What Was And Are You Playing

4.67 (3 Bewertung(en))

(4.67 / 5, 3 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

24.10.2013, 18:44

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

dazaman wrote:Currently downloading GTA V and from what i've seen and been told its awesome, but i do know its 18GIG Blush so will take a while yet Sad

GTA 5 Gameplay Trailer

Thousands of PC gamers have reportedly downloaded a huge file purporting to be a playable version of GTA 5 - only to find themselves exposed to dozens of viruses.

The latest Grand Theft Auto has not been released for the PC - and developers Rockstar have given no indication of when, or if, it ever will.
But gamers hungry to play the title on their desktop machines are apparently read to jump the gun - with devastating results.

The 18GB file - which appears near to the top of Google for terms as simple as "GTA 5 PC download" - comes with a realistic-looking installer, but does nothing positive to your machine.Cry

Well guys, keep calm and wait for the pc version.Don´t be to impatient, because it could fuck up your pc.

16.10.2013, 19:50

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

This game is described as a real PS3 decate ending game , just before the new PS4 will make his entry . So i'm considering to buy is Cool Thumb up

This one is also on my list , just 9 days to wait for it Smile Thumb up

Kind Regards

09.10.2013, 15:16

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

I've read a lot of bad comments about this upcoming game Confused Sad...but for sure i'm going to by it ..the reason ....pure nostalgie Smile Thumb up!!!

Kind Regards

21.09.2013, 23:33

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

dazaman wrote:Currently downloading GTA V and from what i've seen and been told its awesome, but i do know its 18GIG Blush so will take a while yet Sad

GTA 5 Gameplay Trailer

GTA 5: Rockstar has spent £170 million, roughly $265 million in U.S., dollars, to develop, produce and market Grand Theft Auto V with a staff of over 300 designers, artists, programmers, mappers and modelers.
That's about equivalent to a moderately budgeted Hollywood blockbuster.(Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End cost $300 )
Within 24 hours of its much-hyped release, Grand Theft Auto V generated $800 million in sales worldwide, becoming the fastest-selling and highest-grossing title of any game in its debut.
Nice facts Smile

It´s time to buy this game and visit Los Santos and Blaine County. Till next year my friends Big Grin

21.09.2013, 19:05

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

Currently downloading GTA V and from what i've seen and been told its awesome, but i do know its 18GIG Blush so will take a while yet Sad

GTA 5 Gameplay Trailer

18.09.2013, 14:07

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

Catherine for PS3

09.06.2013, 18:49

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

sonicThumb up

18.05.2013, 17:20

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

Really fun arcade game for the Xbox 360 and it's for free too Big Grin

18.05.2013, 15:33

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

I'm playing Sleeping Dogs for PS3.

27.04.2013, 18:08

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

On my list for next month Tongue ( release 28/05/2013 )

Tongue Thumb up Tongue Thumb up Tongue Thumb up

Just back home from Free Record Shop and bought these 2 games on Ps3 Blush

Kind Regards

10.04.2013, 19:09

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

Great action-adventure and the gameplay is similar to God of war series , available for PC , PS3 , XBOX 360 Smile

PS : You can buy the full game for 9,99$ from playstation store BUT at the xbox marketplace it will cost you 59.99 $ !

09.04.2013, 22:06

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

30.03.2013, 12:23

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

Finaly it's out here in Belgium...and i have it in my possession on Ps3 Smile.... The name of the game ..... " Sniper 2 ,Ghost Warrior "

Kind Regards

29.03.2013, 22:04

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

29.03.2013, 16:25

Re: What Was And Are You Playing

Amazing FP shooter game i got it few days ago for PS3 Smile