Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

5 (4 Bewertung(en))

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02.06.2014, 22:41

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Dr.Menard wrote:La Bestia nello spazio aka: Beast in Space aka Bestie aus dem Weltraum (1980) Alfonso Brescia´´s master movie

here is the introduction: a) crazy movie colleagues b)super good mood & c) a lot of beer and you will experience a totally crazy movie night

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Option (B) - Wrong thread? Or is this disturbing because how badly made its? lol Thumb up

02.06.2014, 22:25

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

La Bestia nello spazio aka: Beast in Space aka Bestie aus dem Weltraum (1980) Alfonso Brescia´´s master movie

here is the introduction: a) crazy movie colleagues b)super good mood & c) a lot of beer and you will experience a totally crazy movie night

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02.06.2014, 21:04

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

The Thrill of a Kill (2011)


02.06.2014, 19:32

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Killer Pussy ! ( 2004 ) ( Kiseichuu: kiraa pusshii )
Here is an another "pearl" from Japan. Actually i'm a bit confused. I cannot choose this is bad or not ? Tongue Big Grin

01.06.2014, 19:36

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

galahad wrote:A disturbing movie i liked a lot was Kill List (2011)
Nearly a year after a botched job, a hitman takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness.

Seen this. Good film, but damn, does the ending sucks balls Thumb down Still worth the watch! good choice, galahad Thumb up

01.06.2014, 19:33

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

A disturbing movie i liked a lot was Kill List (2011)
Nearly a year after a botched job, a hitman takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness.

01.06.2014, 18:15

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Cannibal - (2006) An internet advertisement placed by a man with a cannibalistic obsession brings yields a willing victim to serve up his own flesh in this dramatic account of the crime that shocked the world.

28.05.2014, 17:00

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Human Centipede 1 & 2

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[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

28.05.2014, 16:52

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Hostel 1, 2 & 3

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28.05.2014, 16:40

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Murder Set Pieces: 2004.

This is one of the most disturbing and shocking movies I ever saw. It is banned in the country where I live but I do own a copy which I got from Amazon. Holy crap this movie is quite disturbing, I have a few to share with you.

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[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

24.05.2014, 17:00

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Thank you Doc and thank you galahad Thumb up
I knew I can count on you guys. Big Grin

24.05.2014, 16:33

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

LeahLuv wrote:Hey guys, I´m looking for a good revenge movie. A kind of " I spit on your grave".
Does anybody knowing some good ones (like this one) or any kind of revenge movie?

Thanx Leah.


House On The Edge Of The Park is a great revenge film---of course only the uncut version Big Grin

so LeahLuv
watch and enjoy

PS:Death Wish II (1982), Lipstick(1976) ,Death Wish (1974)


24.05.2014, 16:21

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

galahad wrote:Hi yaznee, you will not be disappointed by The Devils, however it's not easy to find an uncut version, it was banned in many countries and i think there is not yet an official DVD.

Hi LeahLuv, Chan-wook Park trilogy of revenge Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance are great, for the rape and revenge The Last House on The Left and L'Ultimo Treno Della Notte aka Night Train Murders, i have already posted here La Settima Donna aka The Last House on The Beach which is a good one.
Others good movies are Deadman's Shoes, Confessions, Lady Snowblood, The Horseman, Harry Brown, Death Sentence. I will tell you some more when will come to mind.

The Devils
there is no official uncut version on the market.The BFI version is a cut version and has a false picture/ image format:
Warner shows no tolerance and will not give all the material what they haveAngry

24.05.2014, 13:45

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Hi yaznee, you will not be disappointed by The Devils, however it's not easy to find an uncut version, it was banned in many countries and i think there is not yet an official DVD.

Hi LeahLuv, Chan-wook Park trilogy of revenge Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance are great, for the rape and revenge The Last House on The Left and L'Ultimo Treno Della Notte aka Night Train Murders, i have already posted here La Settima Donna aka The Last House on The Beach which is a good one.
Others good movies are Deadman's Shoes, Confessions, Lady Snowblood, The Horseman, Harry Brown, Death Sentence. I will tell you some more when will come to mind.

24.05.2014, 11:40

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Hey guys, I´m looking for a good revenge movie. A kind of " I spit on your grave".
Does anybody knowing some good ones (like this one) or any kind of revenge movie?

Thanx Leah.
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