Guess The Movie!

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03.06.2014, 22:52

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:I have two Western moviesThumb up

AngryAngryAngry Is there a way to ban members from a thread? Hahah jks Tongue

03.06.2014, 22:50

Re: Guess The Movie!

yaznee wrote:
Dr.Menard wrote:Hi schubert

it's a woman
and I think that I know her ,but not really

The measuring device irritates me,

& most annoys me the word ´´ÉASY´´Angry

Doc, you post the hardest ones and say they're "easy" lol Big Grin

You'll be kicking yourself when the correct answer is revealed Big Grin

Good evening yazneeBig Grin

Why?I must only wait till nine and then it's my turn,my turn. my turnSmile

PS;I have two Western moviesThumb up and one Sci Fi in my little basket

03.06.2014, 22:34

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:Hi schubert

it's a woman
and I think that I know her ,but not really

The measuring device irritates me,

& most annoys me the word ´´ÉASY´´Angry

Doc, you post the hardest ones and say they're "easy" lol Big Grin

You'll be kicking yourself when the correct answer is revealed Big Grin

03.06.2014, 22:28

Re: Guess The Movie!

Hi schubert

it's a woman
and I think that I know her ,but not really

The measuring device irritates me,

& most annoys me the word ´´ÉASY´´Angry

03.06.2014, 21:16

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:looks like an B-movie´´ Harry Potter in trouble´´.I have no idea yet

Doc , IS it a man ?? The hair looks like a woman..Smile

Glück Auf

03.06.2014, 20:47

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:looks like an B-movie´´ Harry Potter in trouble´´.I have no idea yet

1000000% not a B-Movie mate Big Grin

No lies this time Tongue

03.06.2014, 20:40

Re: Guess The Movie!

looks like an B-movie´´ Harry Potter in trouble´´.I have no idea yet

03.06.2014, 20:22

Re: Guess The Movie!

galahad wrote:I've seen many slasher movies and the shot looks familiar but damn i have no idea yet Angry, however let's try Wolf Creek (2005) ?

Nope. Sorry, broski Big Grin

03.06.2014, 19:54

Re: Guess The Movie!

I've seen many slasher movies and the shot looks familiar but damn i have no idea yet Angry, however let's try Wolf Creek (2005) ?

03.06.2014, 16:56

Re: Guess The Movie!

LeahLuv wrote:
yaznee wrote:Not even one guess yet? It's proper easy CoolThumb up

There is 1 word I don´t like in this thread...... easy!!! Angry

Or maybe I´m just not that good in this. Big Grin

Haha Smile It really is easy Tongue

03.06.2014, 16:36

Re: Guess The Movie!

yaznee wrote:Not even one guess yet? It's proper easy CoolThumb up

There is 1 word I don´t like in this thread...... easy!!! Angry

Or maybe I´m just not that good in this. Big Grin

03.06.2014, 00:51

Re: Guess The Movie!

Not even one guess yet? It's proper easy CoolThumb up

03.06.2014, 00:38

Re: Guess The Movie!

yaznee wrote:This will be the actual size of Dr.Menard's next shot Big Grin He does like to post small ones haha Tongue

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

Get your telescopes out lol

my next shot is: The Invisible Man ,of course, without hat and coatBig Grin

03.06.2014, 00:36

Re: Guess The Movie!

This time, this one is easy Smile

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

03.06.2014, 00:36

Re: Guess The Movie!

I agree. Nice thread and good company.Smile
Thanks guys.SmileSmileSmile
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