14:51

Re: Books and comics

Some great european series of detective novels

Kurt Wallander by Henning Mankell
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Costas Haritos by Petros Markaris (karras you probably know him Smile)
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Erast Fandorin by Boris Akunin
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Harry Hole by Jo Nesbø
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Salvo Montalbano by Andrea Camilleri
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30.04.2014, 14:24

Re: Books and comics

Hi karras, what is the name of these comics? Smile

30.04.2014, 07:23

Re: Books and comics

old favourite greek comics:
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30.04.2014, 01:37

Re: Books and comics

The Hound of the Baskervilles.
galahad,kyke50Thumb upThumb upThumb up
I know, this thread called Books and comics, but
i want to tell that and the movie is very good:
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
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29.04.2014, 21:22

Re: Books and comics

Another author i really like is Walter Moers.He is very famous here in Germany.Moers writes and illustrate ironic,sarcastic and anarchic comics.'Little Asshole' is great.Smile
Most of all I like his fantasy novels.'Rumo','The City of Dreaming Books' or 'The 13,5 Lives of Captain Bluebear' are just awesome.

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29.04.2014, 20:24

Re: Books and comics

I totally agree kyke, The Hound of the Baskervilles is my favorite Thumb upThumb upThumb up

29.04.2014, 17:49

Re: Books and comics

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
All series of Sherlock Holmes, especially "The Hound of the Baskervilles"

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29.04.2014, 17:00

Re: Books and comics

Edgar Allan Poe!His short stories are milestones of literature.
His only novel 'The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket',a sea adventure,was one of my favorite books in my youth.If you don't know it,just read.You won't regret it.Smile

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29.04.2014, 13:46

Re: Books and comics

Yes karras you are right, Clive Barker too, i particularly love his Books of Blood Thumb up Smile

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29.04.2014, 00:52

Re: Books and comics

Yes galahadThumb up
Stephen King, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Edgar Allan PoeThumb upThumb upThumb up
Also, i think that Clive Barker is good.


28.04.2014, 22:49

Re: Books and comics

Thank you Modest for the suggestion. Smile
Karras, Lovecraft (and also Poe) is worth reading, his tales are fantastic.
I agree with you guys, Stephen King is a great author, i started reading with him, my first book was Salem's Lot.

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28.04.2014, 21:59

Re: Books and comics

galahad wrote:If you love science fiction you can't miss these two books of short stories

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Very goodThumb up

I can also recommend Stanislaw Lem.'Ijon Tichy'[img][/img] is a funny guy.Smile

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